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AA borrows $1.0 billion from Citi secured by AA miles

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Thanks for the grammar lesson. I guess that is what you do when you cannot answer the question.
I guess you also have difficulty reading as well. Your questions were answered. Southwest Airlines and United Parcel Service, they both have contracts in place that put them at $10/hr more than AA.
Restore (let alone "Restore and more") ain't gonna happen until AA shows a surplus of money from operations, either because oil drops to $25 or $30/bbl and stays there or the economy shows a tremendous recovery. And I doubt either one happens in the short run.


Wait, I thought that you and your co-workers were responsible for getting all of us industry leading contracts??? BBWAAAAHHHH HHHAAA hhhaaaaaa!!!!
Really who said that? Last I checked unions at AA negotiate for AA employees, not the industry.
Really who said that? Last I checked unions at AA negotiate for AA employees, not the industry.

Exactly, and i am almost 100% sure that it was you that said the flight attendants at AA and the APFA, secured such fabulous contracts - allowing others to do the same thing... Laughable at best.. What is wrong with this time around? Fact is, I don't think you will get anything, although you SHOULD get everything back plus some, but your members are too weak and will be scared by threats again, similar to last time - heavens to Betsy, it's always something, economy, fuel, etc etc.. I think the flight attendants should Settle for nothing less than an immediate 20% pay increase at minimum, If we were smart (big if) we would at least coordinate pay negotiations at the unionized carriers (sort of like an alliance) and vacations and health benefits, make the public VERY AWARE with mass public appearances and tv ads what we actually earn for a living in comparison to our work hours (not like they care but it would make the companies very uncomfortable) Then, negotiate work rules seperate but be alligned in pay etc, .... DEMAND a better living for yourself and profession, you are being your own worst enemy FAMikey, until f/as let down some of their pride and do this, they will be left in the same situation.
Oh you're going to get an Industry Leading Contact alright.

Leading the employees of the industry in the rush to the bottom.
If we were smart (big if) we would at least coordinate pay negotiations at the unionized carriers (sort of like an alliance) and vacations and health benefits,
One would never happen. Two could never happen. Three wont ever happen.

When you don't add childish garbage such as " BBWAAAAHHHH HHHAAA hhhaaaaaa!!!!" it makes your argument a little more convincing.

When you don't add childish garbage such as " BBWAAAAHHHH HHHAAA hhhaaaaaa!!!!" it makes your argument a little more convincing.

Facts are facts, no matter what way it is put... FA Mikeys response spells your demise.... good luck.
It doesnt happen cause the NMB wont let more than one group at one carrier strike at a time. So they would never release say both airlines to strike at the same time.

Plus what you ask for is called collusion
Please look to the top of any page in this thread. The topic is AA borrows money from Citi. The topic is NOT unions and their activities. Please stick to the topic, or the thread will be closed.
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