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Alpa Mec In Corner

PITbull said:
If the present ALPA proposal goes out for ratification...kiss all our jobs good-bye on mainline.

I find this comment bizarre as it presupposes that rank and file ALPA members are morons and that they are all blissfully unaware of the deeper knowledge that only RC4 holds.

It must be troubling that Kerry or Bush will be elected by the votes of similarly uninformed people.

Enilria said: "I find this comment bizarre as it presupposes that rank and file ALPA members are morons and that they are all blissfully unaware of the deeper knowledge that only RC4 holds. It must be troubling that Kerry or Bush will be elected by the votes of similarly uninformed people."

USA320Pilot comments: Great post and very well said. This union is a democracy and just like with an election, everybody deserves a vote just not four dictators.


enilria said:
I find this comment bizarre as it presupposes that rank and file ALPA members are morons and that they are all blissfully unaware of the deeper knowledge that only RC4 holds.

It must be troubling that Kerry or Bush will be elected by the votes of similarly uninformed people.

Yea, it worries me too...those Bush, right wing, conservative, uniformed, clueless, voters.

Pathetic... I feel for ya. B)
I'll leave the "should the pilots vote" discussion to the side.

If the RC4 have violated ALPA's bylaws, why has not ALPA ruled it out of order, and moved on?

Everybody over at ALPA acts like, "we just can't do a thing with those boys."

The way ALPA MEC is foaming at the mouth over the RC4, if there was ANY parliamentary manuever, ruling, point of order, or what-have-you the MEC could make to overrule the RC4, THEY WOULD.

The fact they haven't, indicates they can't.

Rendering all the lawsuit-mongering as chicken@#$t FUD.

It is perfectly acceptable to oppose the RC4.

It is comtemptible to defame and attempt to intimidate them.
It is refreshing to hear A320 pilot promote solidarity. Put your leaders in jail, sue them, cry to momma about them not listening to the self-appointed, all-powerful, unelected savant who has a computer (that and a big mouth makes everyone smarter than they think they are, maybe even me).
diogenes said:
I'll leave the "should the pilots vote" discussion to the side.

If the RC4 have violated ALPA's bylaws, why has not ALPA ruled it out of order, and moved on?

Everybody over at ALPA acts like, "we just can't do a thing with those boys."

The way ALPA MEC is foaming at the mouth over the RC4, if there was ANY parliamentary manuever, ruling, point of order, or what-have-you the MEC could make to overrule the RC4, THEY WOULD.

The fact they haven't, indicates they can't.

Rendering all the lawsuit-mongering as chicken@#$t FUD.

It is perfectly acceptable to oppose the RC4.

It is comtemptible to defame and attempt to intimidate them.
Thank you, and sorry to the rest for quoting the entire post. You all need to read it again. The pit and phl reps are FULLY in compliance with ALPA policy, and have the support of the majority of U pilots. Thats it. That is all there is. Greeter.

Interesting PM action. I look forward to talking to you tomorrow. I'll be sure to come over and talk and then introduce you to some key people.

Best regards,

USA320Pilot said:

Interesting PM action. I look forward to talking to you tomorrow. I'll be sure to come over and talk and then introduce you to some key people.

Best regards,

I will try to be there. If so I would like to meet you, and anyone else. Greeter.

You will meet me, since I saw you speak to the MEC at the last PIT meeting. You will get to meet other key people too, who you cannot block.

Looking forward to talking to you versus just email on my distribution list.

Best regards,

Walmartgreeter said:
The pit and phl reps are FULLY in compliance with ALPA policy, and have the support of the majority of U pilots.

If RC4 is confident that this is the case then a vote is an excellent way to reinforce that position, thereby proving that the pilots are solidly supportive of withholding concessions.

The only reason to avoid a vote is if there is fear of losing.
Personally, I have been a supporter of the RC4 from the get-go. I believe with all my heart and soul that "CH11 take 2" was INEVITABLE in spite of what we did or didn't do as pilots an the weeks prior.

Having said that...

Now that we actually HAVE a TA, however, I do feel it is time to send this thing out for a vote and I have communicated as much to my rep.
No need for a roll call, just let it go out with a senatorial vote which will give the "vote on it " supporters the simple majority and still allow the dissenting members to go on the record as "against" the TA being sent out. The reasons to be for or against the RC4's stand have been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum and I think it's safe to say that nobody is on the fence on what is going on around here. In other words, a well informed "electorate". ALPA roadshows aren't likely to dissuade those who still want the judge to decide.

If this T/A passes with a majority vote, then the membership will have truly spoken and what happens, happens. It seems to me that a break-up will be inevitable if it does as that seems to be what the company is really gunning for. If the rank and file vote it in, than SO BE IT! The sun will rise and life will go on in spite of what is "decided" here.
ALPA roadshows aren't likely to dissuade those who still want the judge to decide.
someone ought to educate these people as to what actualy the judge can and can't do.
some IAM persons actually believe if we reject a t/a a judge will actually give them a raise.seems some alpa drink the same kool-aid??
fools-the judge abrogates and imposes only-he does not negotiate!
give this t/a a vote and live with the memberships choice.....
if it gets voted down,what will one bus pilot say then????

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