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Take note and watch this line going forward, and not just with AA. Expect it to continue to grow as a percentage of all revenue (currently around 11%). It will probably eclipse Cargo revenue for AA at some point. It's cheap to produce, has huge margins, and carries a lot less opportunity for service failure/liability.
I would have to agree with that.
That's the way it is. You see when they took concessions from us in 2003, it was to AVERT layoffs. Guess what? A slew of employees have been laid off in addition to the billions employees gave the company.
Since the pro company sorts who post here criticize us from wanting SWA wages, but not their work rules....Then layoff to get to SWA numbers....
That's not a very nice attitude toward your union "brothers".
I missed this little quip from flatline the company man.

My union brothers that get layed off is precisely my concern flatline. That is, a career worth coming back to when recalled, instead of a gutted profession (job) like it is now. Concessions for jobs is a mistake and a lie, as we in the twu have had both since the 2003 industry leading sellout.

But alas, we all know your only worried about your own skin and no one else, as you have so aptly demonstrated over and over on this BB.
Hackjob: if you are concerned about us brothers getting laid off, why do keep pushing for a raise that will drain the company of money and force it to shrink even more to survive? Do you not understand cause-effect relationships? Here I will spell it out for you: when the company shrinks, jobs go away. Plain and simple.

You show logic whatsoever. If I were only worried about my own skin I would be agitating for a huge raise along with our illustrious negotiators. That's the epitome of the "me me me" culture. Instead, I'm taking the stance that not forcing a huge raise out of the company might just keep us in business through the recession, saving all of our jobs. So you have it backwards: you "restore and more" folks are the ones trying to save your skin at the expense of the rest of us.
Your logic is misplaced because most economists including the federal reserve chairman believe that the recession will end the next few months and the economy will be begin to rebound in the second half of this year. The unions are negotiating contracts thinking forward to the next few years. Won't you feel like a schmuck in 2012 when the company is making money and you haven't gotten a raise since May 2008?
Hackjob: if you are concerned about us brothers getting laid off, why do keep pushing for a raise that will drain the company of money and force it to shrink even more to survive? Do you not understand cause-effect relationships? Here I will spell it out for you: when the company shrinks, jobs go away. Plain and simple.

You show logic whatsoever. If I were only worried about my own skin I would be agitating for a huge raise along with our illustrious negotiators. That's the epitome of the "me me me" culture. Instead, I'm taking the stance that not forcing a huge raise out of the company might just keep us in business through the recession, saving all of our jobs. So you have it backwards: you "restore and more" folks are the ones trying to save your skin at the expense of the rest of us.

Tell you what.....Take a self imposed 50% paycut and hope you'll get a promotion and raise for doing so..
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