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Aircraft maint issues

There you go again, instead of agreeing to the obvious, i.e., democrats have been less harmful for Labor, you act like a moron. Look, the democrats suck. They have mostly lost their minds but they have kicked butt for Labor Organizations.
NYer +1
LuLicukoo -1
Tim we know you want attention but adults are talking here.

"i.e., democrats have been less harmful for Labor" might be obvious to you but I can show you a long list where Democrat policies have actually damaged working Americans.

I think a sanctuary city full of cheap illegal labor is damaging to working Americans. I think charging citizens excessive taxes to support "free" healthcare for illegals is damaging to working Americans. I think pushing for an open border is damaging to working Americans. You show me ANYTHING Republicans have done that have damaged working Americans more than any ONE of those items. Go ahead Mr. Obvious...... I'll wait.

Love airplanes? Build, maintain composite or metal structures for aircraft to make sure they fly safe & comfortable.

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Any one heard anything about this? I do know for a fact that Tulsa Tech offers an A&P program. In fact they have an American Airlines MD80 sitting in their hanger (among other aircraft). I wonder if American Airlines is going to start hiring for support shops. Then again maybe it is another company.
I hope so. Let the membership decide. Our first one was shot down overwhelming. Second offer was overwhelmingly accepted by 96%. Hope you all can get an agreement on the first one, but we will see how far the asso. moves in order to get that chance. That could change some yes votes over to the no column, we will see, good luck...
What ever is presented will get voted in. With the TWU's track record of vote no the first time around, and then support a crappier second offer, most will say screw that and accept what is on the table.
What ever is presented will get voted in. With the TWU's track record of vote no the first time around, and then support a crappier second offer, most will say screw that and accept what is on the table.

I can see that scenario working that way. Here's an article I read this morning and it appears AA is going after the asso. for loss revenue and cost. How revenue does 950 canceled or delayed flights equal up to, ones gotta wonder. That amount will be decided in another hearing, so we wait for the grand total.

American says mechanics caused 950 cancellations in 2 months, asks judge for sanctions
Tomorrow's the big day. Hope something comes out of this status meeting.
I'm not expecting much if anything other then ice...

Don't be so sure there. It does look like (on paper) that the asso. has changed it's tune since the PRO injunction has been ordered. Hopefully this will translate to their tudes (asso.) at the table during this status meeting with the NMB. If they do not, then yes I too would expect to see some long term ice setting. But it does appear they are complying so far. But we all know this asso. and these two unions involved and their tudes at the table has nothing to do with this injunction being ordered.
As they are set to meet in a half hour, I expect a short and sweet 2 hour meeting or less, then lunch, then IF all went good with the asso. then they will meet with co., IF asso. decides to keep their way and hold strong, then maybe no need to meet with co.

PDF: Association Notice of Permanent Injunction-8-12-19
Status Meeting Update: (not much info.)

August 16, 2019

The National Mediation Board (NMB) held separate meetings with TWU/IAM Association Leadership (first) and American Management (later) on Thursday in Washington D.C. The purpose of the meetings was for the three NMB Board Members to discuss the status of our negotiations with both parties. The Federal Mediators who attended our earlier negotiations were also present.

Both parties were granted an opportunity to state the reasons they felt were preventing both sides from reaching an agreement. The Association, which was represented by Director Sito Pantoja and Vice Director Alex Garcia, told the Board it is American’s failure to return to the negotiating table that is preventing us from reaching an agreement. The Association also impressed on the Board that there are still five major issues that need to be resolved: Scope, Wages, Profit Sharing, Medical and Retirement. The Board Members asked follow-up questions about these open issues. Our responses made it crystal clear to the Board that we are willing to negotiate anytime, anywhere.

The Association also made the Board aware of the Company’s blatant attempt to divide our members by spewing misinformation about the bargaining sessions on Jetnet.

We expect the NMB Board Members to contact both parties next week with their plan for further negotiations.

In other related news, Association Negotiation Committees along with TWU Local and IAM Lodge leadership also met in Washington D.C. to discuss Monday’s court decision, the subsequent court filing by American on Tuesday and the Association’s appeal filed on Wednesday. To be clear, we must comply with the orders of the court.

Our discussions also reaffirmed that the court orders do not change the objectives of the negotiation committees to obtain the best contract in the industry. After years of sacrifices, an industry leading contract has been earned – and also promised by top American executives.

Please Post on All TWU- IAM Bulletin Boards
Status Meeting Update: (not much info.)

August 16, 2019

The Association also impressed on the Board that there are still five major issues that need to be resolved: Scope, Wages, Profit Sharing, Medical and Retirement. The Board Members asked follow-up questions about these open issues. Our responses made it crystal clear to the Board that we are willing to negotiate anytime, anywhere.

GoodGrief Charlie Brown, what has been resolved? The color we're going to paint the curbs?
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To be clear, we must comply with the orders of the court.
That's the problem.

We comply.


The Roosevelt administration tried again to broker a deal to end the strike, but the membership twice rejected the agreements their leadership brought to them and continued the strike. The employers then decided to make a show of force to reopen the port in San Francisco. On Tuesday, July 3, fights broke out along the Embarcadero in San Francisco between police and strikers while a handful of trucks driven by young businessmen made it through the picket line.

Under orders from California Governor Frank Merriam, the California National Guard moved in that evening to patrol the waterfront. Similarly, federal soldiers of the United States Army stationed at the Presidio were placed on alert. The picketers pulled back, unwilling to take on armed soldiers in an uneven fight, and trucks and trains began moving without interference. Bridges asked the San Francisco Labor Council to meet that Saturday, July 7, to authorize a general strike. The Alameda County Central Labor Council in Oakland considered the same action. Teamsters in both San Francisco and Oakland voted to strike, over the objections of their leaders, on Sunday, July 8.
