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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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If i were delta i would move into dfw and eat their lunch. Just on their most profitable routes.

There is enough to go around, no need to sacrifice revenue or profits. This isn't an industry with a dozen airlines trying to get market share any more.
If i were delta i would move into dfw and eat their lunch. Just on their most profitable routes.
they don’t need to be that proactive to kick AA,s ass current leadership takes care of that for them
Too busy building up NYC.

You might see some more strategic adds here and there in DFW, but that’s probably about it?
Kev would they add any intl routes out of DFW or no if they see or saw AA intl routes?
i actually gave you a winner rating for that one.ill take a 100 cards please. this farce has gone on long enough.

The cards are only part of removing the Association. When you sign a card you must do more to help your fellow mechanic
secure a better future. There are a lot of young mechanics coming on board, let's give them a future that speaks of their profession.
I think this time people are fed up with the lies and bullshit
The lies and bullshit have been going on since I walked in the door...
The mechanics have always been lied to.
well, if they're in no rush, why is today's update claiming that progress was made??

progress as in - more outsourcing, less pay and benefits?? i don't think so.

there is some pressure on the company to get this done, more so on parker/isom.

wall street didn't like the out-of-contract raises in 2016..today, wall street asks parker if stepping up in wages is the right thing to do, since it's worked at united.

wall street expects labor strife in grey/black economic times, not during economic boom times. company is clearly stingy.

The reason they are saying that "limited progress" is being made, is to prevent a mutiny by the membership as the holidays approach with no end to a contract in sight. Nobody cares about the needs of the dues payers, the company looks at us as bricks in the backpack, and the Association sees us as pawns to us
Kev would they add any intl routes out of DFW or no if they see or saw AA intl routes?

I think if they saw an opportunity, they’d move on it, but the days of just throwing airplanes at a market are long gone. For Texas specifically, I think they’re more focused on AUS in the immediate term. Just my .02.
With what gates? What planes? And guess you forgot DL HAD a hub at DFW downgraded the station and closed it as a hub
Any other option then aa would do well in dfw. You would be surprised how often you hear "i hate flying as" in dfw. Never used to be like that.
Most people fly AA because they have to not because they want to
Most people fly AA because they have to not because they want to
The have a solid monopoly in dfw,mia,phl and clt. Its a house of cards a burp in oil prices and it will collapse. Too much debt and no assets left to mortgage.
The have a solid monopoly in dfw,mia,phl and clt. Its a house of cards a burp in oil prices and it will collapse. Too much debt and no assets left to mortgage.

No assets? That's just not even remotely true.

By the way, if you actually believe it's a house of cards, with nothing left to mortgage under a mountain of debt then how do you, at the same time, expect the best of best in a JCBA?
Thx kev. Surprise me that AUS. But same time guess the intl flights in n out are helping to thrive AUS
The reason they are saying that "limited progress" is being made, is to prevent a mutiny by the membership as the holidays approach with no end to a contract in sight. Nobody cares about the needs of the dues payers, the company looks at us as bricks in the backpack, and the Association sees us as pawns to us
That may be true, but the amfa drive started in mia and is moving fairly rapidly. The only chance the Association has is if it gets a ta in the next 2 months. I dont think card collection will take that long. This time is incredibly different.
Few defend the Association.

I mean, i still believe the Association cant stop amfa but i think its safe to assume that the company, and nmb, dont want a change in unions.

So, the only plausible block would be a quick ta then a recertification in hopes of beating amfa to the card signing finishing line and barring amfa for 2 years.

Not saying it will be successful, but amfa has showed that it doesnt know how to organize and has been doing this and F'ing this up for 20 years. As a professional, ive looked at their organizing and its a complete disaster, and im sympathetic to amfa, but they sure as hell dont know how to F'n organize.
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