APFA to send AA's last best offer to members for a vote

Go ask USAPA about the NMB, they parked them months ago for negotiations and nothing is going on.

The NMB also told the AFA at US if no agreement is reached this week, they will be parked too.
I belive the most junior FA at the original US Airways is 1992 seniority, (not sure just what someone told me) it may be on AFAs website, the FAs on the west (America West) FAs are more junior. All seniority integration must be more by date of hire or something similar. The Senators McCaskill and Bond from Missouri passed a law requiring that. No more stapeling at the bottom. So if we do merge with US Airways and your a junior AA FA, you will be pushed down the combined seniority list. I know alot of FAs will stay at their base, but commuters will go wherever their off reserve, or the flying is better. Im sure there are alot of US Airways FAs in South Florida and would transfer to MIA when they get the chance. Maybe if we merge with US they will offer another early out! If so then i would take it. Its going to be an interesting year or two ahead!!
The law does not force DOH for integration, it uses Alleghany-Mohawk LPPs and forces it to arbitration if no agreement is reached.
Go ask USAPA about the NMB, they parked them months ago for negotiations and nothing is going on.

The NMB also told the AFA at US if no agreement is reached this week, they will be parked too.

Oh, I know all about the NMB. For instance, they refused to release us (the f/as) 3 or 4 times over the past couple of years even when the company one time didn't bother to even show up to an NMB-mandated bargaining session. However, at some point even the NMB will have to admit the company has not been bargaining in good faith.
Maybe if we merge with US they will offer another early out! If so then i would take it.
US Air has agreed to accept the more reasonable APFA Early Out which includes retiree travel consistent with the company’s pass travel program for retirees.

“APFA/US Airways Bridge Term Sheet Highlights - April 20, 2012…Early Out APFA's proposal accepted…” http://www.apfa.org/content/view/2216/929/
Again, stapling CAN happen. You would just have to agree to it. Not very likely, but possible. That is what Southwest tried to do to Frontier, and they balked, so Southwest walked away. STUPID move in my opinion on Frontiers part. Look where they are now and where you could have been. Future prospects aren't very favorable for Frontier at the moment.
Yeah, they might get gobbled up by AA. You will NEVER see a complete staple job again..not going to happen.
Pretty strong words for someone who has no idea if it will or not. I bet the Frontier guys/gals are kicking themselves for not doing it at this point. Working at Southwest sounds way better than their downward trajectory and diminishing wage company. You may have a guess, but you have no real idea. I bet Comair folks would vote it in at this point to keep a job. I bet they would love a TW deal. No seniority, but keep pay and vacation seniority at another company. You have no idea what some other company might come to the table with that would make it palatable to accept a staple job. Once again, nice try.
“We have received clarification from US Airways management, that if the LBFO is ratified, all benefits offered under the LBFO for those FAs who retire under the VEOP (Early Out), Article 30, or AA's 50-55 rule, will be honored by US Airways in the event of a merger inside bankruptcy.” Hotline 13 Aug 12

All benefits under the VEOP AA terms or all benefits under the US Air Bridge Agreement? In other words, if you accept the VEOP will it be null and void and turn into the APFA Early Out Plan?

Also, they use the word retire “…for those FAs who retire…” APFA said on the phone that if you leave before the age of 50, you are accepting a separation plan. You will never be considered an AA retiree.
...Maybe if we merge with US they will offer another early out!
The Early Out will never be desirable until after age 50 (AA or US Air). If you leave before 50, you will not get unlimited passes. They did not fight for it.

“…f we vote the LBFO down and the judge rules to abrogate, since they will have secured all the concessions they had ever hoped to attain with a "No" vote…” Hotline 13 Aug 12

The judge would first have to rule to abrogate.

Wouldn’t you rather see APFA continue to negotiate based on the judge’s order? I’d rather take my chances with the judge being reasonable than have the LBFO imposed. It may take years to get the contract right but it’s better to maintain our existing work rules until the judge says otherwise line by line.

When I spoke with a rep at APFA they said (I paraphrase) by throwing those who drop trips under the bus, that enabled APFA to gain financially in other areas for FAs working normal time or high time schedules. Flexibility is less of a concern.

What a difference. APFA said a while back:

“…Threshold Flying - During Thursday's meeting with AA, President Glading told the company that APFA cannot entertain the company’s offer of threshold flying. Due to the VBRs, leaves, attrition and capacity cuts, our Flight Attendants are having difficulty picking up their much needed extra time. This has created a great hardship on the membership, therefore APFA is not in a position to agree to have the Flight Attendants fly a minimum number of hours to maintain employment...”

I’m changing my vote to “no”. They should have fought harder for the Early Out with unlimited passes so that we could leave. Now, we must stay until 50.

The rep said that the junior FAs want those lines. How can they get them when FAs who drop now will pick up their normal schedules again? They have no choice.
The judge doesn't do anything, line by line. It is abrogate, or not. He doesn't decide what any contract should look like. Sounds like you want to leave and you are hell bent that you got screwed because it sounds like you are under 50. Amazing that you are willing to work under the term sheet with no pay raises, no 401k match or any profit sharing, let alone the draconian changes to E, F, and G time just so you can get retiree passes. For planes you can barely get on if at all to certain places. That's why we have a hard time soaring at times. Too many anchors around here with agendas that are so unreasonable. To each their own. That's why we get to vote. Unfortunately, some people waste them for no realistic reason.
It is abrogate, or not...
Without a date of signing. It would require continued negotiations.

“…Sounds like you want to leave and you are hell bent that you got screwed because it sounds like you are under 50.”
I’d like a reasonable Early Out. I hadn’t planned on commuting for 30 years, but it is what it is.

“…Amazing that you are willing to work under the term sheet with no pay raises no 401k match or any profit sharing, let alone the draconian changes to E, F, and G time just so you can get retiree passes.”
A pay raise isn’t everything. Flexible work rules are more important.

“…ome people waste them [votes] for no realistic reason.”
We have different priorities.
So you think the term sheet is more flexible than the LBFO? Can you honestly say, without laughing, that you think if the term sheet is implemented that AA will be negotiating anything that is an improvement anytime soon?
So you think the term sheet is more flexible than the LBFO? Can you honestly say, without laughing, that you think if the term sheet is implemented that AA will be negotiating anything that is an improvement anytime soon?

Can you prove that AA would implement or impose the "term sheet"?
Of corse not. Only the scumbags in centre pork know that. I'm just trying to see why the term sheet is more flexible. I must be reading the wrong one. As you will notice, I said IF the term sheet is implemented. But thanks for your question, I appreciate repeating myself.

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