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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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iam peeps need to read their contract. The company has a right to terminate your insurance plans in january 2022 cuz lil tommy brockered the "excise tax health care" Letter of agreement. You guys gotta look at those letters.
They were voted in in 1946, 1947 and 1995. Go and read the NMB decision and that explains in great Legal clarity what exactly the TWU/IAM Association (An Association) is. (An Association)

The TWU and the IAM are still two distinct and separate Labor Organizations. (.ORG not .COM)
Yea weezal! And your union along with the IAM union has for many years said that AMFA is just an "ASSOCIATION" not a union. And now you guys are in fact an "ASSOCIATION" and produced by two of the very same freakin unions that said an "ASSOCIATION" would never be able to represent anybody.
What do you say now? weezal boy?? And now your mechanics are starting to use the very recent AIP and soon to be a T/A to compare with. Imagine that little weezal. So, why is that weezal???
Just curious, does your association have any contact info and do they sign letters they put out? I tried to find a phone number for the ass but didn’t have any luck and they never sign their names to any info letters they put out. I’ve even asked the twu employee association (it’s no longer our bargaining agent so it must just be an employee association) e board officers to ask the ass to bless us with their presence and hold a question n answer/contract update meeting. They said that would never happen. It’s past time for these ghosts to make an appearance or at least sign their name to the info they put out. So it makes a person wonder if this standard operating procedure for an ass?
Im.hearng so many LAA people are taking the buy out their outta here do youiguys have a bridged medical somewhere in your contract cause i think theres going to be rude awakening when they see the cost of medical

Did it ever occur to you that the people that want the buyout are 67 plus.
After all the great contracts the twu has produced over the years most are forced to work into their seventies. I dont think retire medical is a problem when you have Medicare....
Just curious, does your association have any contact info and do they sign letters they put out? I tried to find a phone number for the ass but didn’t have any luck and they never sign their names to any info letters they put out. I’ve even asked the twu employee association (it’s no longer our bargaining agent so it must just be an employee association) e board officers to ask the ass to bless us with their presence and hold a question n answer/contract update meeting. They said that would never happen. It’s past time for these ghosts to make an appearance or at least sign their name to the info they put out. So it makes a person wonder if this standard operating procedure for an ass?

"You're out of order, Brother"

And they answer to no one but themselves.
Kev -- Did you vote against the association on the US/AA merger ballot that Delta sent you?
If so... that would explain your hatred for the association...
Just curious, does your association have any contact info and do they sign letters they put out? I tried to find a phone number for the ass but didn’t have any luck and they never sign their names to any info letters they put out. I’ve even asked the twu employee association (it’s no longer our bargaining agent so it must just be an employee association) e board officers to ask the ass to bless us with their presence and hold a question n answer/contract update meeting. They said that would never happen. It’s past time for these ghosts to make an appearance or at least sign their name to the info they put out. So it makes a person wonder if this standard operating procedure for an ass?
Very much so. If you go to amfanational.org you will find all our contract nego's updates with detailed info not just what has or hasn't been T/A'ed.
Not only do they sign off on the updates they also include, at the top of each and every update, who the participants were at the table for both sides. This way the membership knows who all were present and accounted for at the table (not on premises, down the hall, in another separate room or area waiting to be briefed).
Also you will find National Officers contact list with phone numbers, emails, fax #'s etc.
And I would say NO that the way your asso. is delivering contract information and not being available for the membership, is in no way SOP for a union representing their members.
Just like the Company right?
A union should answer to its members !
A corporation should answer to its shareholders via its Board of Directors. Apparently they are happy with company’s performance and debt accrual.
A union should answer to its members !
A corporation should answer to its shareholders via its Board of Directors. Apparently they are happy with company’s performance and debt accrual.

Should they chase the tail of the dog for every swinging **** who wants to ask the same questions over and over or who thinks their opinions are the most important opinions on the face of the Earth?

I think too many “individuals” have too much of a high opinion of themselves sometimes. They can’t grasp the concept that they’re part of a collective and that’s how the Unions have to share information at the level of Negotiations.

Otherwise individual Members have access to their Shop Stewards to try to get their answers from.
A union should answer to its members!


I'm continually amazed that some posters try and convince us otherwise.

Should they chase the tail of the dog for every swinging **** who wants to ask the same questions over and over or who thinks their opinions are the most important opinions on the face of the Earth?

Every question, every time.

Empowering the rank and file with **accurate** information is a core duty for any union and/or it's representatives.


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