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Another Reason

Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego CA
Another Reason.

The T/A that we within Mechanics & Related (M&R) voted NO against, would have resulted in further concessions to be burdened by labor had it passed. Some like to argue that had that T/A been voted in, we would have seen pay raises, other increases and we’d be better off now. WRONG! In my opinion, Granted when you tell someone they will get a pay raise, say for example 3% o...n the face of it that sounds great. But in reality, that “pay raise” comes at a cost that would have seen job loss and further give backs. Selling yourself out for 30 pieces of silver is foolish. But we held to our principles of fighting for what we are worth and voted NO. This NO VOTE surprised the daylights out of the company, but even more so, for the twu because the international promoted that M&R "vote yes" campaign. The international looked rather obtuse and those at the Local level who voted to bring back that POS t/a looked even more foolish.
Now the twu represented Fleet Service Clerks face a similar T/A. This T/A was brought back for a vote much like our T/A was brought back, because Local Presidents that refuse to utilize their spine caved. Did the international’s bidding while selling out the membership? Point being, with M&R the twu international remains insulated and unaffected by any further concessions that the membership must endure, because those within the twu international do not live under the contracts that they negotiate.
The twu international officers, who we do not get an opportunity to vote for, have no binding ties to the membership whom they claim to represent. The twu international has proven that regardless of which work group they “represent”, they have no problem with bringing back concessionary tentative agreements. There is absolutely no urgency for the twu international to bring back something that will benefit the members fully because they are not the membership.
However, unlike Fleet Service we in M&R have an opportunity to remove the twu international from continuing to bring back a T/A that is beneficial only to the company. That being said, by removing the twu and electing AMP where all officers are elected by the membership and also live under the same contract. There is a direct connection between those who we elect to represent us and the membership. Under the AMP Constitution there is no place like the “TWU International” to hide in or behind.

Under the AMP Constitution, those who negotiate our contracts also live under the same contract agreement. With the twu international’s track record of bringing back concessionary contracts, the time has come to travel a road under which the membership chooses. The time has come to fight for what is worth fighting for and not allow the company to continue to “divide and conquer” our work group, which the TWU International has no problem continuing to allow to happen.
The AMP drive is close to bringing an election between the TWU (appointed, unaccountable and undemocratic) and AMP (elected, accountable and democratic). I urge those within the M&R to re-sign an AMP Authorization Card and bring control back to the membership where it belongs. For those who refuse to sign an AMP Authorization Card, I ask you why? This Fleet Service t/a is another reason why the twu is harmful to our craft & profession. For those who feel that the twu is a better union than AMP, then sign a card and allow the democratic process to function whereby the membership will be able to decide which union is better structured for the benefit of the membership. After all, if the twu is a better union they should not fear an election… they would win hands down. Right?

Before I end this correspondence I would like to ask one other question. The twu international lists seven international officers, all of whom you did not vote for to be in their current positions. Of these seven appointed international officers, (who earn roughly three times what you make in a year and never had the burden of our “shAAred sAAcrifice”), how many times have you seen them walk out on the shop and hangar floors talking with the membership? And if they do, can they say anything other than “you need to lower your expectations” in negotiations?
When you Google the twu, a link comes up that says “TWU – We Move America”. This is a very true statement. In regards to our craft and class the twu "moves" us backwards. Yet another reason to sign an AMP Authorization Card.

Ken MacTiernan
With hindsight it can be argued that we (AMT’s) would have been better off voting no on the concessionary contract of 2003 and allowing the company to follow through with its threat to file bankruptcy.

It can be argued that many of the problems that plague the company now would have been taken care of then and the company would have returned to profitability.

Would we be better off taking another concessionary contract this time around in the hope that with perhaps more time and savings it would help turn things around or are we setting ourselves up for more and more concessions in the future by “saving” the company once again?

Enlighten me
There's no way the company could sweeten the M&R pot without killing any chance of the concessionary deal for Fleet passing

It was my understanding that M&R was seperate from the Fleet Service?
It was my understanding that M&R was seperate from the Fleet Service?

