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Aircraft maint issues

Who cares..that 1.5 million man he's equates to 721 jobs (2080 hrs per mechanic)....so we're gonna hold out til arbitration and gamble, and get worse forced on us...the truth be told, the company wants to gut facilities, gse and add turn the majority of fleet part time....that's why the TWU is pissed....all about the dues...

Oh so you say “Who cares” about that? So because maybe you think it doesn’t effect you no big deal.

Sorry I’m not exactly interested in being forced down to part time either. Jerk.

BTW there has NEVER been a case yet where a Contract has been forced on any Labor group in the Airline industry, so I have zero clue what the hell you’re talking about?
That was 721 out on Line Maint, I wonder how many total including LUS folks? I have a feeling this is going to end up badly, for us all, if we go to sec 6.
I did notice more information is coming out about negotiations. Sometimes you have to light a fire under the unions butts. I still don’t understand why the IAM does not give updates like GP of TWU. Rumors around LUS is the company wants things done by September. I don’t see that happening. Keep strong union brothers and sisters!!!!
I disagree. No one should have to light a fire under their butts. The asso. representing the membership that pays monthly dues to should be updating their membership about everything and not leaving them in the dark. Once you guys get the "real" info of what the co. is really wanting it will not go well at all. I have always said this will be on T/A day.

That was 721 out on Line Maint, I wonder how many total including LUS folks? I have a feeling this is going to end up badly, for us all, if we go to sec 6.
Pretty sure you guys are headed for sec 6.
Same thing happened way back around the year 2000 or so. NWA just got best contract in the majors. We had a very strong AMFA drive and the union was scared of losing dues. All of a sudden the communication was improving and we leapfrogged NWA contract by about .20 cents an hour. The company offered this plus a unheard of 7 weeks vacation. Too bad the guys decided to lose interest in the drive after all that. Now we seem to be in the same situation. Funny how history has a way of repeating itself.
Oh so you say “Who cares” about that? So because maybe you think it doesn’t effect you no big deal.

Sorry I’m not exactly interested in being forced down to part time either. Jerk.

BTW there has NEVER been a case yet where a Contract has been forced on any Labor group in the Airline industry, so I have zero clue what the hell you’re talking about?

This thread is Aircraft Maintenance issues...did u transfer into maintenance?...

If not start ur own page...that is why we are tired of concessionary $##&#! Up TWU contracts, because we're lumped up in with other ground workers....we need to break away with a "Skilled" union that gets us what is comparable to our peers...not lower our pay/ benes to UR workgroup standards.....

Like I said before, the company can get highschool students to do ur job for minimum wage...so turning your job pt is the least of ur worries...your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Jerk
This thread is Aircraft Maintenance issues...did u transfer into maintenance?...

If not start ur own page...that is why we are tired of concessionary $##&#! Up TWU contracts, because we're lumped up in with other ground workers....we need to break away with a "Skilled" union that gets us what is comparable to our peers...not lower our pay/ benes to UR workgroup standards.....

Like I said before, the company can get highschool students to do ur job for minimum wage...so turning your job pt is the least of ur worries...your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Jerk

Blah, blah, blah. Sorry I missed the shop class for Aircraft Maintenance instead of Plastic shop where I made a Plastic Sailboat.

Now go sign another card. Do you need a crayon?
[QUOTE="aintgotnotimefodat, post: 1304544, member:
your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Jerk[/QUOTE]
Not defending anyone in Fleet, but please show me where it is written that my $62,000 a year job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position. Is that fact, or just your opinion and take on Fleet. I must say, I missed that memo and yet have made out pretty good without taking that next step.
[QUOTE="aintgotnotimefodat, post: 1304544, member:
your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Jerk
Not defending anyone in Fleet, but please show me where it is written that my $62,000 a year job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position. Is that fact, or just your opinion and take on Fleet. I must say, I missed that memo and yet have made out pretty good without taking that next step.[/QUOTE]

Exactly...fleet is overpaid, for the level of skill required to do your job..the TWU uses maintenance contracts to elevate your contract pay and benes... unfortunately we get sacrificed in the works...u guys are always industry leading, we're always lacking our counterparts...
Not this garbage again...Let me bow down and slowly crawl away...without waiting for the answer to the question I asked...later.
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Not this garbage again...Let me bow down and slowly crawl away...without waiting for the answer to the question I asked...later.
He's barking up the wrong tree Mexico Salvador etc are his problem.Boeing and Airbus are going to set up shop and do Maintenance work themselves kind of like a car dealer.They are going to make a fortune.Unfortunately for fleet the less AMTs the more of their former work we will be doing repos etc
Not this garbage again...Let me bow down and slowly crawl away...without waiting for the answer to the question I asked...later.
For what its worth, i really have no interest in fleet, what you guys negotiate is good for you. The problem i have are the flow thru items. If you have been around long enough you know the term. Not to start an argument or appear to look down, but years ago i worked with jim litttle on an issue and he did admit to the philosophy of a loaf a bread cost the same for everyone.
This thread is Aircraft Maintenance issues...did u transfer into maintenance?...

If not start ur own page...that is why we are tired of concessionary $##&#! Up TWU contracts, because we're lumped up in with other ground workers....we need to break away with a "Skilled" union that gets us what is comparable to our peers...not lower our pay/ benes to UR workgroup standards.....

Like I said before, the company can get highschool students to do ur job for minimum wage...so turning your job pt is the least of ur worries...your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Totally agree strength in numbers is gone we don’t strike anymore and bag smashers dont support us.
He's barking up the wrong tree Mexico Salvador etc are his problem.Boeing and Airbus are going to set up shop and do Maintenance work themselves kind of like a car dealer.They are going to make a fortune.Unfortunately for fleet the less AMTs the more of their former work we will be doing repos etc

The Boeing and Airbus mx u talk about, I heard 26 yrs ago, before I got in mx, just like the mechanic shortage....all bs...AA is too big to outsource that much work and be cost effective...like u said car dealership prices ...which will have astronomical labor and parts costs....don't get me wrong, overhaul can still be cut down some more and small line stations too...
Totally agree strength in numbers is gone we don’t strike anymore bag smashers has never supported us.
[QUOTE="aintgotnotimefodat, post: 1304544, member:
your job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position, the fact you decided to stay where ur at is your choice...Jerk
Not defending anyone in Fleet, but please show me where it is written that my $62,000 a year job was designed to be used as a stepping stone to a better paying, higher level position. Is that fact, or just your opinion and take on Fleet. I must say, I missed that memo and yet have made out pretty good without taking that next step.[/QUOTE]