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Company makes record profits and the Association's two unions continue to make money in union dues. The AFL-CIO continues to collect dues. Why rock the boat?
Things are great for all of them and the TWU members are the losers. The IAM members have it better than the TWU. If you ask yourself why so long to get a JCBA read what I just posted. All the updates and videos and lawsuits and TRO's coming from both sides is a smoke screen. The money keeps rolling in for AA and the TWU/IAM association.
You are totally right about your situation and the industrial union, it's like Washington D.C. in miniature. I was wrong about AMFA, glad I was. The mindset of being screwed by American and your Union is so ingrained that is the new normal.
You are totally right about your situation and the industrial union, it's like Washington D.C. in miniature. I was wrong about AMFA, glad I was. The mindset of being screwed by American and your Union is so ingrained that is the new normal.
I have to admit my respect for you.
All of us TWU represented mechanics get screwed on sick days. It's not just New York. We get half pay for a sick day and the union has let this happen for years.

I am aware of how you guys are paid for sick, and yes I agree that you guys have gotten screwed over the years.
My question was referring to the NY employees as the article read. Was AA denying or passing on punishment for employees calling in sick? And as it read, were they violating the sick policy as written in the contract??
My more important point that I was sarcastically pointing out was why in the world it took the city of NY to sue AA for abusing the sick policy against employees? The asso. just sitting idly by while the co was abusing it the whole time. Just Pathetic...
I have to admit my respect for you.
Yea me too.
He was man enough to admit it.
And most at my location all have said that AMFA was right and not JUST running a political game.
I will also admit there is one teamster lover still loving the teamsters and wish they were here. But he will never see the light. He's also in his 70's, and feels like he was railroaded by AMFA with some grievance not going his way some 10 years ago that he still holds a grudge on. He won his griev. and the co. brought all the work back in house as the solution but instead of paying him directly with cash, they used all that cash to set up a new shop, equipment, tooling and mechanics to do the work. It was a good win for him, the union as well as all of us by getting the work back. he just thought he should have been paid by cash as well.
I tried explaining to him that rather teamsters or AMFA the same outcome more than likely, would have been the same. But I also told him that the teamsters quit fighting a bunch of griev's that were hugely stacked up from the teamsters just tossing them on a pile and then trashing them everytime we get a new contract. They suked big time when they were here.
You are totally right about your situation and the industrial union, it's like Washington D.C. in miniature. I was wrong about AMFA, glad I was. The mindset of being screwed by American and your Union is so ingrained that is the new normal.

I have to admit my respect for you.

dfw gen and swamt, you have really done it now 🙂
The term you are referring to is called "spoon feeding" and yes, it's because most are too lazy to seek their own information and the unions thrive on this in order to spread fear, scare tactics and misinformation in order to stop people from signing cards for another union.
90 percent of people will eat bullshit if you put enough sugar on it.
Hey guys, Read this update this morning of the unions web page.
I hope this is the trigger getting pulled for movement towards a new contact for you guys. However, "BOTH" sides better be prepared to move as the NMB has stated. Or at least as we are being told by the asso. in this update.
A little concerned with only meeting with the asso. for a mere 3 hours, and meeting with them first, prior to meeting with the co.
Usually the NMB meets first with the co. to see what type of movement has been made and then would ask the union side if they would be willing to move for the changes the co. has offered, as they did in our case. As long as "BOTH" sides are willing to move I foresee future dates being set. If either side refuses to move or even shows resistance to movement, I see long term ice period and a possible move towards arbitration request.
Also still waiting to hear from the Judge. Wondering if the date of Aug 15th was set knowing there will be a Judges results known by then and may also help in triggering movement as well.
Could it be too premature to think of a possible T/A by end of year IF there is movement? For you guys waiting so long I hope you do get a T/A before end of year. Getting a bit more interesting.
The membership should be contacting the top NC members that will be at this upcoming meeting at tell them they better be willing to move or else. Don't threat in a manner that it backfires, I'm simply suggesting the membership apply pressure for movement by the asso. side to move forward towards an agreement and T/A...

Hey guys, Read this update this morning of the unions web page.
I hope this is the trigger getting pulled for movement towards a new contact for you guys. However, "BOTH" sides better be prepared to move as the NMB has stated. Or at least as we are being told by the asso. in this update.
A little concerned with only meeting with the asso. for a mere 3 hours, and meeting with them first, prior to meeting with the co.
Usually the NMB meets first with the co. to see what type of movement has been made and then would ask the union side if they would be willing to move for the changes the co. has offered, as they did in our case. As long as "BOTH" sides are willing to move I foresee future dates being set. If either side refuses to move or even shows resistance to movement, I see long term ice period and a possible move towards arbitration request.
Also still waiting to hear from the Judge. Wondering if the date of Aug 15th was set knowing there will be a Judges results known by then and may also help in triggering movement as well.
Could it be too premature to think of a possible T/A by end of year IF there is movement? For you guys waiting so long I hope you do get a T/A before end of year. Getting a bit more interesting.
The membership should be contacting the top NC members that will be at this upcoming meeting at tell them they better be willing to move or else. Don't threat in a manner that it backfires, I'm simply suggesting the membership apply pressure for movement by the asso. side to move forward towards an agreement and T/A...


A status meeting to see if the Association is willing to move. If they are then we should see dates.

If they decide they will hold out as they speak the expected decision from the Judge we may be more time before another session if scheduled. In the meantime, there will be a hearing on holding the Association in contempt and the proposals may start to go backwards.
A status meeting to see if the Association is willing to move. If they are then we should see dates.

If they decide they will hold out as they speak the expected decision from the Judge we may be more time before another session if scheduled. In the meantime, there will be a hearing on holding the Association in contempt and the proposals may start to go backwards.
I agree. But trust me, the co. better be willing to move as well. If not, and the union has shown movement, the NMB will come down hard on the co. And vise versa. If co. willing to move, and union doesn't, NMB will come down hard on union. We have seen it first hand thru our nego's. You guys are in the exact same boat. Stay afloat boys, keep your life jackets on, or in weezals case, floaties on the arms, LOL...
I agree. But trust me, the co. better be willing to move as well. If not, and the union has shown movement, the NMB will come down hard on the co. And vise versa. If co. willing to move, and union doesn't, NMB will come down hard on union. We have seen it first hand thru our nego's. You guys are in the exact same boat. Stay afloat boys, keep your life jackets on, or in weezals case, floaties on the arms, LOL...

NMB won't pressure the company as much as the Association.