Amazon Union Vote Fails by 2:1 Margin

KCFlyer you sound like a broken record with your "thoughts and prayers" mockery.

I have yet to see YOU answer how making more laws is going to be of any benefit when the people committing these mass murders are not following the laws we already have.

I swear the left has tunnel vision. They think the answer to any problem is more government, more oversight, and more regulation.

The best way to deal with a shooter is take a hand cannon or a smoke wagon and put one in his head.

Ban assault weapons. Deeper background checks. Limit magazine capacity. Take guns from people who are mentally unstable. And then to take it a bit further....focus on the first part of the second amendment...require military service to own a gun.

There you go.. Now I ask...aside from thoughts and prayers and more guns, what might work from your side?
HOW COME our good neighbors in CANADA don't have this HORRIBLE PROBLEM ???????????????

Now lets hear from La La, or dell, or Mr. KNOW-IT-ALL for "THE" answer !
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  • #78
Oh KC, where to start with your lunacy....

Considering handguns account for >95% of "mass shootings" that take place, your ban on "assault" weapons would be worthless. Besides, the "assault" ban only targeted scary looking rifles. A bolt action .308 will cause a lot more damage than an AR-15, and at a farther range... A traditional stock .223 rifle without the scary telescoping stock or the rail for mounting accessories was completely legal under the Clinton era ban, and is functionally the same as those scary looking "AR-47"'s that the media likes to claim stands for "Assault Rifle 47"....

Magazine limits?... The reality is that magazines holding more than 10 are likely to jam, so that's probably one of the biggest "meh" changes that's proposed. Sounds effective, but wouldn't really affect anything.

The Las Vegas shooter was firing for almost 10 minutes. Parkland shooter was firing for five minutes. Those of us who shoot regularly can swap out a magazine quickly enough that reloading would only pause a shooter for 3-5 seconds. Maybe 10 seconds if they're not experienced. That's not going to be a meaningful enough time for law enforcement to be able to respond. But hey, it's "doing something!"

Background checks? Already happens. Every "mass shooter" that the media covers (they ignore the gang bangers who do >98% of the killing) has passed a background check. If you haven't done anything wrong, you pass. Most of these media-hyped killers haven't ever been violent until they start killing people...

Red flag laws? Already exist in CO, FL, IN, NV, and CA, which are where some of the more publicized incidents have taken place. Again, they only work if the person is displaying signs of instability and it gets noticed and reported. If people don't report instability (which is most often the case), those laws can't work.

Require military service? That has to be the most ignorant reading of the Second Amendment I've seen. Active and inactive/national guard account for about 1% of the population. Including veterans, you might get up to 8%. So your "plan" would completely disarm anyone 92% of the country?...

The Second Amendment doesn't protect the right to form a militia. It protects the private right of individuals to have arms for their own defense, be it from a tyrannical government or criminals.

You're free to call the police when seconds matter. I won't need to.
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  • #79
HOW COME our good neighbors in CANADA don't have this HORRIBLE PROBLEM ???????????????

That's simple. Canada doesn't have the gang problems we do in the US...

If you filter out drug/gang related shootings, the US homicide rate gets much close to that of Canada, which is interesting given how easy it is to get a firearm in the US vs requiring a license in Canada.
Oh KC, where to start with your lunacy....

Considering handguns account for >95% of "mass shootings" that take place, your ban on "assault" weapons would be worthless. Besides, the "assault" ban only targeted scary looking rifles. A bolt action .308 will cause a lot more damage than an AR-15, and at a farther range... A traditional stock .223 rifle without the scary telescoping stock or the rail for mounting accessories was completely legal under the Clinton era ban, and is functionally the same as those scary looking "AR-47"'s that the media likes to claim stands for "Assault Rifle 47"....

Magazine limits?... The reality is that magazines holding more than 10 are likely to jam, so that's probably one of the biggest "meh" changes that's proposed. Sounds effective, but wouldn't really affect anything.

The Las Vegas shooter was firing for almost 10 minutes. Parkland shooter was firing for five minutes. Those of us who shoot regularly can swap out a magazine quickly enough that reloading would only pause a shooter for 3-5 seconds. Maybe 10 seconds if they're not experienced. That's not going to be a meaningful enough time for law enforcement to be able to respond. But hey, it's "doing something!"

Background checks? Already happens. Every "mass shooter" that the media covers (they ignore the gang bangers who do >98% of the killing) has passed a background check. If you haven't done anything wrong, you pass. Most of these media-hyped killers haven't ever been violent until they start killing people...

Red flag laws? Already exist in CO, FL, IN, NV, and CA, which are where some of the more publicized incidents have taken place. Again, they only work if the person is displaying signs of instability and it gets noticed and reported. If people don't report instability (which is most often the case), those laws can't work.

Require military service? That has to be the most ignorant reading of the Second Amendment I've seen. Active and inactive/national guard account for about 1% of the population. Including veterans, you might get up to 8%. So your "plan" would completely disarm anyone 92% of the country?...

The Second Amendment doesn't protect the right to form a militia. It protects the private right of individuals to have arms for their own defense, be it from a tyrannical government or criminals.

You're free to call the police when seconds matter. I won't need to.

I was asked to give my thoughts about potential solutions. I did.. I have asked you and others numerous times and I get long paragraphs telling me what is wrong with mine. Or something along the lines of they only account for 5% of the shootings. I take it that you will fell the same if one of your loved ones becomes a victim of that 5%? Thoughts and prayers.
That's simple. Canada doesn't have the gang problems we do in the US...