Yes...But that statement you are referring to means that if M&E was offered something better than fleet service, any hopes by the company of their TA passing would be shot down since they didn't even vote yet..the company is gambling that fleet accepts their deal.
The same holds true for M&E still waiting in the wings should the pilots get a larger percentage raise.
In light of the new circumstances with the pilot's, I would say the company has hit a brick wall with fleet's T/A. A growing number in Fleet is pushing hard for a NO vote and the yes voters are having a hard time staying "yes" do to the unravelling. John Donnelly from the international is now making his, support this garbage, tour around the system. Hows that going?? Well, when he gave his presentation in ORD, he left!!! He was not happy with the hard questions the employee's asked him about the T/A. He apparently felt that he would have more support for his circus act. The member's asked serious question's that could possibly alter their lives forever, and he could not answer them. So he leaves. That's the kind of stuff that you expect from a 6 year old. He may as well end his tour short. Yes voter's are now seeing that there is only one vote, not 3 letters, just 2.... NO.
Yes...But that statement you are referring to means that if M&E was offered something better than fleet service, any hopes by the company of their TA passing would be shot down since they didn't even vote yet..the company is gambling that fleet accepts their deal.
The same holds true for M&E still waiting in the wings should the pilots get a larger percentage raise.
I will believe that any group under the TWU will get a better contract when I see it first hand. Going on 28 years and do not believe that has ever happened.
I will believe that any group under the TWU will get a better contract when I see it first hand. Going on 28 years and do not believe that has ever happened.

I agree with you..But think about why the company cancelled megotiations this week! there are a few scenarios that could be behind the cancellation.

One, they want to get a deal with the pilots to see what it is going to cost them, therfore negatively affecting any raise M&E would get!

Two, they want fleet service to get their vote over with and possible alter M&E's agrrement for better or worse..

Third, they are preparing a pre BK package hoping to secure a M&E TA.

Lastly, they realized that they are actually offering LESS than the last rejected TA and it is so bad, even the bootlicking TWU Intl will reject it!
I will believe that any group under the TWU will get a better contract when I see it first hand. Going on 28 years and do not believe that has ever happened.
The TWU fought separate contracts by hook or crook for years for this very reason. Since the international controls the negotiations process, they're not about to let one group surpass another for obvious reasons. The only solution towards the non parity status the pilots and flight attendants enjoy is separation from the TWU.
People are still banging on about AMP? I haven't heard a thing in months. I assumed it was dead.
People are still banging on about AMP? I haven't heard a thing in months. I assumed it was dead.

Step out from under that rock. AMP continues with the resigning and we are very close to filing. Perhaps you are not able to access the AMP web site? Or even talk to AMP Organizers?

AMP is here and the twu is scared because they see their smoke and mirror act disappearing over at Fleet Service with their current t/a and M&R will be getting rid of the twu very quickly.

Step out from under that rock. AMP continues with the resigning and we are very close to filing. Perhaps you are not able to access the AMP web site? Or even talk to AMP Organizers?

AMP is here and the twu is scared because they see their smoke and mirror act disappearing over at Fleet Service with their current t/a and M&R will be getting rid of the twu very quickly.

It couldn't happen quick enough
The TWU fought separate contracts by hook or crook for years for this very reason. Since the international controls the negotiations process, they're not about to let one group surpass another for obvious reasons. The only solution towards the non parity status the pilots and flight attendants enjoy is separation from the TWU.

Yes they did fight the separate negotiations issue for a long time. However, as far as letting some of the groups within the TWU- run away with better deals - well, seems like dispatch already has. Not that long ago A&Ps were paid more than Sim Techs, now that has changed - and they are running away from us with pay and benefits as well. Even the tech service guys have left us in the dust - at least they require an A&P license & preferably some applicable knowledge on their aircraft.

As long as Aircraft Mechanics are in the TWU, we will continue to have our value diminished by the TWU for the betterment of the many. More communist principles.