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Any PSA (JS) Guys Here?

From a totally passenger perspective, I loved the Dornier....my favorite prop, followed closely by the Dash 8. I used to get them a lot from PIT to southern points and really miss that aircraft. It was quiet and smooth, a great plane to ride. I'd take that any day over the EMB145 RJ........
From the gate agent perspective, they were great until the new weights. If you can find a way to add weight, no paint like ASA used to do with the Brasilias or removing seats, go for it. Having a max of 28 people and 32 bags, even with 10 lbs carry ons, it got rough.

Good luck with getting everything started!
From a totally passenger perspective, I loved the Dornier....my favorite prop, followed closely by the Dash 8. I used to get them a lot from PIT to southern points and really miss that aircraft. It was quiet and smooth, a great plane to ride. I'd take that any day over the EMB145 RJ........

Agreed. I used to love taking them PIT-CAK when PSA did that route long ago. I never got to take them on a "serious" route, but I would have to say I liked them better than any other turboprop USX had... and definitely better than a 145.
I cant believe you guys want to fly that piece of garbage again!!!

You can put a Primus-2000 in a Tomahawk if you have the $$$ -- that doesn't make it a "good airplane".

- Props must be out of feather in order to flush the toilet.

- Condition levers min and the steering will engage -- now. Remember the Dork that went off the side of the runway in Columbia, SC?

- The instrument panel was attached with velcro! (need we say more??)

- Everything on the %^&%# airplane had a proximity switch! Darned Germans and their full-employment state!

- Get down a few knots below V2 on a single-engine climbout and it starts to lose directional control.

- You had to have pro-wrestler strength fingers in order to lift the reverse over the gates.

No way man. That thing is junk. It's a nicer airplane than the CRJ -- but then again, what isn't?

I agree with those who suggested the Dash-8. The later series dashes can fly better than 300 knots true as well.

Good luck!
Fast, comfortable (most comfortable in the express category), a blast to fly. As indicated earlier I would think the biggest concern would be Mx and parts. What's the availability like anymore?

Much like a Mercedes; great, sharp, and a head turner when it's working...a Mx nightmare and you'll drive yourself crazy cursing 'cause it's back at the dealership when it's not.

I would think the Dash would be more rugged.
Ok... will someone answer a question the leasing company didn't know...

Why did PSA & Horizon dump them?
Didn't Dave say no more props? Additionally, I think there was reluctance to continue to operate an orphaned aircraft. My understanding was Horizon was never happy with the dispatch rate. They were I believe the launch customer for a new very automated aircraft and had many problems. Without a doubt the Packs and the nosewheel steering were problems with the aircraft. Remember, just wiggle the handle. The proxi system had issues as well but 320 KTAS on 1200#/hr. is still not bad.

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