Hear! Hear!Sure is. And when we're made whole again with our new industry leading JCBA I'll gladly leave and let the newbies take over!
Hear! Hear!Sure is. And when we're made whole again with our new industry leading JCBA I'll gladly leave and let the newbies take over!
How imuch s a Delta amt base pay and extras?
Where did you read anything like that?I read somewhere last week that the association had discussed with the mediator/company to define what Delta+3% was. To include the better Delta profit sharing pay out. Anyone else read that? It would be helpful to know the associations definition. What is that hourly number? What does the Delta profit sharing equate to hourly? Over 3 years in and we still don't have these basics known.
I read somewhere last week that the association had discussed with the mediator/company to define what Delta+3% was. To include the better Delta profit sharing pay out. Anyone else read that? It would be helpful to know the associations definition. What is that hourly number? What does the Delta profit sharing equate to hourly? Over 3 years in and we still don't have these basics known.
“At the end of business Tuesday Klima, Peterson and Reagan gave us a detailed review of the financial positions and what Delta plus means as of today’s date including Delta’s profit sharing plan”
Dale Danker.
Dvlhog if you notice Dale didn’t use the Delta + 3% line that the Company has used. All I can say is that the Association asked for more than 3%.
I think finalizing wages is the last item to be finished before it’s sent out to us for a vote.
Sure is. And when we're made whole again with our new industry leading JCBA I'll gladly leave and let the newbies take over!
And that's a good thing. I hope they stick with the original promise of D or U plus 7% whichever is higher. Very glad to hear they are asking more than the 3% above.“At the end of business Tuesday Klima, Peterson and Reagan gave us a detailed review of the financial positions and what Delta plus means as of today’s date including Delta’s profit sharing plan”
Dale Danker.
Dvlhog if you notice Dale didn’t use the Delta + 3% line that the Company has used. All I can say is that the Association asked for more than 3%.
I think finalizing wages is the last item to be finished before it’s sent out to us for a vote.
This great news. Congrats to the Delta employees on expanding Tech Ops...Is Delta now doing what TAESL used to?
FYI....they're hiring
I believe TOS for a Delta AMT is $49.92. $44.92 base pay + $5.00 license pay as of 10-01-18.