AMR offers to merge seniority lists

On 1/28/2003 4:38:19 PM TWAFA007 wrote:


Aloha Mike,

Your right Mike occupational seniority is really no big deal. Its always all about the money. Isnt it. Try to tell the over 2000 TWA F/As that are on the streets how the pay compensation, "more than made up for it."

ALOHA, 007

How about I tell it to the 2000 plus who are working. Who would not be had AA not steped in when they did.
Is there some sort of argument over FA seniority? Geez....I/ve never heard of that before.....unless you count EVERY OTHER thread on this board.
ll start a thread for you....
NO there is nothing new. Its the same old thing over and over again. Its just mr 007 wont let it die. It just keeps coming up again and again in every other thread.
On 1/28/2003 3:08:40 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It may be a merger in the eyes of the law. No where does the law say a union or work group must provide occupational seniority to the newly acquired people. CAB is dead and buried. Allegheny Mohawk was the merger of equal sized and valued carriers. This is not. The only protections the TW people had were freely given up.

The CAB may no longer be in existence, but its rulings are still good law and serve as legal precedents which other federal agencies still follow and the courts respect. I suggest that you reread the Allegheny Mohawk ruling; it is all about labor protection provisions to safeguard seniority rights when airlines are combined. Sizes, financial conditions and values of the carriers do not determine its application; however, those are factors to be taken into consideration in deciding the final outcome by a neutral and objective party.

I have never said, I deserve pay and seniority for my time being an intercompany transfer. That's what you keep trying to imply.

I beg to differ with this assertion. I clearly recall several of your posts on this issue on the old PlaneBusiness Talk boards. Unfortunately, I did not save those messages and I no longer have access to those boards. Your logic was that if the TWA employees were to receive AA pay seniority for time worked at TWA, then AA company transfers deserved to get such credit for time they spent working in other AA departments. It may surprise you, I do believe that such employees should be paid be based upon length of employment in the (combined) company regardless of job classification.

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