I'll bet APFA and TWU have more gonads than the gutless APA, who were willing to sell everything for retirement hopes. Remember, these were the guys that brought us "B" scale and gave thumbs up to AE in '87.
This is Gregg Overman, APA Communications Director, with the APA Information Hotline for Tuesday, April 15 at 11:15 AM Central.
TENTATIVE AGREMENT VOTE RATIFICATION: APA President Captain John Darrah released the following statement a short time ago regarding the union membership’s ratification of an agreement with American Airlines management:
“With 95 percent of eligible pilots voting, the membership of the Allied Pilots Association has ratified the agreement with American Airlines management concerning cost savings by a margin of 69 percent. Of those casting a vote, 6,998 of our pilots voted for the agreement, and 3,136 voted against it.
“We recognize that the past several weeks have been tremendously difficult for our pilots, and I would like to thank them for their willingness to contribute to the recovery of American Airlines through their participation in the ratification process. Clearly, the gut-wrenching decision our pilots have had to make will have a major impact on their lives in terms of additional furloughs, pay cuts and retirement savings. That said, I commend our pilots for taking this courageous step—one that will hopefully allow American Airlines to avoid bankruptcy and help ensure its long-term viability.â€
That is the full text of Captain Darrah’s statement. We will have additional information as it becomes available later today. Thank you for calling.
Hmmm...many of those 2500 future furloughees must have voted YES (why would they do that?). I would have thought that virtually all of them would have voted NO, which leaves only 600 or so NO votes spread throughout the fleet- difficult to believe, at best.
And finally, why did APA rush to AMR shortly after the TA was reached, saying their had doubts the membership would ratify it? Something almost stinks...
On 4/15/2003 11:29:28 AM AOA wrote:
I'll bet APFA and TWU have more gonads than the gutless APA, who were willing to sell everything for retirement hopes. Remember, these were the guys that brought us "B" scale and gave thumbs up to AE in '87.
TWU passed by 54 %. Where are the gonads? I think the last union to call AA's bluff, by striking was APFA. APA's bid was lame from the begining.