If you filter out drug/gang related shootings, the US homicide rate gets much close to that of Canada, which is interesting given how easy it is to get a firearm in the US vs requiring a license in Canada.
You mean it's gang members shooting up schools, theatres, concerts, discos and malls? Most of the shooters seem like they aren't part of gangs. But for some reason, when a mall of innocents gets shot up by someone exercising their second amendment rights, we are reminded of Chicago for some reason.
They've all been dismissed as urwqorkale. I'd ban AR anything. I'd limit capacity. I'd want people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others to have their guns confiscated. But those are affronts to liberty. Now...what's the Republican solution, outside thoughts and prayers.
Visit an extremely hard left forum once in a while, they don't even play 'thoughts and prayers' anymore.

I'd suggest we go full totalitarian and just confiscate all guns. That's the new government yall voted in, BTW.
Visit an extremely hard left forum once in a while, they don't even play 'thoughts and prayers' anymore.

I'd suggest we go full totalitarian and just confiscate all guns. That's the new government yall voted in, BTW.
I don't give a damn about then center left, far left of whacko left...they have all at least have some ideas OTHER than thoughts and prayers. I have asked what is the right wing solution to stop mass shootings. I have responses citing Chicago (several times). I have responses citing gangs, although I don't think any of the mass shootings in the past 20 years were committed by blacks, much less gang members. I have responses that said the numbers are blown out of proportion because they consider shootings involving 3 or more to be a mass shooting. But even if we limit the definition to any shooting that kills 10 or more people, the US still leads the world in events like this. What are they doing that we AREN'T? All the responses point out everything that is wrong with any suggestion from the left. But the ONE thing that not a single response has is - a suggestion from the right about what to do about it. It's easy as hell to spot the flaws in anything. But how do we bring the US into alignment with the rest of the civil world when it comes to these events? The right does not have an answer.
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  • #85
We also lead the world in individual freedoms, but hey, let's focus on guns.

You simply don't like facts or stats that rebut your world view, KC.

More people have died from the COVID vaccine in the last year than have been shot by white lunatics in your definition of a mass shooting.

The number of people killed by your narrow sliver are a rounding error compared to the NYT and Nate Silver's measure of three or more victims, and the cold hard fact you keep wanting to deflect from is most of those shootings are gang/drug related.

But hey, keep quoting "thoughts and prayers" because woke narrative is much cooler than looking at actual data or facts.
We also lead the world in individual freedoms, but hey, let's focus on guns.

You simply don't like facts or stats that rebut your world view, KC.

More people have died from the COVID vaccine in the last year than have been shot by white lunatics in your definition of a mass shooting.

The number of people killed by your narrow sliver are a rounding error compared to the NYT and Nate Silver's measure of three or more victims, and the cold hard fact you keep wanting to deflect from is most of those shootings are gang/drug related.

But hey, keep quoting "thoughts and prayers" because woke narrative is much cooler than looking at actual data or facts.

You're wife is at the mall. A crazed man with a perfectly legal assault rifle shows up and shoots. Sadly, she is hit. Would your defense of our personal freedoms change just a little bit? Should one of our freedoms be the freedom to shop or learn without fear of being shot?

I'd get it if she was a crack dealer in Chigago...the risk of getting shot kind of comes with the territory. It shouldn't come while shopping at Northpark. But....I get's such a small number of people impacted...why worry about it. You should become a politician who tells it like it is, and after the next one happens, tell the country "Sh!t Happens"
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  • #87
Keep at it with the hyperbole. It's really convincing.

We all will die of something. I'll take my dangerous freedom while you huddle at home in fear of those 0.000006% chances of something bad happening to you.
I don't give a damn about then center left, far left of whacko left...they have all at least have some ideas OTHER than thoughts and prayers. I have asked what is the right wing solution to stop mass shootings. I have responses citing Chicago (several times). I have responses citing gangs, although I don't think any of the mass shootings in the past 20 years were committed by blacks, much less gang members. I have responses that said the numbers are blown out of proportion because they consider shootings involving 3 or more to be a mass shooting. But even if we limit the definition to any shooting that kills 10 or more people, the US still leads the world in events like this. What are they doing that we AREN'T? All the responses point out everything that is wrong with any suggestion from the left. But the ONE thing that not a single response has is - a suggestion from the right about what to do about it. It's easy as hell to spot the flaws in anything. But how do we bring the US into alignment with the rest of the civil world when it comes to these events? The right does not have an answer.

It is very challenging to acquire accurate data about mass shootings around the world, largely because of the differing definitions of the term. One factor that is more easily measured is gun-related deaths in a country, and very few of those are related to public mass shootings. Suicide is a more common way for someone to die with a firearm than any form of homicide. In 2016, there were 37,353 gun deaths in the United States. Of these, 22,938 were suicides, and 14,415 were homicides. Within the homicides, 71 were a result of a mass shooting.

Seventy one?.....Bu-bu-bu-but....we need to get those Ar-15's , pronto.
It is very challenging to acquire accurate data about mass shootings around the world, largely because of the differing definitions of the term. One factor that is more easily measured is gun-related deaths in a country, and very few of those are related to public mass shootings. Suicide is a more common way for someone to die with a firearm than any form of homicide. In 2016, there were 37,353 gun deaths in the United States. Of these, 22,938 were suicides, and 14,415 were homicides. Within the homicides, 71 were a result of a mass shooting.

Seventy one?.....Bu-bu-bu-but....we need to get those Ar-15's , pronto.


When a school gets shot up "sh!t happens...there are more suicides"

When a mall gets shot up "sh!t happens....why don't you worry about Chicago gangs"

When a concert gets shot up "sh!t happens...this is peanuts compared to homicides in general"

So you are okay with Sandy Hook, Stoneman, Orlando, El Paso, Las Vegas, Dayton and others? They are nothing that we should be concerned about? Freemdom does come with a price I guess.

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