How? Because they hid money. Funneling it through one subsidiary out to others. There are also accounts in Grand Cayman.
This companies management was/is a master at having a company appear to be running into the ground; via acconting tricks. On paper they make it look insolvent.
To get what is needed. In Arpeys thesis, it is this very strategy that got him hired by Crandall in the first place. Carty stated that he followed the Arpey concept. One of the biggest tricks was by making it look like the "unions" got Carty's resignation. Which in fact they did NOT. He was fired the day before. Using that ploy to keep the cuts. He agreed to this so not to loose all his money.Carty did not walk away with nothing. He walked away with everything.
However now that they tricked the majority of all the workforces and the "so called" unions that represent them. They can show this money. Plus with all the unions working with the UNION BUSTERS and getting trip removals to do so, they have made the UNION's into COMPANY unions.
Now, they can filter the money back. So once the foreign airline ownership goes through we look appealing to other companies. Like TWA/Compton did. It always seems what comes around goes around......
You're a nut. You're also giving Arpey way too much credit.
His thesis? I didn't realize he had a PHD....
Anyone that has ever taken an accounting class realized in that much of the loses that airlines took after 2001 were paper loses. The balance sheet can be easily manipulated, legally. That is the primary reason most financial statement analysis focuses on the cash flow statment and not the income statement.
What AA did is far different than Enron, Worldcom, etc... not only was it legal, its an accepted practice that makes sense to anyone with even a limited amount of accounting knowledge.