American's Fine Flight Attendants!

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Imagolfer said:
This is just par for the course from Wing N A Prayer. We all know that he/she is just has an axe to grind with AA, as a former employee.

Take a look at his/her posts on FlyerTalk
Axe to grind? Well, it wasn't MY story. I'd have written it better if it were.

As for being a former employee, you couldn't be any farther from the truth if you tried. You couldn't get me to work for this nazi outfit for NO amount of money.

Now, if you really want to know who DOES have an axe to grind, I would say it is each and every current employee, and the axe-reminder comes every two weeks when they look at their paystub and remember all the bullsshhiitt they put up with the past two weeks, just to get a smaller paycheck, all the while corporate brags about bankrolling 3 billion in cash after they've hocked the farm and laughed their collective asses off at the stupidity of labor.

You love this airline? Fine, go find a group where dissenting opinions about UN-American Airlines aren't allowed. Then perhaps you'll be happy while you sit back with your fellow kool-AAid sippers and read all the dreams about how it used to be.

My posts on any other board have nothing to do with USAviation. The only posts of mine that you need be concerned with on THIS board are the ones that are posted HERE.

BTW - if you think those posts are bad, you should catch me on USENET where I can use my favorite four letter words without moderator interference. THAT'S where I REALLY shine!

No go crawl back under your rock!
Wing N A Prayer,

Speaking from under my rock, I am enjoying the CoolAid!

As to the original post, it sure seems to be a bit fabricated if you ask me. Every carrier has their share of problems and problem employees. You just seem to be one of those ex-employees and seem to know way to much about this carrier to have never worked for those "Nazis" ;)
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I make it my business to know everything I can about companies I own a chunk of. Plus, I still fly this rat trap since they have the market cornered in my areas of destination - therefore over the years I've met, and continue to talk with, countless AA employees. As a seasoned traveler, I can spot a disgruntled airline employee a mile away!
latreal said:
I don't think they would of had to clean it up on that flight, lol.
English 7: General Usage

Be careful about the following mistakes in word choice and/or spelling.

could’ve vs. could of would’ve vs. would of

could’ve = could have would’ve = would have

could of = not a word would of = not a word

We could’ve had toast for breakfast, but the toaster was jammed.

We would’ve done the dishes if you had asked.

English 7 Grammar Usage - a list of common mistakes for 7th graders to avoid
WingNaPrayer said:
...for over an hour the flight attendants would not let my eight year old niece get past their cart...
An HOUR (!) to do one drink service? Sounds like B.S. to me.
WingNaPrayer said:
From SkyTrax . . .

American Airlines - by Rob Smythe

8 April 2004

On a crowded American Airlines flight from LA to Toronto March 20, for over an hour the flight attendants would not let my eight year old niece get past their cart to use the washroom at the back. Three times she went to the front to see if she could use the first class washroom, explaining that she couldn't get to the back, and was denied. Only when the little girl was in full tears, clearly in distress, did the flight attendant let her use the washroom.

I'm aghast! I would have completely understood had the kid pissesd on the floor and left it for those uncooperative flight attendants to clean up!

SkyTrax AA-Forum

Two things here, 1} it would probably be some cabin cleaner come in and change the rug while the plane is at the gate. Previoius to that the FA would probably just smother in some coffee grounds to get rid of the smell. 2} I can't say for sure but over an hour wait seems a little long. I certainly would like to here the crew's side of the story. I mean some of these pgrs.... really..
I wouldn't be suprised if there is now some one looking for a lawsuit :down:
L1011Ret said:
Before passing judgment on anyone involved, the child or the F/As, it would be better to let someone hear all sides of the story.
This story is obviously a complete crock. I don't believe a word of it. For one thing, it's easy to let a child pass a cart by having them step into a row; something that's not always possible for an adult. And besides, who'd believe the child would have a better chance at finding a free lav at the back of the plane as opposed to the front?

It sounds to me like a greedy parent looking for a free ticket.

I don't know if this is true or not but it reminded me of the time at TWA that I was "drug" tested:

I went to the place to give my "sample". I had to wait for them to call me in and start the process. Finally they did - I was miserable. Right before they were going to let me go to the bathroom - an alarm went off. The made me follow them to the basement of the building. (There was a tornado in the area). After about another 15-20 minutes - I told them I could not hold it any longer - I had to go to the bathroom. I told them I would drink more water and wait to give them a sample. The refused. Finally about 30 minutes later we got back to the office and I gave them their sample. (I made sure it was the biggest sample they ever had - I was so angry! I wished I could have pooped and put that in the sample also - but I couldn't! Now I can laugh about it, but at the time it was really bad.

I wish I would have peed on the floor then.
MiAAmi said:
I apologize for the lack of concern on behalf of that crew. Remember there are close to 20,000 of us at AA, not all act this way.
And you don't? I think it was a great thing and it should happen more often. If we piss off the pax, then they will not fly AA. This will teach AA management a great lesson. Then maybe they can learn how to respect the employees.
L1011Ret said:
We do not know enough to pass judgment.
I wholeheartedly agree.

My only comments were related to trying to understand how some were coming to the defense of the FAs without knowing the facts. How could anyone, based solely on the evidence presented here, conclude that the behavior outlined was acceptable?
jsn25911 said:
I don't know if this is true or not but it reminded me of the time at TWA that I was "drug" tested:

I went to the place to give my "sample". I had to wait for them to call me in and start the process. Finally they did - I was miserable. Right before they were going to let me go to the bathroom - an alarm went off. The made me follow them to the basement of the building. (There was a tornado in the area). After about another 15-20 minutes - I told them I could not hold it any longer - I had to go to the bathroom. I told them I would drink more water and wait to give them a sample. The refused. Finally about 30 minutes later we got back to the office and I gave them their sample. (I made sure it was the biggest sample they ever had - I was so angry! I wished I could have pooped and put that in the sample also - but I couldn't! Now I can laugh about it, but at the time it was really bad.

I wish I would have peed on the floor then.
I love it!!
pure genious :up:
thanks for the chuckle... :D
MiAAmi said:
Imagolfer said:
This is just par for the course from Wing N A Prayer. We all know that he/she is just has an axe to grind with AA, as a former employee.

Take a look at his/her posts on FlyerTalk
This was just one more chance for TW1 to take another stab at his/her more senior co-workers. The f/a's in question were most likely wrong but again don't judge all of us by just a few.
What does "more senior" have to do with it. comment is not a "stab?" I am really beginning to love you MiAAmi, you don't give up either. And I would be a "him." (hense the balls)
I'm with those who doubt the validity of the letter. I'm more interested in what's missing, not what's in the letter. What's missing is anger. And did the child's accompanying adults just sit and watch the situation unfold? I smell someone looking for a free ticket.
TransWorldONE said:
MiAAmi said:
Imagolfer said:
This is just par for the course from Wing N A Prayer. We all know that he/she is just has an axe to grind with AA, as a former employee.

Take a look at his/her posts on FlyerTalk
This was just one more chance for TW1 to take another stab at his/her more senior co-workers. The f/a's in question were most likely wrong but again don't judge all of us by just a few.
What does "more senior" have to do with it. comment is not a "stab?" I am really beginning to love you MiAAmi, you don't give up either. And I would be a "him." (hense the balls)
Now your sensitive? More senior means not TWA. And sorry about the gender question. "hence the balls" they were just smaller than normal.