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Amr Sells $300,000,000 Senior Convertible Notes

<_< I just received my copy of Air Transport World, March issue, and happened to read on page 9, "According to Reuters, American bid close to $300 million for the US Airways Shuttle. JetBlue submitted a bid for the Shuttle plus other assets." Could it be????? :shock:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The funny thing(IMHO), is that AA does'nt REALLY want the shuttle. however, AA DEFINITELY DOES'NT want JET BLUE to wind up with it.

NHBB I think you're right on on this one. Having those routes fall in JetBlu's grubby little hands would not, I think, be a pleasant prospect to anyone but JetBlu.

After all, Eagle already has a "shuttle" of sorts, and business tvlers are flocking to Amtrak. With the post-911 security issues, the check-in time etc. can make such a short flight unpalatable to the almighty biz tvler.
orwell said:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The funny thing(IMHO), is that AA does'nt REALLY want the shuttle. however, AA DEFINITELY DOES'NT want JET BLUE to wind up with it.

NHBB I think you're right on on this one. Having those routes fall in JetBlu's grubby little hands would not, I think, be a pleasant prospect to anyone but JetBlu.

After all, Eagle already has a "shuttle" of sorts, and business tvlers are flocking to Amtrak. With the post-911 security issues, the check-in time etc. can make such a short flight unpalatable to the almighty biz tvler.
I doubt seriously that any part of AMR--AA or AE- wants the "routes." However, landing slots at LGA and DCA are GOLD! And, who says you have to operate a shuttle with those slots?

There's something about the concept of the "AA Shuttle" that just doesn't fit in my mind. I can't put my finger on the problem, but it's a problem to me. Turn time? Frequency on the same route? What? Somebody help me here.

By the way Bear, I agree that even if AMR didn't want or need the slots, they would buy them to keep JetBlue from getting them. Look at what happened to the 56-seat luxury Fokker out of Love Field in Dallas as soon as Legend filed for bankruptcy.
orwell said:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The funny thing(IMHO), is that AA does'nt REALLY want the shuttle. however, AA DEFINITELY DOES'NT want JET BLUE to wind up with it.

NHBB I think you're right on on this one. Having those routes fall in JetBlu's grubby little hands would not, I think, be a pleasant prospect to anyone but JetBlu.

After all, Eagle already has a "shuttle" of sorts, and business tvlers are flocking to Amtrak. With the post-911 security issues, the check-in time etc. can make such a short flight unpalatable to the almighty biz tvler.
I think that THIS is the first time we AGREED on a subject.

jimntx said:
Look at what happened to the 56-seat luxury Fokker out of Love Field in Dallas as soon as Legend filed for bankruptcy.
Legend ceased operations in December, 2000 while AA continued DAL service until September 11, 2001. When flights resumed later that week, DAL was history.
I think that THIS is the first time we AGREED on a subject.

NH/BB's [/quote]
Actually, I was thinking the same thing 😱

But, if it counts for anything, the Patriots are ok with me too...
FWAAA said:
Legend ceased operations in December, 2000 while AA continued DAL service until September 11, 2001. When flights resumed later that week, DAL was history.
You beat me to the punch FWAAA!