700UW said: "The key is a certain pilot wants everyone else to sacrfice so he can keep his job. Please explain to me how it is that 900+ utility, 200+ stock clerks and 2,000+ mechanics who will be furloghed from US if the company gets their transformation plan enacted should vote to lay themselves off with NO CHANCE ever to return."
USA320Pilot responds: That's not true. I am not a "company man" or a "hard core union man", but instead a US Airways man. I want the best for each employee and unfortunately for us, the new employee standard is a LCC type contract. The market is dictating this and that is why airline analyst Ray Neidl said, "The legacy carriers are in big trouble. They have many things they need to overcome," he said. "The low-cost carriers will continue to grab market share," in the column you posted at this hyperlink
(click here).
In the case of the IAM, the company issued the following statement in the press release at
(click here).
"The company’s long-standing offer to expedite arbitration of this issue remains in place and the company is willing to work with the IAM to explore ways to bring future Airbus heavy maintenance work in-house," US Airways said.
It's the case of the IAM, it's the union and the "just say no crowd" that will cause the job loss. Moreover, your comments are just speculation until the negotiators meet with the company and get their formal proposal.
I believe David Bronner and Bruce Lakefield are honest men, but they must have a competitive cost structure across-the-board" in this rapidly changing environment and if any union does not want to participate in the new business plan, then this union or unions will force the company into a pre-packaged bankruptcy, which could keep the loan guarantees and stock in place, and set aside union contracts through a court order.