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Amfa's About-face On Free Speech

BillLumbergh said:
Wow, I'm impressed with the rational, thought-out comments in this thread. Not.

You folks need to shape up. Big time.
I agree Bill, they can't even run a Bulletin Board right how would they ever run a union? Let's shut em down 😛
twuer said:
scab scraper said:
your name should be destroy2004!!!!!!!!!

Tell 'em how ya' feel scabscraper!!!

What's your story??

Yes scab scaper please do! Tell us your story!

I never knew that wanting democracy and good paying jobs was such a vice.

Lets look at what you claim.

"Since when is ruining peoples lives, careers,destroying whole communities,
sending Americans work over seas & not living up to the promises' that one said they would do.

What evidence do you have to support any of those allegations?

bob is a SCAB as are you decision.

A scab? The only time I ever crossed a picket line was when the TWU told me to (EAL strike, APFA strike- the TWU told us to come to work anyway) Otherwise I never have. If I was aware of a strike in progress at any business I would stop doing business with them. Not like TWU International Rep Orlando, right?

Back to the basics here.
scabs ruin peoples lives,destroyes communities & are selfish.
look at your self how can you even sleep knowing that you whole goal in life is to DESTROY peoples lives????

Selfish? Do you mean like getting 36000 people to take massive concessions to preserve your ability to double dip?

Getting back to the subject of this thread. Does anyone from the TWU side care to respond to Boomers post? I think he brought up some valid points. Where are all the women in the ATD, other than secretaries? Where are all the minorities? Lets see, Jim Little- white, Orlando-white, Yingst- white, Conley-white, Gless-white.

While it could be understandable that all the maint reps are male whites, white males are still the majority of this work group by far, but what about other departments and airlines? How is it that Gary Drummond, a white male from automotive at AA came to be in charge of the SWA flight attendants? A group that is majority female? Do you mean to tell me that no one from the ranks of SWA can handle the International job? John Conley a white male is the head of Fleet service, a group that has become primarily minority? The ATD has had plenty of opportunity to promote minorities and women, there are no elected ATD positions, all are appointed so they cant say its the will of the members, but they have failed to do so. What does Jim Little and Sonny Hall have against minorities and women? Maybe because it would be awkward going to the strip clubs with female International officers? We all know that Sonny has been trying to sabotage Rojer Toussaint, who is a black immigant, since he got into office. Why is the TWU raising questions about AMFAs stance on equal rights when their own track record is questionable?
Mr. Owens,

The last thing that the TWU faithfull will respond to is a statement of fact.

The TWU is a male dominated Society for the priviledged few.

While they wrap themselves in the mantle of inclusion for the members, they consistently produce Court Documents which state that the "Leader" of the TWU can rule as he pleases.
Boomer said:
Mr. Owens,

The last thing that the TWU faithfull will respond to is a statement of fact.

The TWU is a male dominated Society for the priviledged few.

While they wrap themselves in the mantle of inclusion for the members, they consistently produce Court Documents which state that the "Leader" of the TWU can rule as he pleases.
Yea but isnt it fun to watch them run once the facts are put out!?

Its going to be a wild ride for the next couple of months as we watch the TWU pump out lie after lie after lie. Its all they have, the truth certainly will not help the TWU.
Boomer said:
Mr. Owens,

The last thing that the TWU faithfull will respond to is a statement of fact.

The TWU is a male dominated Society for the priviledged few.

While they wrap themselves in the mantle of inclusion for the members, they consistently produce Court Documents which state that the "Leader" of the TWU can rule as he pleases.
Why does the twu hide behind lies instead of standing in front of the truth?

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up: GO AMFA! :up:
what's my story you ask???? I think "scab scraper" says it all !!!!!!
what do i base all my findings on in reference to DESTOYING lives,communities,unions?
follow the directions now

NORTH to Northwest Airlines= 48% mech. laid-off !!!!!!
SOUTH to Southwest Airlines= 2nd highest R.O. rate in the industry!!!!!!
EAST to Northwest ATLANTA maintenance base CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!
WEST to Alaska Air SEATTLE maintenance base CLOSED!!!!!!!! highest R.O. in
jobs gone, our jobs AMERICAN jobs gone. lives destroyed!!!!!!! communities destroyed. All this & I didn't even mention UA in Indiana & California.
This is what you want to do to TULSA. INTEGRITY ?????? not!!!
Owens you talk toooooooooo much. git a life!!!!!!! 2269 postings on this site!!!!!!
that hopeful guy is just as bad 1077 postings. really,git a life.
decision 2004: yeah, i was there at ALL the debates INSIDE!!!!!!!! except for the brady when you wouldn't let us in. Where were you????OUT in the FOYER!!!!!!
trying to get your face on tv. yup, there you "3D's" were standing in the FOYER while some of the scabs were taking the heat inside (where the debate was DAVE/DAVE/DONNIE) you were standing around in the FOYER.....WHAT KIND of LEADERSHIP is that???? I'd be real proud to have my leadership standing in the FOYER!!!!!!
I see that you may have another shot in april. I'll be there....INSIDE!!!!! 🙂

I saw you 3 on a lunchbox on a posting today...cute, don't you think🙂
I'd be real proud to have my leadership standing in the FOYER!!!!!!

scabber, your leadership can not even make it INSIDE the foyer!!!!!!

The closest your leadership got was OUTSIDE the foyer at the Brady Theatre. But they either realized they were unable to answer for the twu's sell out inept actions or they realized that their inflated membership of teamsters, rampers and stock clerks were not included in our craft and class and therefore unable to attend the debate since they had NO vote in the upcoming election between AMFA and the twu.

What foyer are you speaking about? The foyer outside AArpey's office? I know of a foyer you and your leadership can stand in. It is outside the NMB's Washington office. Stand there and after the NMB certifies AMFA as our new union I will come out and give you the good news. You may want to check your coffin on your return trip home. I'm pretty sure it will not fit in the overhead storage.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up:
Just look at the graph below. Here is what the TWU has done for the profession. This is not a snapshot but rather a twenty-year span that clearly shows the TWUs performance. This is not a temporary layoff, but a historical trend that spans for most of us, our entire career. There was only one brief moment of hope, the AMFA spike of 2001. However the TWU, in order to save their $3 million in pocket money that they get from the company not only reversed the AMFA spike but sent us to new depths.


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