I always wondered why and even asked why the Assoc never hired a professional negotiator. I was told that "We know the contract better than anyone". That maybe so but you are sitting across the table from a professional. I find it hard to believe that the IAM is purposely dragging their feet at the expense of the TWU folks. The TWU negotiators would have seen through that from the get go. It has always been said that you guys should of had the sick time, holidays and etc brought to parity with the IAM people when we got the raise. The company wants to have leverage on their side to to get a joint CBA. You guys are hating the wrong people. We are with you 100%. Remember we had no vote for the Assoc either. The company can say that they want to get it done but look back and you will see that the pilots at LUS never had a joint agreement with the AWA pilots even though the company said they wanted it done. For 10 yrs they ran separate operations saving a ton of money because the pilots on the US side were still at bankruptcy wages . Guess who that group is now? You guys of the TWU. Not sure how long you have been doing this but the pecking order is the pilots cause the co can't replace them. Next the FAs they have to be onboard the plane also(required). Anybody else they would try to contract out in a heartbeat.. Not sure why anybody thought this would get done soon. Do you remember UA? 5 yrs and the first one was voted down. Look at SWA, the co that is supposed to LUV their employees, 5 yrs and counting. The Assoc. will probably get an agreement before them, then SWA will have something to go by. There shouldn't be even talk of concessions since both sides were reamed through the bankruptcies. We're in this together, we know you guys out number the IAM. Nobody should have to lose a job with over 900 a/c. Our contract was abrogated in Jan 2005, we were told if we didn't vote yes the co was 2 weeks from liquidation. I don't feel the IAM gave up anything, it was stolen from us. Do I agree with everything the unions are doing or did over the years, no but I think you would agree that we'd be a lot worse off without them.