Vortilon said:
Nailed it!
lpbrian said:The AMTs at DFW don't really want check work. If it's done on midnights, who wants it? If it were done on days that would be a different story. Any more work means more heads. They don't want them.
It was. I just wanted to make sure I was reading what /you/ wrote correctly.DallasConehead said:Move the work to another station.
That was the context of Bob's comments wasn't it?
I Get it my point is the A330 will not see a American West front end crew for now, therefore it will see a small amount of flying out of PHX if any at allbigjets said:Once again, 700 is right about this. LAA flt crews will be flying PHI-ZHR and LUS flight crews will be flying ORD-DUB. Just because a plane leaves a HUB station doesn't mean the flight crew is based there.
bigjets said:
You're explanation shows why we get nothing as a union, lets vote down the 2010 TA they HAVE to give us more. We have lost over $60k in cash alone etc.... (no reason to beet a dead horse).
You are trying to say that the company is pulling the work out of DFW is nothing more then flight schedule adjustments! AA's biggest HUB where EVERY type of AA aircraft fly's in and out of. Where AA has 16 hangar bays! (Actually, there are 13 bays used by AC maint out of 16, Hgr 1s 3 bays are used by automotive, stores and Envoy) Where AA is building their parts wear house! (I have not seen any ground broken for a parts warehouse)AA is moving the work from there! Because of the flight schedule! WOW.....Take a look at a 777 logbook, GRU is doing an aweful amount of work on our planes. AA WILL get the work done, one way or the other. If you don't believe me, ask a MCT controller, look at how many planes land at DFW and then go straight to DWH, (Actually this is not the case, DFW is being used for lighter work while DWH for a bit heavier and when ETRs drag on at DFW it gets moved to DWH to make room for more coming in. For example, I saw a 78 go direct to DWH the other night, it went in for a series of mods including the GE Eng fan case mod) because AA wants the plane repaired in a reasonable amount of time. The only thing the DFW mechs are doing is making sure that Texans won't be getting a transfer to DFW anytime soon. (Your assumption that DFW mechanics drag their feet is baseless, most times the management there doesn't want OTS to drag down their numbers so they ship it, or, they cant get the parts or they don't have the tooling or they don't want to call OT or they have more planes coming in. Guys don't drag their feet, they do it by the book and don't take shortcuts or do the company any favors, why would anyone do the company any favors, they don't do any for us and haven't for 13 years and counting.)
If the 787 work can't get done in DFW it WILL be moved.
Like I said you don't have to listen to me, ask tech service. The guys smart enough to vote in their 2010 TA, but you guys go ahead and listen to the guys that cost us a LOT of money. Unfortunately I will be proven right again.
you must be in management with your talk. Sometimes the fact airplanes break down . And being amts were supposed to make aircraft airworthy. And sometime that takes time. No matter what ,the company is always going to move airplanes where they want them . So before you start judging amts in Dfw maybe you should look how it's managed . That is the big part of the picture. So it's easier for them to move airplanes then management. And your wrong about the 2010 Ta it was a sorry piece of crap. I am proud to say I voted no. And glad the rest of the amts agreed with me. And not you. You are the reason we are behind in pay and benefits because you vote for a pos . Plus the fact you blame amts at a station you do not work at. And do not know what is happening.bigjets said:You're explanation shows why we get nothing as a union, lets vote down the 2010 TA they HAVE to give us more. We have lost over $60k in cash alone etc.... (no reason to beet a dead horse).
You are trying to say that the company is pulling the work out of DFW is nothing more then flight schedule adjustments! AA's biggest HUB where EVERY type of AA aircraft fly's in and out of. Where AA has 16 hangar bays! Where AA is building their parts wear house! AA is moving the work from there! Because of the flight schedule! WOW.....Take a look at a 777 logbook, GRU is doing an aweful amount of work on our planes. AA WILL get the work done, one way or the other. If you don't believe me, ask a MCT controller, look at how many planes land at DFW and then go straight to DWH, because AA wants the plane repaired in a reasonable amount of time. The only thing the DFW mechs are doing is making sure that Texans won't be getting a transfer to DFW anytime soon.
If the 787 work can't get done in DFW it WILL be moved.
Like I said you don't have to listen to me, ask tech service. The guys smart enough to vote in their 2010 TA, but you guys go ahead and listen to the guys that cost us a LOT of money. Unfortunately I will be proven right again.
bigjets said:
He nailed nothing, MCI and STL were old TWA junk, remember TWA didn't make money there, AFW work was farmed out during BK and AA didn't want to pay the $326M to keep AFW.
Who remembers in business school where the professor said it's a great idea to spread your manufacturing around to stretch your logistics chain, that's right that would be stupid... I wouldn't doubt we see some more movement of work from PIT.
I see another guy that will follow Bob over the cliff.
I'm the reason we are behind in pay? If it wasn't for the weak minded people listening to the know nothing's in the break rooms, we would ALL have an extra $60k in cash alone and we would be making over $41 an hour now. We collectively are partially to blame for our pay. The union is the other problem.conehead777 said:you must be in management with your talk. Sometimes the fact airplanes break down . And being amts were supposed to make aircraft airworthy. And sometime that takes time. No matter what ,the company is always going to move airplanes where they want them . So before you start judging amts in Dfw maybe you should look how it's managed . That is the big part of the picture. So it's easier for them to move airplanes then management. And your wrong about the 2010 Ta it was a sorry piece of crap. I am proud to say I voted no. And glad the rest of the amts agreed with me. And not you. You are the reason we are behind in pay and benefits because you vote for a pos . Plus the fact you blame amts at a station you do not work at. And do not know what is happening.
Who is going to fly and do mechanics work on the A350, Boeing 787-9, when it arrives?1AA said:And watch a IAM station fight a TWU station and vice versa for work to save heads. More infighting between two unions representing the same group of workers doing the exact same job.
Fly? AMT's fly aircraft? Not in my job description. Aircraft type has nothing to do with my point. It is about keeping or getting work for the station. MCO lost the check for reasons stated or never really had it. This will not stop them or any other station to pick up work regardless of fleet type. What ever fleet type AA overnights in a station we will work it. I'm sure both unions will fight to save jobs at their respective station. TWU vs IAM before that Association as one. More infighting I'm sure.john john said:Who is going to fly and do mechanics work on the A350, Boeing 787-9, when it arrives?