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Any M&A action between LCC and AMR spells the death of USAPA, just as the West pilots lost to a voting majority of East pilots. Actually all labor groups face the same problem due to the respective size of the airlines. It is simple math. The only question is whether or not it happens.
.....I have one friend who has been with AA since '68 or '69--hope she had the good sense to retire before they can mess with the pensions.....


Word on the street is that the pilots that could were bailing like rats on a sinking ship. I say good for them if they got out in time to take their pension with them.
Any M&A action between LCC and AMR spells the death of USAPA, just as the West pilots lost to a voting majority of East pilots. Actually all labor groups face the same problem due to the respective size of the airlines. It is simple math. The only question is whether or not it happens.

Didn't you hear? If AA and US merge, the APA is going to make a play to force everyone back into the arms of ALPA! :lol: 😛

P.S. Welcome back!
Herbst hit the nail on the head ..... the government has nearly destroyed this profession as a career over the past 15-20 years. And they wonder why there is no middle class left in America?

Not sure who it is you refer to as "they," but if you are speaking of the government, big corporations and the financial industry, I am certain "they" are not surprised at all. I think they have been managing the demise of the middle class in the United States for decades. Western Europe is next on the chopping block. It may have progressed to the point of no return.

Any M&A action between LCC and AMR spells the death of USAPA, just as the West pilots lost to a voting majority of East pilots. Actually all labor groups face the same problem due to the respective size of the airlines. It is simple math. The only question is whether or not it happens.

Aren't you the one who left after bemoaning for month (years?) about how the east-west pilot thing was so tiresome? And now you return to lob a grenade into the mix and think you are so clever to start it all up again? There's term that describes people like you. It rhymes with Enron.

A merger with USAPA would indeed spell the death of USAPA, but there is no chance that ALPA will rear its ugly head on the property ever again. APA was instrumental in helping the founders of USAPA get set up; I have no problems with APA. Any merged seniority list will be McCaskill-Bond, and I'm prepared for that.

Please get lost.
No one should be glad to see this ..... it's just another step backwards for America. 10's of thousands more US citizens losing their pensions. There's no winner here ... for us working stiffs. Just more of the same old decline. If our government was truly responsible it would see the destruction it has caused in this industry over the years. They should not approve any new mergers for this industry unless it includes some type of satisfactory retirement for it's employees.

Congress is getting ready to go after the airlines for bags fees .... I say to congress, take the bag fees away from the airlines until they start taking care of their workers and quite dumping pensions on the PBGC.

AAmericain employees I am truly sorry this is happened to you? Workers are all in this together ..... forget about what paint is on the side of your plane?

well said, Congress and the PBGC could of kept our plan alive with a 30 year amortization plan, but the PBGC chief wanted nothing to do with it... Welcome to the 99% club... All that Congress cares about is their own backsides.
Word on the street is that the pilots that could were bailing like rats on a sinking ship. I say good for them if they got out in time to take their pension with them.

talked to a pilot last week who was 58 and just retired.. Walked away with 1.3 Million...

but have had others on the jumpseat, one 777 Captain who was
62, I was amazed he wasn't running for the hills, all he wanted to talk about was how the marshallers "bow" when he arrives in Asia.... Not very bright.
I rarely come on here anymore, but I felt the need to come and see what is being said.

I understand everyone's fear.

I understand everyone's desire to not want it to happen... But, IT IS!!!

I keep reading... "well, we have this coming... we have that coming" That was all PRIOR to bk!! Those plane orders may be in jeapordy now whether you want to admit it or not.

Just keep your eyes focused on what is REALLY happening and not what you want to believe is happening... Just Sayin
Just keep your eyes focused on what is REALLY happening and not what you want to believe is happening... Just Sayin
Just a reminder. Hawaiian purchased and took delivery of multiple 767-300s, while in the "depths" of bankruptcy.
I rarely come on here anymore, but I felt the need to come and see what is being said.

I understand everyone's fear.

I understand everyone's desire to not want it to happen... But, IT IS!!!

I keep reading... "well, we have this coming... we have that coming" That was all PRIOR to bk!! Those plane orders may be in jeapordy now whether you want to admit it or not.

Just keep your eyes focused on what is REALLY happening and not what you want to believe is happening... Just Sayin
Well said .
I hope you guys are right. But......

Check out the "hubs" at about 1:30


This guys says US Airways will be the next to go Chapter 11 http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000059703

Q - what are you most bearish on? what would you either be shorting at this point or avoiding? A - the one that i am very concerned is about the regional carrier here, the u.s. air. i am very concerned that they could be the next one who does a chapter 11. i do not think that they will be able to merge with anyone at this point in time.
The guy that called US a regional carrier?
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