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Amfa's About-face On Free Speech

Johnny Lunchbox said:
Bob, it must be aggravating to you to be the man-about -town and well travelled phatboy that you are to be melded down to nothing more than a hobbit's pawn. A sad day at Ridgemont High huh Boobsie? Why. I'd bet we could post any subject, at random , here and you could post a reply of no less than 10,000 words on your rendition accompanied by a short 5,000 word synopsis. You the man biggun! 🙄
DELETED " well at least i have a job" bend over and worship the all mighty twu shrine such as your self lunhbox boy! whats that bat for? stickin to the mechanics one more time....guess what peanut butt boy your all mighty twu days are numbered, prepare to have to earn your keep....loser!
johnny lunchbox is one of the many, many reasons we have for the 9000+ cards filed at the NMB. Why do you guys waste your time replying to his rhetoric??

Keep the Faith.....VOTE AMFA
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Well Johnny Box, now you have stooped to the same rhetoric as cio. Changing peoples quotes is a twu specialty of which you have become entrenched in the stench.

cio, I see you have decided on going with the 10,000 jobs as your theme scare tactic. You might want to try the IAM's theme from United Airlines they said they would file chapter 7 (liquidation of the airline) if AMFA came in. Just a thought!!! LMAO
Guess who?


  • lunchboxshop_1784_1826979.webp
    18.2 KB · Views: 117
lunchbox boy, you like to twist peoples quotes just as the twu twist the facts...guess what everyone who post on this board at one time believed in the twu at one point in time but the wise ones see the truth, and we have determined its time for your union to go! we have the card's and with your help and the twu's we are getting the fence sitters! thkx and oh yea.......GOOOOOOO AMFA
Name: Joey
Employer: Laid off from NWA
Location: St Paul
Email: To "Still IAM at Heart"
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 08:20 PM

Gamble? How dare you insinuate that what I did was gamble! I've never gambled in my life and I didn't gamble when I decided not to move after I was ILLEGALLY laid off. That's right Brother! AMFA told me that NWA laying me off was illegal and that the company would lose this in arbitration. John Roby and Steve MacFarlane and Jim Atkinson personally told me that I would be back to work as soon AMFA got my grievance arbitrated. So I didn't gamble! AMFA LIED to me!!!! Is it ok for AMFA to lie to me? Mathews actually told me that I might as well suck up the severance and unemployment while staying home, because he and the Seehams would certainly win my grievance and have me back at work before that ran out. Hello, it RAN OUT! I was mislead. That's not my fault.
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Joey
Employer: Laid off from NWA
Location: St Paul
Email: To "Still IAM at Heart"
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 08:20 PM

Gamble? How dare you insinuate that what I did was gamble! I've never gambled in my life and I didn't gamble when I decided not to move after I was ILLEGALLY laid off. That's right Brother! AMFA told me that NWA laying me off was illegal and that the company would lose this in arbitration. John Roby and Steve MacFarlane and Jim Atkinson personally told me that I would be back to work as soon AMFA got my grievance arbitrated. So I didn't gamble! AMFA LIED to me!!!! Is it ok for AMFA to lie to me? Mathews actually told me that I might as well suck up the severance and unemployment while staying home, because he and the Seehams would certainly win my grievance and have me back at work before that ran out. Hello, it RAN OUT! I was mislead. That's not my fault.
Well....this guy certainly isn't AMFA material! All the AMFA supporters I've met are proud to hit the streets for ever, what a crybaby attitude...sell the house, downgrade your vehicles, pull the kids out of college, and go get yourself 3 jobs instead of crying about what might have been...jeeesh!...GO AMFA!!!!!!!
Well....this guy certainly isn't twu material! All the twu supporters I've met are proud to have forced the worst contract in aviation history on its members, what a crybaby attitude...it was only a 17.5 % pay reduction, loss of a weeks vacation, loss of 7 sick days a year and you only have to take the first 2 at half pay , higher medical costs, sell the house, downgrade your vehicles, pull the kids out of college, and go get yourself 3 jobs instead of crying about what might have been...jeeesh!...go twu!!!!!!!

At least you got a job BRUDDDAHHH!!!!!
Within the TWU-ATD, when was the last female APPOINTED to be Director of the ATD, or an International Representative?

Oh, yeah, that never happened.

According to the TWU, there are two standards of behaviour: the course of action followed by the TWU; and, the one the TWU holds for AMFA.

The bottom line is that all TWU International Representatives are appointed; yet there has never been a female head of the ATD nor is there an International Representative at the ATD. If "diversity" meant anything other than lip-service, you would have thought that there would at least have been an ATD Director or current International Rep.

For AMFA, these positions are not appointed--the individual has to run for the office, be elected to the office and be accountable to the membership or face recall.

Typical TWU-Listen to what I say, not what I do.

We'll Get'em Next Time...
$hi+e happens, with the TWU- next time never does.

Are you happy working for less? How about Little, Yingst, Conley and Gless!
BOX Raider should not be talking about "Silencing the Worker" on The-Mechanic.com/air-mechanic.com since you where actively involved in stealing the worker's info/cards out of people's Tool Boxes!

If you clean up your act, you can come back as Drippy!

<Office Space 2> The sequel


  • johnney.gif
    6.8 KB · Views: 112
Oh, yeah bob is a real man of "integrity" alright.
Since when is ruining peoples lives, careers,destroying whole communities,
sending Americans work over seas & not living up to the promises' that one said they would do.
Since when "decision2004" is THAT integrity ????????????????
bob is a SCAB as are you decision.
Face it, (like your picture,how stupid is that?) you are scabs.
Back to the basics here.
scabs ruin peoples lives,destroyes communities & are selfish.
look at your self how can you even sleep knowing that you whole goal in life is to DESTROY peoples lives????
your name should be destroy2004!!!!!!!!!
scab scraper said:
Oh, yeah bob is a real man of "integrity" alright.
Since when is ruining peoples lives, careers,destroying whole communities,
sending Americans work over seas & not living up to the promises' that one said they would do.
Since when "decision2004" is THAT integrity ????????????????
bob is a SCAB as are you decision.
Face it, (like your picture,how stupid is that?) you are scabs.
Back to the basics here.
scabs ruin peoples lives,destroyes communities & are selfish.
look at your self how can you even sleep knowing that you whole goal in life is to DESTROY peoples lives????
your name should be destroy2004!!!!!!!!!

Tell 'em how ya' feel scabscraper!!!

What's your story??

scab scraper said:
Oh, yeah bob is a real man of "integrity" alright.
Since when is ruining peoples lives, careers,destroying whole communities,
sending Americans work over seas & not living up to the promises' that one said they would do.
Since when "decision2004" is THAT integrity ????????????????
bob is a SCAB as are you decision.
Face it, (like your picture,how stupid is that?) you are scabs.
Back to the basics here.
scabs ruin peoples lives,destroyes communities & are selfish.
look at your self how can you even sleep knowing that you whole goal in life is to DESTROY peoples lives????
your name should be destroy2004!!!!!!!!!
This must be you on video showing up to "debate" at the Brady Theater...

TWU Scab Callers Arrive to "DEBATE" AMFA

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