I will apologise first. But, when you have others here on a mission to destroy the card drives with lies, misinformation and purposely causing confusion and division amongst the employee groups involved, some of us are willing to get involved from an already C&C AMFA represented carrier to give factual truths and the real stories of how AMFA operates and works.Question: what is worse then not getting any info from association?
Answer: having to read all these posts about southwest and amfa
I understand some may get tired of it but I will continue to do so at least until the AA is successful in retaining the AMFA as their representational entity.
It is one of the ways to better communicate to the members who are seeking truthful info. instead of just believing everything they are told by this fiasco asso. as well as the co. Also, the more we get brand new newbies on here like yourself seeking info we have to show proof of how it really works to fight off all the lies and misinformation.
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