Negotiations for an American JCBA shall continue for no more than one hundred and
fifty (150) additional days from the commencement of negotiations unless all parties
agree otherwise. AFA, APFA and the Company shall agree to a schedule of
negotiation dates which shall include an average of ten (10) days per month of actual
negotiations. The number of days may be adjusted per agreement of all parties.
If a tentative American JCBA is reached, it shall be put to a ratification vote of the
combined Flight Attendant membership. If the tentative American JCBA is not
ratified or if a tentative American JCBA is not reached, any outstanding disputes,
including, but not limited to disputes regarding economic valuation, shall be
submitted to final and binding interest arbitration in accordance with paragraph B,
below, with the exception of disputes arising under paragraph B.5.b., below. The
hearing shall begin within ninety (90) days of the submission. Prior to arbitration, the
parties shall utilize mediation.