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Another 5%

On 3/25/2003 1:18:40 AM Res wrote:

I''m one of the ones that voted yes to the 5% cut...if it keeps me or some of my fellow employees from being furloughed I was willing...Although I realize it won''t save everyone...maybe it''ll help in the longhaul...after all that we''ve given what''another 5%...at least I''m still employed...it''s still better than no job.

I hope you''re right, but what if it''s 5% AND more furloughs?
On 3/24/2003 9:08:56 PM cat 111 wrote:

Bob, The Iam-M voted it down the first time but was too confused the second time !!!! It sucks big time. Not much choice because Alabama Dave will just THREATEN us again. I think he gets a woody every time he threatens to pull the plug.It would be nice to recoupe the $35 Million those three thugs took.

Could'nt agree with you more, cat 111...And don't forget about the $6 Million bonuses made to our WING TIP WONDERS
I believe that everyone is smart enough to realize that Dynamic Dave has the contractual right to take the deferred 5%, My point is that he has the option of NOT taking it... Good posts PITBULL, I have always thought the AFA was one gutsy union..Seems some on this board enjoy seeing people take needless paycuts. Thanks a Lot.
On 3/25/2003 9:49:48 AM will fix for food wrote:

So what does a topped out mechanic make these days?

fix for food, A lot less than what we were making..How much you making ? Did you get a piece of the 6 mil.??
On 3/25/2003 6:36:06 AM oldiebutgoody wrote:

On 3/25/2003 1:18:40 AM Res wrote:

I''m one of the ones that voted yes to the 5% cut...if it keeps me or some of my fellow employees from being furloughed I was willing...Although I realize it won''t save everyone...maybe it''ll help in the longhaul...after all that we''ve given what''another 5%...at least I''m still employed...it''s still better than no job.

I hope you''re right, but what if it''s 5% AND more furloughs?

I fear that you are right....and the 5% will never be returned.....like the gov''t, tax increases are never returned!
On 3/24/2003 7:05:58 PM PITbull wrote:

Granted overall, folks voted it in, by a very slim margin, very slim. And as for PIT, voted it DOWN (AFA).

Answer me this, if a person is "raped" by an assailant at gun point to the head, could the argument be made in court that this "sex" may have been consentual because they did not resist?


This post is an affront to anyone who has been a victim of rape, one of the most vile crimes that takes place on earth. The moderators should delete it. It is a horrible analogy.
Thanks Bob.

My analogy was in no way a means to minimize the violation of rape crime. It was to make the point that many employees presently feel regarding the severe impact these concessions have had on them and their families. The point was that we voted "FOR" because we had a gun to our heads, (metaphorically speaking).

I empathize with the sensitivity of some with regard to rape, and I apologize if offense was taken. I tend to convey, stongly, what I feel by using extremes for the sake of making a point.
On 3/25/2003 10:22:47 AM insp89 wrote:

On 3/25/2003 9:49:48 AM will fix for food wrote:

So what does a topped out mechanic make these days?

fix for food, A lot less than what we were making..How much you making ? Did you get a piece of the 6 mil.??


A little over $23/hour as a topped out mechanic at the largest "Majional" airline. It seems to me like the powers that be are trying to roll back mainline pay and benefits to our level. Sorry
PineyBob and PITbull,

I know no offense was really intended, I just found it to be an incredibly poor analogy. Coming from someone who lost his job in this mess, I have moved on and put this behind me as a learning experience. Someone who has been raped, as you know Bob, can move on as well, but will always have the memory of what happened. To quote Samuel L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction, "It''s not in the same ballpark, it not even the same sport" when you use this analogy.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled ranting.
On 3/24/2003 7:05:58 PM PITbull wrote:

Granted overall, folks voted it in, by a very slim margin, very slim. And as for PIT, voted it DOWN (AFA).

This is one huge reason why unions are bad: _collective_ bargaining. You live and die based on the will or tyranny of the majority. In this case, it seems that the majority thought differently than the PIT based F/As.

I''ve taken the liberty not to quote the rape analogy (I find it to be off-color at best, and something unprintable at worst), but I truly do find the irony here thick enough to cut with a knife.
I tend to think that the company will take the 5%. They are just waiting a little while so they appear not to be to hasty even though they are "chomping at the bit" to take it.

-I heard some one at work saying "It stinks just barely getting by on this poor excuse for a job and knowing you are the poorest paid Mechanics in the industry."
On 3/26/2003 3:38:49 PM ClueByFour wrote:

On 3/24/2003 7:05:58 PM PITbull wrote:

Granted overall, folks voted it in, by a very slim margin, very slim. And as for PIT, voted it DOWN (AFA).

This is one huge reason why unions are bad: _collective_ bargaining. You live and die based on the will or tyranny of the majority. In this case, it seems that the majority thought differently than the PIT based F/As.

I've taken the liberty not to quote the rape analogy (I find it to be off-color at best, and something unprintable at worst), but I truly do find the irony here thick enough to cut with a knife.



That, my friend, IS the democratic process. No better way to resolve a problem that I know of and come to a consensus.

I accept defeat, as the majority ruled. In the face of great risk to themselves and those they care for PIT f/as said "NO" collectively. I take great pride in the folks in PIT who I am devoted to and whom I work with. Obviously they share the same passion and conviction that I do. In that respect, we in PIT were truly triumphant!
On 3/28/2003 3:37:45 PM CCY wrote:

The 5% paycut will begin next week.

What? Not retroactive this time? We knew it was coming, but at least this pay reduction is slated to be repaid at a later date.
Five percent,That ain''t nothing.It was announced this morning that my station will be going express in June.If we stay and work mainline express we''ll get to take a 33% paycut. Hot Damn. If this reorganization gets any more labor friendly,we''ll have to pay Dave for the right to come to work.

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