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Amt Day

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Remembering The Forgotten Mechanic

Through the history of world aviation

Many names have come to the for…

Great deeds of the past in our memory will last,

As they’re joined by more and more…

When man first started to labor, in his quest to conquer the sky,

He was designer, mechanic and pilot,

As he built a machine that would fly...

But somehow the order got twisted,

And then in the public’s eye,

The only man that could be seen

Was the man who only knew how to fly...

The pilot was everyone’s hero,

He was brave, he was bold, he was grand,

As he stood by he battered old biplane

With his goggles in his hand...

To be sure, these pilots all earned it.

To fly you have to have guts…

And they blazed their names in the hall of fame

On wings with bailing wire struts…

But for each of these flying heroes

There were thousands of little renown,

And these there the men who worked on the planes

But kept their feet on the ground…

We all know the name of Lindbergh,

And we’ve read of his flight to fame…

But think if you can, of his maintenance man,

Can you remember his name?

And think of our wartime heroes, Gabreski,

Jabara, and Scott…

Can you tell me the names of their crew chiefs?

A thousand to one you cannot…

Now pilots are highly trained people,

And wings are not easily won…

But without the work of the maintenance man,

Our pilots march with a gun…

So when you see mighty aircraft

As they mark their way through the air,

The grease stained man with the wrench in his hand

Is the man who put them there.

- Anonymous
Nice job, heats no to bad so far at least I haven't been threatened yet.. 😀 .Some of the BOO BOO guys don't know me and have no idea from where I came. Thats ok.
I just beleive that each and every one of us have our job to do and we should perform within the guigelines of our contract. Yes I do beleive Mechs should get more pay and have more responsibility then Fleet Service. I just do not beleive they need a special day to recognise the excellent job they do 365 days a year. I don't know anyone who would go for a "Nat'l Supervisors Day". Not that they deserve one. On second thought maybe they may have one. I wonder what kind of special perks they get that day.
DFWCC said:
Nice job, heats no to bad so far at least I haven't been threatened yet.. 😀 .Some of the BOO BOO guys don't know me and have no idea from where I came. Thats ok.
I just beleive that each and every one of us have our job to do and we should perform within the guigelines of our contract. Yes I do beleive Mechs should get more pay and have more responsibility then Fleet Service. I just do not beleive they need a special day to recognise the excellent job they do 365 days a year. I don't know anyone who would go for a "Nat'l Supervisors Day". Not that they deserve one. On second thought maybe they may have one. I wonder what kind of special perks they get that day.
What is a "BOO BOO guy"? Must be someone who is not a management bootlicker or twu supporter I surmise? Of course you don't believe in the AMT's promoting our craft, but you have enjoyed your increased pay scale by being included into our negotiations, right?. We know you don't want the mechanics separate from the twu, understandable. I've witnessed quite a few rampers and their crew chiefs making $100+ grand a year with unlimited overtime. Meanwhile, I was told by my manager; "I'd rather have an aircraft OTS than pay you guys overtime". We're continously told, "they're in a another budget". Oh, I see, not the one my manager is in. Yeah, that's the way to run a business.

Not to get in another pissing contest with a ramper, that roads been traveled enough already. You DO NOT understand what we do. You can't, you haven't been there. Just like you don't know the pilots job, the pressures, the cost he paid to get there, what he thinks or feels. Therefore, you do not get into their business and tell them what they should or should not do. Not your concern. They could care less a rampers or mechanics opinion, not one of them. I'm not over on the pilots threads running my mouth (keyboard). Not trying to be "elitist" as some like to claim, just stating facts. AMT's are not trying to be compensated like a pilot, we don't even make a third of a topped out 777 pilot. Even though we do everything to it but fly it. We know what makes 'er tick as grandpappy used to say. Everyone has a place, a job to do here at Arrogant Airlines. We will do as we wish as AMT's, your opinions as a Ramp CC really don't count in our plans.
A saw a hat being worn in Tulsa that had the TWU/AA Logos together on the front and AMT Day 2005 on the back.

They never pass up a chance to promote company unionism.. :down:
DECISION 2007 said:
they were given by Boeing I believe

Why would Boeing give a hat with other than their logo on it?

If it is a "gift" from Boeing, how many UAW union men and women are being laid off in the Onex deal, did they get a hat?
DFWCC said:
Sorry Guys, I just don't buy it. You do your job and you get paid for doing it every 2 wks. Wether the pay is good or poor that is your recognition. Next are we to have TSA Day bring a flower to your favorite TSA agent. Now I know you guys do a great job and have frustations like all of us in the air transportation business. I see this for what it is, an effort to elevate the mechanics to the level of the pilots. That way they can demand more. Oh we"re special. We are above the rabble regular people. I used to be an electronic Tech (15+yrs). They called me Senior Customer Service Engineer. Whoopie ding!! Big Deal call me what you like but pay me well, now that is what is important not a fancy name.
You guys will always be mechanics which is a higher class then an maintainence tech. Mechanics repair, maint techs maintain parts replcers. Its like Fleet Service Clerks (FSC) whoose job has nothing to do with clerking changing their name to BTMs "Better Than Mechanics" just to try and fool someone that they are worth more money than mechanics and we all know thats BS. But hey, if the "BTMs" can pull it off why not.
Now I know I'll get a lot heat about this as there are so many mechs on this board, but I call it as I see it. Most of the mechs think they put both feet into their pants at one time like they are too good to talk to anyone below them. ------Ok guys have at me. I'll just tune out for a month or so


Your vision and your thinking need correction. How can you see that AMT Day is an attempt to put AMTs to the level of pilots? Are you saying that pilots put their pants on differently? You have your opinions and I have mine. I believe you have a problem with a craft union trying to "elevate" the AWARENESS of our craft to the public.

