USA320Pilot said:USA320Pilot comments: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This union is a democracy and just like with an election, everybody deserves a vote just not four dictators.
Mr USA320Pilot,
Your wrong, wrong, and wrong. I ask you respectfully look at the parlimentary substructures of the US House of Representitives or the US Senate. How many bills never even make it out of committee to the floor for debate and consideration? People elect representitives. Should they then not act in the people's interest, they can be replaced. (Just like pension legislation was blocked by one man, Sen Fitzgerald by parlimentary procedure, legislation that ALPA fought very hard for to reinstate your pension) So in reality, is ALPA a democracy (NO) or more like a republic (YES). When would now be (borrowing your phrase) a good time for all to understand that?