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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Not really amazing at all... it's been this way for years. He's a "turncoat" with contrived proxies, that road in on Trojan horse!

Third day I wake up, sign in, and don’t see any on my ignored list. All I see now is those of you responding to them.
if that was the case, i'd be all for it.

I say the Envoy transfer route would just be another avenue for people to get that leg up into the Mainline better paying arm if they want to capitalize on the opportunity.

Much like what I did when I hired on. I came in at LGA PT and capitalized on transferring to DFW FT after 2 years. DFW having an obviously cheaper COL than NYC and moving up to having more guaranteed hours of work in the week.

Of course that wouldn’t be the only way to get in to work with us and there would still occasionally be job postings in locations not coming through the Envoy door.
There is a treatment with medicine for BI-POLAR. Peterson should look into it.
I know a close friend of his who says that his biggest problem is that he is Bi Polar. Look, even though he is Bi Polar, there was no excuse for what he did in negotiations. Acting like an ARSE is one thing but doing so and putting yourself first and blowing up talks is just asinine.
And his Barbie Tantrums on his own twitter account against Isom, calling Isom names, is first grade schoolyard bullying. Just a complete retard. If he is doing this to finally get Parker to hire him then he will go down as just another Union Boss who climbed the corporate ladder. Going for management jobs over his career is anti worker enough, but doing so while at the negotiation table is criminal. Dude should be locked up.
So I heard that Peterson blew up and made an arse out of himself in negotiations. Not sure of the TWU constitution but is there any way we can get this complete moron out of there?
Actually sometimes you need that guy that loses it every now and then at the table. It helps to make the rest of the cmte be professional cool and collective. Hope you guys can get something going soon. You guys are 4 years now right? That's about the same amount of time where our nego's started to actually produce movement by the company, so maybe you guys will start to get somewhere after these sessions. Good luck Tim.
you could be right. it could have been the city tried to squeeze more out of aa, based on seats?

i believe it's because ord is central...more cities, shorter distances compared to other hubs.

This is a bit off topic, but CF did an article with two of UAL's network planners, and discussed growth at ORD. 28 new city pairs over the last 2 years. Not shoveling dirt, just thought you might be interested. It's a quick read:


I know a close friend of his who says that his biggest problem is that he is Bi Polar. Look, even though he is Bi Polar, there was no excuse for what he did in negotiations. Acting like an ARSE is one thing but doing so and putting yourself first and blowing up talks is just asinine.
And his Barbie Tantrums on his own twitter account against Isom, calling Isom names, is first grade schoolyard bullying. Just a complete retard. If he is doing this to finally get Parker to hire him then he will go down as just another Union Boss who climbed the corporate ladder. Going for management jobs over his career is anti worker enough, but doing so while at the negotiation table is criminal. Dude should be locked up.

Words matter. Actions matter. Leadership 101.
Do you believe that no one should ever accept an appointment to have a role in their Union?

I recall you guys were crying that you had no AMT in the International or in the Executive talks.

So then the (Voted in) Local AMT Line President is brought in to the talks and elevated to the position of International “Representative” and you STILL STILL STILL STILL complain?

You also know the POTUS appoints positions. Should people refuse that maybe because they don’t like his hair or his personality?

No I don't believe anyone should turn down an international position. But I also think there should be NO APPOINTED positions in ANY union leadership.
We are a union, not the United Stated government. Look at who the current POTUS has appointed!UNLESS THEY ARE yesmen AND yes women who tow his line, they're out!
And once a union boy or girl gets ELEVATED and gets on the international payroll, they no longer have too much exposed skin in the game.
What the blowhard should do is go back to the floor and lead by example. And any union leader calling for any kind of job action should also return to the floor and lead by example instead of a desk and computer trying to manipulate and control the membership like Geppetto did with Pinocchio.
Do you feel better now? Because what you posted won't be a fart in the wind regarding negotiations. Did you see what AMFA finally agreed to? More outsourcing after the company sued the union and threatened to collect the millions if AMFA didn't agree to more outsourcing in return for more of a wage bump.
No I don't believe anyone should turn down an international position. But I also think there should be NO APPOINTED positions in ANY union leadership.
We are a union, not the United Stated government. Look at who the current POTUS has appointed!UNLESS THEY ARE yesmen AND yes women who tow his line, they're out!
And once a union boy or girl gets ELEVATED and gets on the international payroll, they no longer have too much exposed skin in the game.
What the blowhard should do is go back to the floor and lead by example. And any union leader calling for any kind of job action should also return to the floor and lead by example instead of a desk and computer trying to manipulate and control the membership like Geppetto did with Pinocchio.

I’ve seen Gary pretty much at all the rally’s so I really don’t know what you’re talking about?

Maybe you have something personal against the guy?
Welcome Glass world, working safe is the ONLY way we will get a CBA. Guess what just happened at WN didn’t do a thing after SEVEN years to get them a TA?
Didn't you read today? AMFA agreed to more outsourcing in order to get the company to back off its lawsuit, in return for a bump in wages and bonus.
Talk to American Airline Pilots and ask them how their sick out went?
Good grief!
When will you morons learn NEVER to negotiate ONLY for wages??? Your union hosed all of us when it went for the wages only.
I’ve seen Gary pretty much at all the rally’s so I really don’t know what you’re talking about?

Maybe you have something personal against the guy?
Nothing at all. Put the uniform on and show us what to do. That is what I mean.
And that goes for ANY union leader. Using a bullhorn is not the same as wearing the uniform.

Why does the name Custer come to mind?
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just got word that this week of negotiations was a complete disaster after Mr Petersons episode made a spectacle.
He was also scolded and may face penalties absorbed by the union over comments he made publicly that supposedly breached his word to the mediators from what I was briefed. Apparently one more outburst or breach of something he agreed not to do will have him removed.
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