Note you say that CO pilot pay scales are higher than AA's. So are the flight attendant pay scales. In fact, instead of taking cuts last year like we did, the f/as got the last raise stipulated in their current contract as scheduled in DEC03. Their top of scale is now something like $4 or $6 per hour higher than AA's top of scale.wontflyforfood said:Continental got there pay cuts in the early 90's after their 2nd bankruptcy. If you compare CO's pilot pay scales with AA's they're not much different (CO is a little higher) and AA has a much better retirement plan.
As far as the retirement plan, unless you are retiring within the next year, I wouldn't count too heavily on the AA plan. If UAL dumps theirs, I can assure you that it will be the cost cutting move du jour at the other legacies--AA, included.
I would say we can forget about what happened in the early 90's and concentrate on what is happening today. Kroger does not collect for my groceries based upon what I made in the 90's. And, today a CO pilot or f/a makes more than an AA pilot or f/a.