You say pay you well and call you whatever is in vogue. Posting your opinion that demeans another profession from behind an alias I would call you something like, say, coward. But don't worry, you get what you are paid every two weeks. So just get use to it.

There is no "fooling" anyone by trying to get AWARENESS for the AMT craft & profession by achieveing resolutions that recognize the first aircraft mechanic and those who followed him. It's called pride. Something I believe you lack.

" Most of the mechs think they put both feet into their pants at one time like they are too good to talk to anyone below them."

Nice quote. You must have spoken with a twu APPOINTED official who pretended he was an AMT. No AMT I have ever met ever thought/pretended/acted as if he was superior to another work group.

You want TSA Day? Guess what? Let TSA Agents organize their work group, petition their State Congressmen and Senators and Governors to pass resolutions proclaiming their responsibilities. You want your work group to have a recognized day go ahead. No one is stopping you.

In SAN the AMTA held a free bar-b-que in celebration of AMT Day and pilots, rampers, office personnel attended. We had a Guest Book and there were many comments of, "Thanks for all you do AMTs." and "Thank you, keep up the good work.". Sorry if that offends you.

I will post pictures of the SAN AMT Day event on www.amtausa.com in a day or two.
DFWCC said:
Nice job, heats no to bad so far at least I haven't been threatened yet.. 😀 .Some of the BOO BOO guys don't know me and have no idea from where I came. Thats ok.
I just beleive that each and every one of us have our job to do and we should perform within the guigelines of our contract. Yes I do beleive Mechs should get more pay and have more responsibility then Fleet Service. I just do not beleive they need a special day to recognise the excellent job they do 365 days a year. I don't know anyone who would go for a "Nat'l Supervisors Day". Not that they deserve one. On second thought maybe they may have one. I wonder what kind of special perks they get that day.

dfwcc, why would you be threatened? Unless perhaps you disagree with the twu zealots. ("To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!" 😉 )

Excellent job AMTs do every day? Thanks. Thanks also to the below States and those in the process that are going to help raise AWARNESS for AMTs.

As of: May 23, 2005 States/Commonwealths/Territories: 29
Resolution that have Passed

1. Alaska: Janet Clark 907-271-5405
2. Arkansas: Caleb Rice, 501-918-4400
3. Arizona: Craig Roberts, 480-419-0111
4. California: Richard Dilbeck, 916-422-0272
5. Colorado: Tom Hendershot, 720-374-4569
6. Connecticut: Ken Roach 860-654-1000
7. Florida: Leonard Ferrer, 305-661-0149
8. Georgia: Mike Mulcare, 770-920-9366
9. Hawaii: Tweet Coleman, 808-541-1238
10. Illinois: Howard Siedlecki, 262-656-7051
11. Indiana: Stan Hepler, 574-372-1566
12. Iowa: Brent Taylor, 641-938-2773
13. Maine: Todd May 207-539-4779
14. Missouri: Steve Long, 314-890-4830
15. Mississippi: Jerry Roan 601-932-0366
16. Nevada: Ken Kelley, 775-858-7700
17. Nebraska: Larry Becherer, 402-458-7817
18. New Mexico: Ralph Barger 505-624-7247
19. North Carolina: Phil Randall, 336-662-1008
20. Oklahoma: Sen. Ken Leftwhich 405-521-5557
21. Pennsylvania: Lowell Levengood, 215-536-6786
22. Puerto Rico: Carlos Agueda 787-764-2538
23. South Dakota: Pete Shouldis, 605-393-1359
24. Tennessee: Joe Hawkins, 615-741-2464
25. Texas: Don Videtich 817-835-0135
26 Utah: Pat Morley 801-715-2260
27. Washington: Jeff Bongard, 425-423-4744
28. Wisconsin: Joe Escobar, 920-563-1747
29. Wyoming: Talbot Hauffe, 307-777-3952

Work in progress:

New Jersey
New York
South Carolina
West Virginia

United States of America National AMT DAY Resolution: Richard Dilbeck, 916-422-0272

I hope everyone had a great AMT Day! :up:
Buck said:
Why would Boeing give a hat with other than their logo on it?

American Express donated the "We Know Why You Fly" bumper stickers passed out to airport employees a few weeks back. Their logo doesn't appear on it anywhere, either.
It states Boeing on the aft side and we were told by management that Boeing donated the hats....how fitting though...that we were notified by the company, in letter form, of our furlough status , on AMT day...

Also...we should all be selecting Option C...
So here in Tulsa, Boeing has issued lay-off notices, and those employees that remain will work for ONEX for 10% less pay.

And they expect us to believe that they are pro-AMT?

Wasn't it Boeing that the TWU/AA Joint Leadership Team has visited often and brought back Continuous Improvement - Lean Manufacturing and other company programs?

Oh my, how long before we get laid-off or sold out with more pay cuts to remian employed?
DECISION 2007 said:
It states Boeing on the aft side and we were told by management that Boeing donated the hats....how fitting though...that we were notified by the company, in letter form, of our furlough status , on AMT day...

Also...we should all be selecting Option C...

So 2007, you do not work for American Airlines?

How fitting that you concern yourself with us.
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