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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I am someone that is informed rather it be silent or public. Can you say the same? I don't think so, carry on mister...
It definitely shows you aren’t informed on what goes on with the Association negotiations yet you act like your in the room and know it all and when shown to be clueless you still run with misinformation and your ramblings. Learn to edit.
I am someone that is informed rather it be silent or public. Can you say the same? I don't think so, carry on mister...
Wow, you do know he is good friends with someone in the room and second highest officer in the TWU.

Once again with insults.

You should utilize this, it might help.

Where did you get insults from my post? Was it the phrase, "get a clue?" If this is the case, you must be a little "snowflake".
So sorry I hurt your feelings sir, I will try to be attentive in the future so not to hurt your feelings.
In the meantime grow some balls or at least some thicker skin in this industry chief...
Where did you get insults from my post? Was it the phrase, "get a clue?" If this is the case, you must be a little "snowflake".
So sorry I hurt your feelings sir, I will try to be attentive in the future so not to hurt your feelings.
In the meantime grow some balls or at least some thicker skin in this industry chief...
See there you go again you really should go utilize the WN EAP with your anger issues and probably a few others.

Topic was going great till you showed up.

On a side note I have a red x stalker, hello Beechdriver.
It definitely shows you aren’t informed on what goes on with the Association negotiations yet you act like your in the room and know it all and when shown to be clueless you still run with misinformation and your ramblings. Learn to edit.

Wow, you do know he is good friends with someone in the room and second highest officer in the TWU.

I call BS. He is not at the table GVP and you know it. C'mon man...
Wow, you do know he is good friends with someone in the room and second highest officer in the TWU.


Shhhh. Don’t try to clue him in. The mashed potatoes can overheat.

Can you actually comprehend anything?

His good friend is on the Executive Committee and leads negotiations for the TWU.

I do not believe you. Please prove it. What's the name of HIS friend on the EC? I ask because his info has been wrong so many times in the past and even proven wrong. So please provide more info and/or proof. Shake your head all you want, I have been here for over 10 years proving the TWU and now this asso. wrong for years, so now it's time for you guys to show proof, so please do.
I do not believe you. Please prove it. What's the name of HIS friend on the EC? I ask because his info has been wrong so many times in the past and even proven wrong. So please provide more info and/or proof. Shake your head all you want, I have been here for over 10 years proving the TWU and now this asso. wrong for years, so now it's time for you guys to show proof, so please do.

Sleep Swampy, Sleep. Sleep. “Mashed Potatoes”

The PBGC said that back in 2012. Because it would have cost the PBGC $17 billion which the PBGC doesn’t have. IE go reread Weez’s post from the PBGC. Since then AA has only contributed and gained on investments to a turn of $3.5 billion, yet they’ve spent over $10 billion on stock buybacks since the merger.

IAMNPF fund and multi-employer plans don’t function how you are thinking. It’s one fund, not separate funds for each employer that contributes for their employees. So the whole plan would have to fail, if that happens the PBGC takes over the plan just like a single employer plan, but it’s a lesser amount than what a single employer would pay. The plan would take a hit if an employer goes out of business, it would increase the liability on the plans funding.
yes, a lot less funding. Like $33 per month is it. But it really doesn't matter because the PBGC will be insolvent for multi employer funds in 2024 unless congress decides to increase the interest rates for employers.
I concur... this forum is full of intentional agenda driven misinformation... GVP shows that facts, and truth will always prevail.
700 shows facts but who cares when he misinterprets them 100% of the time? The real facts are that you guys lost catering for us. That wasn't cool.
Kevin “I” liked having “MY” Pension. “I” liked the ease of the Company what I thought manageing my old age future. MANY MANY MANY MANY people in America did absolutely fine by their Companies Pensions and lived out LONG fruitful retirement years.

No doubt, but that ship has sailed for you and I (and our peers).

You have a personal problem against DBP’s that’s on you. “I” (And most AA Employees as well) would LOVE to have our Pensions back. We know it won’t happen but doesn’t mean “WE” (AA Employees) can’t wish for it.

You can wish all day, but why not focus on what’s possible?

And I don’t give a chit about that portability crap you throw out there all the time anyway. I ain’t porting anywhere.

Me either, but the demographics on the ramp are changing, and a lot of people will move on/transfer to other departments/etc.
If they stay less than 5 years, they get nothing. I just think they deserve to get paid. Today.
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