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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I cld be wrong here. Just my own opinion. I think if we lose the LUS health insu the money wld be to offset our loss. But on the flip side it cld be the raise we did not get a year ago.

As for health insurance laa has same or similar as we lus do. I wld like to think those laa folks wld want our type which has lower costs when compared to theirs. At least every one of the laa folks ive talked with wants ours bec its a lot better than what they have

The LAA insurance actually covers more. The cost of the IAM Insurance is cheaper and covers less.
I have asked repeatedly for a side by side comparison of both plans, whats covered whats not. I was blown off.
I can accept it. U sound like a bitter person. Which i hope is not case. In meantime the health goes up at AA i will choose to keep or drop it if i want to. Just heard on my local radio n news in my state health ins prices are going down next yr so i can choose that n drop AA health ins altogether if i choose

Not bitter but it’s insane holding up a contract for months on end for something you will never win on.
The money we have lost because of this crap association could have paid for supplemental insurance by now.
I was suggesting a side by side chart easy refrence for those members that wont even take the time to read the contract they vote on. Something real simple that could glance at and see, gee maybe upfront cost is less then the behind the scenes cost. Again i stress how lazy the membership is to do actual research.
Im taking todays update as a good sign. Unscheduled meetings to continue is a positive move. Though i have hope for a resolution during THIS career i have little to no faith in the sincerity of either party actually wanting to accomplish this goal.
Not bitter but it’s insane holding up a contract for months on end for something you will never win on.
The money we have lost because of this crap association could have paid for supplemental insurance by now.
Good. Glad ur not bitter.
Dissect and analyze the statement as you wish. No hidden meaning. I get annoyed when guys that know the facts and try to share just get attacked. Don't know why they would keep coming back here when no one appreciates their info. Would you?
Share? Are you kidding?? You really think they are sharing everything??? Wow! You are so gullible. BTW; these guys are not at the table so they are only feeding you with what they are being told to feed you with. OMG this is pathetic and sad to watch.
Share? Are you kidding?? You really think they are sharing everything??? Wow! You are so gullible. BTW; these guys are not at the table so they are only feeding you with what they are being told to feed you with. OMG this is pathetic and sad to watch.

Thank you for your thoughtful response. It means a lot coming from you.
Right? LOL!!
Share? Are you kidding?? You really think they are sharing everything??? Wow! You are so gullible. BTW; these guys are not at the table so they are only feeding you with what they are being told to feed you with. OMG this is pathetic and sad to watch.
Dude, were you drinking last night or something? Just ripping that keyboard a new arse..
Dude, were you drinking last night or something? Just ripping that keyboard a new arse..
Nope. Just tired of people believing everything they hear. The two fellas he is so quick to praise and glorify are not at the table nego. they are (assuming here) down the hall in another room getting updates when they caucus from time to time. But they are still only releasing info that the nego's allowed to be released. Still leaving the membership in the dark as usual, it's just sad. And they still ask for full support. Now how can you really ask for full support when no one knows what they would be fully supporting because they are not informed on what is really going on at the table. I would never support something I know nothing about. Heck by leaving everyone in the dark, the nego team could be agreeing to full blown outsourcing in exchange for 1.00 per hour above SWA rates (just an example guys, in no way am I suggesting) but no one knows this, and they are asking for full support behind the nego team. This is also why I have always said you guys won't know anything until T/A day, that's when all the details will be given to the membership.
What would make you think that mx would get full retro and fleet wouldn’t.
Of course they’re going to get more they make more and certainly should.

that's why i asked about full and partial retro. more fleet than AMTs, but the AMT raise is substantial (thanks to southwest and aa stalling).

the fact that they are meeting next week has to be seen as an extension of this past week. i'm still believing that we'll have a TA this week.
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