Amfraud Failed Again

James T. Kirk

Apr 9, 2003
Received: 06/12/04 12:54:16 EDT
Name: ASA Mechanic
Location: SEA
Received: 06/11/04 12:24:46 EDT
Name: AMT
: 06/10/04 11:56:59 EDT
Name: ASA Mechanic
Location: SEA
Received: 06/08/04 21:48:05 EDT
Name: pinky
I heard that Alaska airlines dropped their defined Pension Plan in favor of a 401-k plan. Does anyone out there know if this is true?

Yep, that’s correct anyone hired with this contract will not have a defined pension they will have a 401K.


Why in the world did the AMT's accept a 401K instead of keeping thier defined benefit pension plan? Your AMFA negotiating committee let you down man.
This is what we received when we decided to send our contract negotiations to an arbitrator. The arbitrator also didn’t give us the 26 weeks of severance pay we were given 8 weeks of severance pay for 4 or more years of service. We also did not receive the same medical plan that management has, we didn’t get 111% increase in pay we received 5%. We didn’t receive $3.80 License Premium we received $.60, and a Lead Premium increase of $.30, and a Line Premium increase of $.05. These are the reasons you don’t allow a arbitrator make the decisions on your contract.
James T. Kirk said:
Received: 06/12/04 12:54:16 EDT
Name: ASA Mechanic
Location: SEA
Received: 06/11/04 12:24:46 EDT
Name: AMT
: 06/10/04 11:56:59 EDT
Name: ASA Mechanic
Location: SEA
Received: 06/08/04 21:48:05 EDT
Name: pinky
I heard that Alaska airlines dropped their defined Pension Plan in favor of a 401-k plan. Does anyone out there know if this is true?

Yep, that’s correct anyone hired with this contract will not have a defined pension they will have a 401K.


Why in the world did the AMT's accept a 401K instead of keeping thier defined benefit pension plan? Your AMFA negotiating committee let you down man.
This is what we received when we decided to send our contract negotiations to an arbitrator. The arbitrator also didn’t give us the 26 weeks of severance pay we were given 8 weeks of severance pay for 4 or more years of service. We also did not receive the same medical plan that management has, we didn’t get 111% increase in pay we received 5%. We didn’t receive $3.80 License Premium we received $.60, and a Lead Premium increase of $.30, and a Line Premium increase of $.05. These are the reasons you don’t allow a arbitrator make the decisions on your contract.
AMFA actually advised against this move but it is what (the majority of)the current membership wanted. This is a prime example of the way the union should operate. They give you the information and you decide what will be done. The union should not decide for you. WE control the union the union should not control us!!!!!
Hey could some one tell me is Alaskan Air lines 401k going to be fully funded and if so is AA's fully funded.What about TWA's pension how did that work out for them was theirs fully funded. Is Alaskan Air going to offer them matching funds and after they match those funds can the company take it back. Just curious.
The 401k at ALASKA is a matching dollar for dollar 401k. The mechanics hired before a certain date still have their defined benefit pension and were offered the 401k plan on a one time basis. If the 401k is so bad at ALASKA, why did they only offer it once to their older employees? You can argue all day long about which plan is better. Defined benefit pensions are not guaranteed like some people think they are. Just look at our pension at AA. It's $3,000,000,000 underfunded right now and the company just got out of paying what's owed thanks to congress. Don't be suprised if our pension fund collapses in the near future. If the PBGC goes broke, and it probalby will. Your defined benefit pension just went BYE,BYE!
Once again the Mech and Related are forced to follow the Industry Leading Concessions of the TWU's 1983 2-Tier wage scale. IT'S BEEN DOWN HILL EVER SINCE.

Stop the bus, it's time to get off!!!
This topic has been argued a gazillion times. Personally. I would take a matching 401K over a defined benefit pension anytime. Control over your money is the name of the game. Once we are totally underfunded the company will use it as a bargaining tool, count on it!!!
Responsible, intelligent individuals that know how to manage their money would much rather contribute to a MATCHING 401K for their futures. Fearful, cowering sheep would rather put their trust in a company pension or government con-job (SSI), which can be robbed by corrupt politicians and crooked CEOs.

