what's my story you ask???? I think "scab scraper" says it all !!!!!!
what do i base all my findings on in reference to DESTOYING lives,communities,unions?
follow the directions now
NORTH to Northwest Airlines= 48% mech. laid-off !!!!!!
SOUTH to Southwest Airlines= 2nd highest R.O. rate in the industry!!!!!!
EAST to Northwest ATLANTA maintenance base CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!
WEST to Alaska Air SEATTLE maintenance base CLOSED!!!!!!!! highest R.O. in
jobs gone, our jobs AMERICAN jobs gone. lives destroyed!!!!!!! communities destroyed. All this & I didn't even mention UA in Indiana & California.
This is what you want to do to TULSA. INTEGRITY ?????? not!!!
Owens you talk toooooooooo much. git a life!!!!!!! 2269 postings on this site!!!!!!
that hopeful guy is just as bad 1077 postings. really,git a life.
decision 2004: yeah, i was there at ALL the debates INSIDE!!!!!!!! except for the brady when you wouldn't let us in. Where were you????OUT in the FOYER!!!!!!
trying to get your face on tv. yup, there you "3D's" were standing in the FOYER while some of the scabs were taking the heat inside (where the debate was DAVE/DAVE/DONNIE) you were standing around in the FOYER.....WHAT KIND of LEADERSHIP is that???? I'd be real proud to have my leadership standing in the FOYER!!!!!!
I see that you may have another shot in april. I'll be there....INSIDE!!!!! 🙂
I saw you 3 on a lunchbox on a posting today...cute, don't you think🙂