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APFA fails to Rerun PBS with DEC Errors

Dec 23, 2006
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After admitting errors in December PBS bidding AA offers to rerun bidding.

APFA declines and will "contact individually"

Real transparent way to run a union!

People held Xmas offl ast year but not this year while more junior are awarded
Xmas eve and Christmas off.

Native AA prepare for a meltdown.

So very not transparent.

Welcome to American Errorways!
IORFA said:
Sounds like the new sh$t way the company is run by the USAir folks.
Well your mentor seemed to think it was a good idea to sign up with
DUI Dougiie.
Since you have nothing meaningful to contribute I can only tell you
That you are looking at your future.

Welcome to my world.

American Errorways!
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
Didn't your union pick the shite vendor?

Get ready to enjoy.

Hope you have 29 years.
Mean and spiteful.  I can see you're getting in the holiday spirit.
Roadking5560 said:
Mean and spiteful.  I can see you're getting in the holiday spirit.
You call off topic mean and spiteful?

Well get ready for DEC 2016 when Native Americans get to witness the 50 percent assigning threshold.

If you are at 50 % seniority you will be assigned FIRST to cover critical days.

Once critical days are covered the more junior get Xmas off.

Native Americans might want to pay attention to what is going on now

If you had Xmas off last year and you're of a certain year you may end up getting


Layer 7 denied due to over Max.

But under max.
If awarded bid in layer 7 would be legal for less of an assignment.

Was legal for trip but went junior and was assigned Xmas instead.

Point being the denied last bid was legal and should have been awarded.

They assigned from the more senior to least senior which is a violation of seniority.

Junior bidders get Xmas offl

Assignments should be in inverse order!

More like pay attention than mean and spiteful dummy.

American Errorlines!
Go file a grievance whining here won't change the outcome.
Be Careful What You Wish For. said:
I'm sure you are a very nice person but that is a very stupid thing to say.
Much like IORFA.
you must be old us air . Most aa people do not like the us air management team . And no I did not get to vote Jim little voted for the merger with the rest of the aa unions.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Just CALL in SICK !..............Problem solved !
And reason #1 why many folks don't like unions - just call off sick nothing will happen to you - it's funny how folks want all kinds of things from the company - then in another breadth it suggested to just not show up
Well you can tell you dont work for an airline, if you call in sick there are ramifications, seen many fired for sick time issues.
And now the rest of the story:
The power of a union US Airways recently started PBS for the December there was a major problem regarding seniority and mis awarding trips. The union is forcing the company to pay flight attendants 300% for their mis awarded trip if they fly it, drop the trip for them and pay protect or if they traded or dropped the trip on the ETB they will be pay protected for the trip that was dropped. some are getting $4,188 for one trip.
Many people didn't mind coming to work on their holiday when they were getting double time and a half now we get time and a half. Which equate to 4 hours extra pay. Not to mention only five holidays a year. If they want you to shown up then pay up. Most of the world is either off or gets triple time to work a holiday if there is no incentive to come in then you know what to do....

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