Just like all those one time charges dont reduce net income either.
One-time charges DO reduce net income but I don't know if they count when computing AA mainline profit sharing.
No matter how you try and insult me I see it for what it is . An accounting gimmick designed to reduce the profit picture to avoid tax liability(if any) and screw the workers as well.
To paraphrase Pres. Reagan:
There you go again. Pre-payment of debt isn't an "accounting gimmick."
So even though you attempt to insult the working men and women on this board I will at least recognize you for what you are. A self loathing company goof who is quick to spout the companys mantra and insult anyone who speaks ill of the company buy questioning their intelligence and education level.Go sit at Arpeys feet for your pat on the head for a job well done. Then again you could go to A&P school to learn whats its like to really work for your money and get your hands dirty.
I don't have what it takes to fix airplanes. That's why I have never attempted to do it. But I do understand elementary financial accounting, unlike you. And unlike you, I tend not to say things like "pre-payment of debt is designed to avoid profit sharing," because I understand how ludicrous that statement is. You are, of course, an expert mechanic and a good parrot - some ignorant fool you work with put a bug in your ear about how the debt was pre-paid to avoid the profit sharing and you go repeating it, looking very foolish. Stay the course if that's what floats your boat.
Maybe then you realize what it takes to fix an airplane instead of questioning someones education level. Then again I think your just jealous that a mechanic can earn more than twice your annual salary, desk jockey!!!!
As I said above, I realize what it takes to fix airplanes and I know my limitations. You persist in posting nonsense about subjects you don't understand (accounting) as well as subjects in which you are an expert (airplane maintenance).
You caught me: I'm just jealous of your massively reduced salary.
I could enroll at Westwood to learn how to be an A&P but I gots to feed my family, and ~$32/hr at AA wouldn't cut it. I honestly can't understand why more of you haven't thrown in the towel and put your skills to more rewarding use. Further, given that Bob Owens has posted repeatedly about how terrible the TWU has been for you for 25 years now, I don't understand why you didn't try to replace the TWU until 2003. Why wait 20 years? Self-loathing? Look in the mirror. Get some self-respect, would you! Work for substandard wages for a quarter century while represented by a non-democratic union? I smell a self-respect deficiency, and the management at AMR can smell it too.