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America, Land of the free?

Kev3188 said:
Vote by mail is fantastic. There's something to be said about going to the polls, but there's also something to be said about getting herbalist & pamphlet delivered to your house, and having a few weeks to make one's decision...
Gotta love auto correct. Lol.

I am not sure why I have never done an absenty ballot. It sure would be more convient. Only thing I can think of is I'm to lazy to go through the process of asking for one. Might be why others don't domit either.

I do like some of the ideas that other countries have implemented such as voting being on a week end or a national day off. Having the polling locations open longer. Auto registration. Perhaps a tax incentive to vote. There are a lot of ways to increase voter turn out with out makingit mandatory.
Lol. No idea how it decided "a ballot" could be "herbalist," but here we are.

Nevertheless, vote by mail is really great. The other thing I liked about it is that when you were out, you would see people, pamphlets in hand discussing the candidates, ballot measures, etc.
Kev3188 said:
Lol. No idea how it decided "a ballot" could be "herbalist," but here we are.
Nevertheless, vote by mail is really great. The other thing I liked about it is that when you were out, you would see people, pamphlets in hand discussing the candidates, ballot measures, etc.
Perhaps youwere partaking in some herbs?
That is as good an argument as any as I have heard to over haul the SS system.  People should not be paying into the system who are not elegible to collect.  I knew illegals paid taxes but I dod not know they paid into SS an cannot collect.
Thanks for the info.  There is quite a bit more to it than the article you linked lets on but it was a good start.
Ms Tree said:
That is as good an argument as any as I have heard to over haul the SS system.  People should not be paying into the system who are not elegible to collect.  I knew illegals paid taxes but I dod not know they paid into SS an cannot collect.
Thanks for the info.  There is quite a bit more to it than the article you linked lets on but it was a good start.
But the problem is he wants to give them all SS cards, even though most haven't paid one dime into it. And a three year tax credit on top of that. Here's another point to be made about this B.S. he's trying to force on the American worker.  http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/sectors/item/19602-will-obama-s-immigration-policy-cost-jobs
So again, with Social Security Card, and Drivers License, in hand, what's going to stop them from voting?------ And now obama isn't satisfied with that, he what's to make sure they do, by making it mandatory! ----- How do you consume an apple? One bite at a time!
MCI transplant said:
After obama gives them SS cards, and drivers licenses, what's going to stop them?
The Dumbocrats have sunk a lot of YOUR money into buying the vote of illegal aliens.
They don't care about laws or the Constitution, they only care about staying in power at all cost.
All costs...... to YOU.
Tell the Republicans to stop giving immigrants jobs. if they are so worried they will vote Democratic.
Dog Wonder said:
Tell the Republicans to stop giving immigrants jobs. if they are so worried they will vote Democratic.
Tell the Demorats to stop letting them in the country, and they won't be here to take those jobs!
What's black unemployment these days?
We need working class illegals to pay taxes to support black unemployment.
delldude said:
What's black unemployment these days?
We need working class illegals to pay taxes to support black unemployment.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read that.
southwind said:
Tell the Demorats to stop letting them in the country, and they won't be here to take those jobs!
Republicans had both houses and the WH and they did not seal the border or institute any fines against companies who hire illegals?  
Both parties have an interest in maintaining the status quo.  