I have not been with our economist as of yet, but are you sure of the 61.88 top out after 5 years? That would be great. Hope you are correct...SWA get 61.88 top out in 5 years! The association better get us at least that!
I have not been with our economist as of yet, but are you sure of the 61.88 top out after 5 years? That would be great. Hope you are correct...SWA get 61.88 top out in 5 years! The association better get us at least that!
I am not sure.What year did the door problem occur?
NP.SWAMT if you don't mind could tell us what the swa mechanics base pay and premiums are. If you would rather PM me that would work to.
I get 2-3 phone calls/month and several emails from 3rd party vendors and man power companies.Oh, and I do know what's out there. I get emails listing job openings for AMTs all over. They can not find people.
SWA get 61.88 top out in 5 years! The association better get us at least that!
SWA get 61.88 top out in 5 years! The association better get us at least that!
I am not sure.
It was years ago.
Why do you ask?
These were not SRP's.Because after the A scalers sold us out with the SRP program they slowly emptied out the back shops of AMTs and replaced them with anyone who could pass a basic math test. The door shop being one of them. Some shops went back to AMT after management realized they screwed up.
And what does that break down to average each mechanic? Here it breaks down to an average, if split equally, to 60K-65K per mechanic. But, let's not forget 2 things, 1- It's NOT a bonus.
What do you guys think of this Forbes contribution written by Dan Reed about the AMFA Agreement?
This guy is clearly showing absolute hatred and vitriol towards AMFA.
“Well, Southwest fought AMFA for six years, apparently thinking it eventually could wear down the mechanics’ will to fight. Instead, AMFA’s leaders, and some of its members became so frustrated that rather than settling just to be done with it all they played the safety card. And it hurt Southwest enormously“
Swampy I just remember they made Jim S the fall guy for the 2 million spent trying to make Trax work for us in maintenance, plus other reasons. Do you really think they brought in the Alaska guy just to make peace. With a big price like than Landon and McGrady best get their resumes updated, they will need them.And what does that break down to average each mechanic? Here it breaks down to an average, if split equally, to 60K-65K per mechanic. But, let's not forget 2 things, 1- It's NOT a bonus.
And 2- It's in reality our retro for the past 6 plus years. If I am not mistaken you guys are only right 3 -4 years into it right?
Funny you ask, because he has no clue what he is talking about. His long and drawn out article if filled with false information and GUESSES all on his part. It actually shows how much of an idiot he is to the subject matter at hand.
He's just one of those reporters that thinks A/C mechanics are way overpaid. And he is trying to make something that both sides will more than likely be celebrating into some kind of negative for the co. and investors. Fact is, the Pilots contracts cost way more than ours do typically and now they too are going into nego's next year with our F/A's already nego.
Only if you are willing to match scope and mechanic/per aircraft.
Let me know how that works with the TWU/IAM abortion.
No sir. Sokol was not the fall guy of the Trax fiasco. Sokol saw the writing on the wall, trust me I talked to him as others have before he left, in person. The Trax fiasco is on another man that is still here, and why? We all are wondering. But that was some time ago. Sokol was not removed, he removed himself...Swampy I just remember they made Jim S the fall guy for the 2 million spent trying to make Trax work for us in maintenance, plus other reasons. Do you really think they brought in the Alaska guy just to make peace. With a big price like than Landon and McGrady best get their resumes updated, they will need them.