Of course, AA is too cheap to offer MATCHING funds on their 401K. They'd much rather manipulate you with fear of losing your pension.
AMFA actually advised against this move but it is what (the majority of)the current membership wanted. This is a prime example of the way the union should operate

Once again the Mech and Related are forced to follow the Industry Leading Concessions of the TWU's 1983 2-Tier wage scale. IT'S BEEN DOWN HILL EVER SINCE.

In 1983 the TWU actually advised against this move but it is what (the majority of)the current membership wanted.See any resemblance?
There is a difference, the TWU used fear on their own membership just as they have done in every negotiation ever since. The membership has been taught to believe in and listen to the Representative they pay dues to. Why would those who you pay to represent you, want to scare you into concessions for the company?
Buck said:
There is a difference, the TWU used fear on their own membership just as they have done in every negotiation ever since. The membership has been taught to believe in and listen to the Representative they pay dues to. Why would those who you pay to represent you, want to scare you into concessions for the company?
Is the TWU International and it's local officers so intimidating that they cause "fear" amongst the fellow members, to the point of swaying a vote?

Should they be brought up on federal charges for 20 years of racketeering and such?

The membership has been taught to believe in and listen to the Representative they pay dues to

So they shouldn't listen to the reps they elected? Who should they listen to?
Nightwatch said:
Is the TWU International and it's local officers so intimidating that they cause "fear" amongst the fellow members, to the point of swaying a vote?

Should they be brought up on federal charges for 20 years of racketeering and such?

So they shouldn't listen to the reps they elected? Who should they listen to?
I believe that the Local Officers fear the TWU International. Constitutional the TWU International can remove the Locals Charter without recourse.

I do not believe that the membership is in genuine fear of the TWU International, they are fearful for their jobs so they are easily manipulated. The membership has no respect for the Local Officers, they will remove them soon.

How can you bring charges against the TWU International when they are adhering to their constitution? The solution is to replace the TWU International.

The membership has been listening to their Representatives, it has garnered them 20 years of concessions.

Do you believe we as a membership should attempt to better ourselves?

The AFL-CIO believes we should, it is stated in the Pre-Amble to their constitution.

Nowhere does the AFL-CIO state that we should take wage and benefit cuts for twenty consecutive years.
Buck said:
Nowhere does the AFL-CIO state that we should take wage and benefit cuts for twenty consecutive years.
:rolleyes: Well, there was that one time at --------- oh we lost that, never mind!!! :(
they are fearful for their jobs so they are easily manipulated.

Funny you should state that. The only time I have seen AMFA actively organizing here is during times of regression, must be coincidence. Did your card drive see a growth spurt after the concessionary contract was passed, is that what you meant by your comment?
Funny you should state that. The only time I have seen AMFA actively organizing here is during times of regression, must be coincidence. Did your card drive see a growth spurt after the concessionary contract was passed, is that what you meant by your comment?

AMFA has been actively organizing here at AA for most of the last 9 years (times of regression). In the '95 contract we averaged 1.25% a year in increases while the company was flush with cash from a boom in air travel. The company was sponsoring sports arena's, building airport terminals and buying up stock in order to increase stock value which increased company officials personal portfolio's. The company took the money and ran and left us crumbs. In 2002, if memory serves me right, after AMFA at Northwest negotiated a record 22% in raises for ALL its mechanics the TWU was able to bring back 22% in raises for some (NOT ALL) of its mechanics. A year later ALL of the TWU mechanics AND RELATED gave back 17%. TWU also supported opening up the contract and letting the company have a field day with our contract. Our brothers before us fought for years and years for some of these items and the TWU gave them away. Do you ever think we'll see double time again with the TWU?

Why wouldn't the AMFA movement actively organize and gain momentum here? I'm embarrassed to call the TWU a union. They certainly aren't looking out for me, but they are accepting money I'm having to give them in order to "look out for me".

FIRE the TWU!!!