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AMR Fights To Quell Bankruptcy Fears

Thanks for finding a typo.

It's one out of four Europeans belong to a union. In other words, 3/4ths of all EU workers don't seem to need unions.

You want proof? Here y'go...

Right. And Canada is part of the US.

Uh, I never said there was a rationale for it, just as I don't see any rationale for paying entertainers or sports figures seven and eight figure salaries.

I'm just pointing out that the gap between CEO compensation and that of the so-called working man is growing in Europe as well. They also tend to offer lower base salaries and higher at-risk compensation in the forms of bonuses. It's not at all uncommon for bonuses to be 100% or more of base salary. I should know -- I work for a European company and my bonus target for this year is somewhere in the 25-40% range of base pay (and that's just at the MD level). That alone is more than some agents bring home in a year.... But the trade-off is if we don't make our margins (it only takes one or two customers canceling a contract or a bankruptcy to screw that up), there's no bonus and we live with just our base pay. If performance doesn't merit bonuses top to bottom, they don't get paid at all.

And that's OK. Should all companies follow that logic? Absolutely. I've said as much before when discussing the PUP and profit sharing for AMR.

I see no problem with that formula. What I do have a problem with is when US airline CEO and BODs tie performance pay/bonuses to profits with loopholes that allow scum bag execs. to achieve that profit/bonues through employee paycuts and not revenue growth of product.

(as for Canada...just give the crooks enough time with this NAFTA..and when you see the "Amero" show up to replace the worthless dollar [made worthless on purpose])
Wow, I guess the moderator is on vacation because this thread has turned from, what I hope and believe to be unfounded, rumors about a potential AMR Chapter 11 filing to a management/union and America/France bashing session as well as a APA/ALPA/AFPA/AFA/TWU/IAM/IBT pissing match. That's what I call being productive and finding common ground <_<
Britain is a part of the EU in name only. It does not follow the EUs monetary policy. It does not use the euro (as does every other EU member state) So, in my opinion it operates outside of the EU parameters. In fact, it joined with the understanding that it will operate independantly as much as possible. Just as it reluctantly agreed to follow the new EU open skies platform.

"Britain has clearly defined its position in favour of a Union of sovereign nations and against any moves towards a federal super-state.

And your reading pleasure: http://www.cer.org.uk/articles/barysch_keo...nomy_jun03.html

Then you can tell me how much the UK is a member of the EU ( as in name only) One UK bank alone: 100 Billion Pounds =roughly 225 Billion US

Furthermore, I hardly think an exposure of $4 billion (Germany) compares to $1.3 Trillion.

You can try and spin it all you want but the fact remains you said the UK was not part of the EU. Which of course is not true. Then you said every other EU member ueses the Euro, which again is not true.

And yes I know there's a big difference between the affect the mortgage crisis has in the US compared to Europe. However when the largest bank in Germany takes a $4 billion dollar hit its obvious there are ripple affects. If the economy here starts to take a bigger slide there will be consequences for Europe as well. Look at all the goods they export to the US. Goods people will be buying less of.
Wow, I guess the moderator is on vacation because this thread has turned from, what I hope and believe to be unfounded, rumors about a potential AMR Chapter 11 filing to a management/union and America/France bashing session as well as a APA/ALPA/AFPA/AFA/TWU/IAM/IBT pissing match. That's what I call being productive and finding common ground <_<

Quite right, the thread has been hijacked. Common ground and even good heated arguments have been replaced with posters self centered agendas. Ignorance is king.

Don't forget to add in the bailout by the FED of Investment Banks and Brokerages for failed investments in equity instruments that will result in a loss of monetary worth closing on trillions.

The deleveraging currently ongoing will reduce total credit available despite the some $280 Billion Dollars injected by the Federal Reserve because thebanks can borrow without conditions.

You and I get 5.675 for FICOs' above 760 while the banks are borrowing the money for 2.575 when the historical spread between asked and proffered was around 1.5 in bad(recession) times and .5 in good times. We are financing the bailout of the markets.

We do not know the extent of the damage in the home equity lending markets; the delveraging there could bring another call from the capitalists for a bailout from the FED that you and I will pay for because we obeyed the d@mned rules.

I love how Eoleson and his ilk decry the evils of Socialism until they need Corporate Welfare to protect them from the downside of risk!

Don't forget that we still have the DBP pension bomb awaiting explosion because we were legally prevented from forcing AMR to disclose the who, what, when, where of actual investments against "smoothed returns."

On another note, at the beginning of 2008, US Retirement Investors OWNED some 13 Trillion, $13,000,000,000,000.00 in actual/booked assets denominated in dollar values.

LINK PROVIDED: US Retirement Accounts Net Worth: End Q4 2007

In another thread, I opined that allowing US Citizens a tax free distribution from those assets would go a long way towards curing the financial debacle under which we have been consumed.

The Neo-Capitalists stuttered: there is not enough money.

After a SOME 40% CORRECTION: THERE IS STILL $7,800,000,000,000.00 OR 7.8 TRILLION LEFT.

Allow those that desire an option to withdraw retirement accounts tax free to cure debts and potential defaults: the dollar strengthens worldwide as do treasuries, those that saved benefit and the markets are allowed to work in a more controlled fashion.

This would be an equity for debt swap between the US Treasury and the Individual US Taxpayer.

The redemption of US Retirement Funds holders would surrender the shares held in tax exempt accounts, the total shares would be in exchange for a Treasury Bond at net present value: the US Treasury would pay the designee the cash value for shares redeemed but hold those shares in a bond payable to the US Treasury when deemed refundable at a profit.

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