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Another Huge Love Field Fight Getting Started

You're insane if you think the Court will take this up. Only about 1% of the cases appealed to SCOTUS are actually heard.
Even though the Federal government is a party to this suit (which increases the chances that SCOTUS will hear the case), it's not 100% certain. The courts (particularly SCOTUS) don't like to get involved in what is basically a business and commerce squabble between vendors of the same product. They like the thinking man's kind of issues. Can the U.S. Congress eliminate the Electoral College without a vote of the people? Are members of Congress entitled to personal parking spaces at Dulles Airport simply because they had them at Reagan. As you said, it's gonna get interesting. However, just as the anti-abortion issue has arisen once again even with Roe v. Wade considered settled case law, there is no guarantee that a settlement ordered by SCOTUS itself would not be challenged either immediately or down the road by the airlines that didn't get their way. Some of us may not live long enough to see a solution to the Love Field issue. The only fair settlement is to give Delta 20 gates from which they will fly nothing but RJs to nowhere except Atlanta. (An Atlanta friend provided me with the solution.😉🙄)
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You're insane if you think the Court will take this up. Only about 1% of the cases appealed to SCOTUS are actually heard.
Really E? Insane? Get a clue dude.
When the gov. is involved in these types of suits the probability becomes 70% plus that this case will in fact move forward just because the gov is named as a party. So kiss your 1% goodbye...
Really E? Insane? Get a clue dude.
When the gov. is involved in these types of suits the probability becomes 70% plus that this case will in fact move forward just because the gov is named as a party. So kiss your 1% goodbye...
Basically Dallas punted the ball to the Feds. The settlement of the Wright Amendment limited Love to 20 gates, and no international. If Delta or SWA doesn't like the judgment they will appeal to the Supreme court.
Basically Dallas punted the ball to the Feds. The settlement of the Wright Amendment limited Love to 20 gates, and no international. If Delta or SWA doesn't like the judgment they will appeal to the Supreme court.
Which is where a number of judges reside who consider such "trivial" matters as being beneath them. "Why can't you people act like grown-ups and find a solution that is adequate for all parties. NOT PERFECT, ADEQUATE.

This is going to be a hill to die on. First off, anyone who appeals the next decision to SCOTUS is going to have to fight 2 battles. #!: Why do you "deserve" gate space at DAL? Just because won't cut it. #2. What is fundamentally wrong about the previous government decision to limit the number of gates and users? Why is protecting the financial interests and stability of one of the largest airports in the United States (DFW) a wrong decision? Any number of cities in the U.S. have had to agree to abandon older airport facilities in order to build new ones. And, if the people who live in Highland Park, the very expensive (homes well into the millions of dollars) neighborhood near Love Field, decide to get back in to the fight...why should they accept depreciation of their properties due to noise of low-flying airplanes at all hours of the day and night? Now that all of the airlines have one goal... to INCREASE the number of flights out of/into DAL, the airlines expect these people to just suck it in and live with it.
Really E? Insane? Get a clue dude.
When the gov. is involved in these types of suits the probability becomes 70% plus that this case will in fact move forward just because the gov is named as a party. So kiss your 1% goodbye...

Because the government wins if they turn it down, I see even less possibility they pick it up.

The story comes down to a couple of of bad investment decisions, not a government taking.

When LTP/VA stopped paying their lease to the City and were evicted, they lost all claim to the property. The terminal and land could have been redeveloped into something else once Legend left, but it wasn't. VA came in and bought it on speculation that Wright "might" be repealed, and their speculation never panned out.

Again, a bad bet. followed by a really dumb move to stop paying rent.

Here's a link to the 2018 ruling... https://cases.justia.com/federal/appellate-courts/cafc/16-2276/16-2276-2018-05-07.pdf
Basically Dallas punted the ball to the Feds. The settlement of the Wright Amendment limited Love to 20 gates, and no international. If Delta or SWA doesn't like the judgment they will appeal to the Supreme court.
As they should. Open up the gates at Love, I say...
You're free to disagree. Typically, SCOTUS will only step in on a constitutional issues. This falls a bit short compared to other cases they take.

Looking at the docket from 2018, 10 cases out of the 75 cases heard by SCOTUS involved the government. Nine of the ten involved appeals for felonies committed by individuals (8 pertaining to firearms (two cases were consolidated into a single hearing), and 2 pertaining to sex offenders). The other case is whether or not the citizenship question can go on the census.