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Aircraft maint issues

It’s not the same, both sides have moved, we are down to the few last major issues:

Everything else has been settled.
The few "last major issues", really? These are the "MAJOR" issues that will hold up an agreement coming to an AIP or T/A.
And it doesn't matter what has been settled so far, it's not a T/A until it's a T/A, until then everything is open and can be changed, even if they have been agreed to. Get a clue dude.
Looks like yet another planted individual from the asso. to try and stir crap up. Classic...

FYI driver you got NOTHING from what you refused to accept over 8 Months ago. Even your own Management admitted that you guys allowed them to shift work overseas at a cheaper cost so they could find you some more money.

Almost 7 wasted years when you could have taken the monetary extension way back and not had to go through all your wasted drama.

7 years of waste.
Weezal boy, get a clue. You have no clue what you are talking about, so STFU!!!
You're a persistent MOFO aren't you. (in more ways than one lol). But still "not interested". Now shoo, go back to being a pest to those you were before I posted.
He was put here on a mission just like the others were. They are all butt hurt on how well AMFA turned out with an industry leading agreement at SWA in pay and benefits.

If they poke the bear, there are ramifications and they had the audacity to call out The Association about the AA owned and staffed line maintenance hangar in Brazil, and the are agreeing to move eight outsourced domestic lines to any third world country and vendor.
Get a clue, all your info is not accurate.
Why don’t you read all three contracts and tell us?

UA farms out way more maintenance than AA. It would cost us thousands of jobs, but we know jobs don’t matter to you.
What a moron. Are you serious?? Planted boy to do the work for this fiasco asso. that has classic, wow!!!
I can wait and not be a sucker like you who waited seven years and sold out bringing any work back in-house and you sold out the American Workers by agreeing to let WN move eight heavy lines from the US to third world countries. Like I stated “There’s one born every minute”. How does it feel to wait seven years for a raise you could have had already?
They already sent an email out our full back pay for 6.5 years till the end of this month. The outsourcing are heavy maintenance checks we did not do, we lost no work. So AMFA did their job, and the new guy from Alaska Airlines, and Gary made us whole.
You have zero idea. I’m not placed here on a mission and my information is 100% accurate. Go vote on your sellout TA you got at WN, seven years and pathetic.


Typical, name calling when you can’t refute. Go sellout you’re coworkers and the American Workers. Are you going to take the inspection jobs in San Salvador’s?
I sure will. Have a nice life. Your contract will not be done anytime soon, so enjoy...
BTW: For you real mechanics that want to follow the industry news, we just had another update posted and here it is. Looks like next week we my very well have a T/A. hearing only the retro payments are being discussed at this point.

Joint Memo: Update on the Tentative Agreement
March 22, 2019 -- After reaching an Agreement in Principle (AIP) on March 16, the Southwest and AMFA Negotiating Committees began finalizing the contractual language to turn the AIP into a Tentative Agreement (TA). By and large, this work has been completed, with only a few remaining issues. The TA calls for retro pay through March 31, 2019, and Southwest will provide AMFA with the final numbers around April 5. At that point, AMFA will determine how it plans to distribute the ratification bonus to each individual. The last remaining step is to combine all of the documents we’ve agreed to into one TA document for your review, and we plan to complete this work next week.

Download: 20190322_AMFA_Joint_Memo_re_Update_on_TA.pdf
Read More

Hope this new agreement we are being offered helps you guys at your nego's. Good luck and everyone be safe and work hard so to play hard...
Hey swampy,

donde esta el avion?

  • LOA1 contains AMFA’s consent for eight lines of heavy maintenance to be performed by one or more international vendors, along with other parameters enclosed in the final TA. This is for work that is not currently done in-house.
Just like your IAM sold out the Northwest AMFA mechanics , just like you pretend you are fighting for American Airlines TWU when you steal from them everyday working on American metal. While Doug Parker takes a magnificent proud Airline, American Airlines, and runs it into the ground, with the IAMs help. P.T. Barnum is a good handle for you, he was known to exploit his workers. Are you sure your not really related to Carl Icahn, or Frank Lorenzo?
IYO should they relent? BTW what is your current shift, days off and seniority?
Not relent so to speak, but more realistic.

Even with the scope AA wants we would still have more mechs then anyone. It seems as though the association is less representing us but using us to ensure future dues to the association.

I have 24 years work afternoons with rotating days off.
Not relent so to speak, but more realistic.

Even with the scope AA wants we would still have more mechs then anyone. It seems as though the association is less representing us but using us to ensure future dues to the association.

I have 24 years work afternoons with rotating days off.

You do realize that the Association has relented off their original positions which were in December of 2015 to grow work in all areas. The last update basically only asked for Status Quo on Scope and Gary Peterson himself put out on video that they had offered to the Company a percentage of outsourcing for Maintenance that they should have been able to work with. But obviously that wasn’t enough for them.

By quoting the Company narrative you seem to also be buying into it as well.

Remember the outsourcing they’re looking for is spread out among all of us with some being more proportionally hit than others.

Rotating days off. You must be in LGA or JFK?
Not relent so to speak, but more realistic.

Even with the scope AA wants we would still have more mechs then anyone. It seems as though the association is less representing us but using us to ensure future dues to the association.

I have 24 years work afternoons with rotating days off.

BTW bigjets I think they are being realistic now. Not so much so in their opening proposal but common sense alone knew that would be whittled down.

The Association is asking for more than 3% and or a better PS formula put in to contractual language. Do you think 3% makes up for their currently crappy PS formula?

The Association doesn’t want to give up any more work. Haven’t we all given up enough of our work already by having our arms twisted behind our backs?

The Association would like to not have our raises eaten up through expensive medical costs. Is there anything wrong with wanting that even with USA Medical expenses absolutely ridiculous?

The Association want a better Retirement than what the Company is currently offering. 9% is a nice offer by comparison to the average don’t get me wrong. But look at the Company’s current revenue stream and watch the latest Jetnet videos where the Pilot asks Parker about our Frozen Pensions. Are we really being unreasonable with asking for more than 9% in that light?

And we have ZERO Retiree Medical now. Is it unreasonable to ask for some type of pre 65 bridge?

You tell me?
Just like your IAM sold out the Northwest AMFA mechanics , just like you pretend you are fighting for American Airlines TWU when you steal from them everyday working on American metal. While Doug Parker takes a magnificent proud Airline, American Airlines, and runs it into the ground, with the IAMs help. P.T. Barnum is a good handle for you, he was known to exploit his workers. Are you sure your not really related to Carl Icahn, or Frank Lorenzo?
PT Barnum was here on a mission sent in by the asso. to try and clean things up for them yet again. It happens every now and then. Someone will come in and try to take over the forums to try and turn all the negative talks about this asso. into some find of positive, and to date they have had "0" on their results.
They come in throw a butt load of post out here then just leave. Just like PT Barnum just did.
Here's the latest update from the asso. You guys look exactly like we did at year 4. No movement whatsoever. Sorry to hear this for the mechanics. For some out here to say they are close enough to send for a vote is just ridiculous to say the least. According to the update below you are far away from any vote soon. Good luck guys, hope you get some new dates after April...

Association Negotiations Update
March 22, 2019

From Jetnet:

Association’s Proposal
Applies only to IAM-represented members; TWU would not be included in the defined benefit plan the Association has proposed IAM has already agreed to allow IAM members to leave the defined benefit plan if the company will pay a withdrawal liabilty fee.

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