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Airline Bamkruptcy Article Wsj

whatkindoffreshhell said:
Don't expect your customers to pay inflated airfares just because you are a self-proclaimed noble member of a labor organization.

"self-proclaimed", "noble"? ........Good grief, where did that come from? You're giving yourself away there. Constructing a straw man, are you?

But I do expect customers to pay a price for a product that is a small margin over what it costs.


And Maslow would tell you that your need for self-preservation is paramount.

Of course. That is, ipso facto, a given. Is that all you got out of Maslow? I'm so sorry. You missed a lot. I am not a pure Maslow fan, but one needs to absorb Maslow to understand Herzberg, as the two of them are more or less syncretic.

whatkindoffreshhell,Sep 22 2005, 03:26 PM]
Incorrect. I never agreed with outlandish mgmt salaries, however they are just doing the same as you, taking what the market offers them for as long as the money is available and you both are certainly entitled to get it while it lasts.

Who determines market rate for management? MANAGEMENT!! How convienient!!! And they get it whether the money is available or not.

But it ain't lasting much longer. Unless of course you adapt. Unlike the dinosaurs.

What do you mean by adapt-eat once a week?

(and your silly comment about 'airfares of 70s' is nonsense --- or are you still paying 70 cents for gas and $3thou for a new car??)

No but the price of tickets is around the same or less in unadjusted dollars .Todays aircraft burn less than half the fuel they did then. They also require less maintenace and only two pilots. So costs have gone down.

The fact is that during the regulated era Airfares declined at a steady rate, In fact over the regulated era they declined more overall (when adjusted for inflation) than they did under deregulation.

The fact is that the airline industry can offer reasonable airfare and pay good wages. But those in control have other plans.

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