Might not be a bad idea. Lots of stuff to talk about that's for sure.Hey Old Guy with all that is happening in TULE was thinking we should have a Base maintenance thread. What do you think?
Might not be a bad idea. Lots of stuff to talk about that's for sure.Hey Old Guy with all that is happening in TULE was thinking we should have a Base maintenance thread. What do you think?
All BS aside the reality of it is that the TWU contract is the worst in the industry and the IAM contract is the second worst contract in the industry. But compared to ours yours is lots better. That doesn't mean we'll vote for your contract. As far as TWU out voting the IAM that is only if the Association allows it. Right now although you have one third the numbers you have equal voting rights at the negotiating table. Not fair but nothing about the Association is fair. This is an abortion of a merger as our airlines were almost opposites in every respect but the dumbest guy gets to run the show. Parker has no clue how to run the largest airline in the world and he won't admit it. Customer service is not important to him and it is hurting us.Hackman and Conehead, you have your opinion of AA mx! I'm not going to argue with either one of you. I am surely not going to apologize for my opinion! Let's get back on track. TWU will out vote the IAM members and we will be stuck with an inferior contract. All I hear is how much TWU likes the IAM contract. You are under a great bankruptcy contract. We are not! I for one would like to keep my pension and also have the company match 3% in a 401k. I understand you don't want to join the IAM pension. I am really ok with that as my fellow technicians. I just don't want to lose what I currently have. As for outsourcing mx I do like the percentage you guys keep in house. Remember I'm not the enemy, management has taken that position.
Coming out on a pubic forum and disrespecting another AMTs group work performance isn't real smart, especially ones from an airline that saved your failing airline from Chapter 7 grinder. You made yourself an enemy here, and refused to rescind your inflammatory statements against fellow AMTs. I guess that's the American Worst trait, looking at the "Eastie/Westie" pilot war AA inherited. I suppose your job performance is above reproach, when the man says to jump, you get up off your knees to get on those brakes and tires the AA deadbeats left for you all by your lonely self. Awesome you are Mr. Aviation. Congrats, a one-hand clap for you.Hackman and Conehead, you have your opinion of AA mx! I'm not going to argue with either one of you. I am surely not going to apologize for my opinion! Let's get back on track. TWU will out vote the IAM members and we will be stuck with an inferior contract. All I hear is how much TWU likes the IAM contract. You are under a great bankruptcy contract. We are not! I for one would to keep my pension and also have the company match 3% in a 401k. I understand you don't want to join the IAM pension. I am really ok with that as my fellow technicians. I just don't want to lose what I currently have. As for outsourcing mx I do like the percentage you guys keep in house. Remember I'm not the enemy, management has taken that position.
I rest my case after I see the comments from the American guys to US air , TWA, America West guys, you are all techs, and it looks like it will always be us and them. Management just has to sit back and watch you fight, so they win.Hackman, you don't have a clue about AWA. Did you know that Rolls Royce came and took the highest flying time engine back to England. AWA 757 engine had over 30,000 hours on wing. Some of the reasons were the prevention maintenance that was performed all that time. Bill Franke fired 500 technicians in 1995, that is why the FAA placed 2.5 Million dollars in fines. The FAA forced the company to bring back the 500 technicians. Some of the finest technicians I have had the pleasure to work with. Professional and extreme commitment to safety and the flying public. Remember if it was not for the management team from AWA the US Airways and the American Airlines merger might not have happened. So before you start giving out your opinion get your facts straight!!!
Us and them because the unions created that division in order to stay in control over the members. If we union members stuck together on just a few major issues the unions would have a cow because the company would put the blame on them.I rest my case after I see the comments from the American guys to US air , TWA, America West guys, you are all techs, and it looks like it will always be us and them. Management just has to sit back and watch you fight, so they win.
And the company loves to sit back and watch it too. They love it just as much as the asso does, if not more. I have no idea if you can, but you mentioned about abolishing the union, is there steps that can be made to start the process? Or must it take a full blown union replacement to get any changes done?Us and them because the unions created that division in order to stay in control over the members. If we union members stuck together on just a few major issues the unions would have a cow because the company would put the blame on them.
If anyone thinks I'm wrong about the unions creating this division then I have one perfect example.
Ask yourself who wanted this association?
We were told we had a choice on the Association.
We were told we were going to have a vote on the association.
In the end the association was created by the two unions and AFL-CIO.
So the division of the many groups in the association was by design to keep the dues flowing for all parties and continue to keep the membership divided even more now than ever before. Next time the union or association talks solidarity and unity ask them to start with themselves first. Lead by example. Won't happen.
Unless we abolish the association nothing is going to change. Another example is TWU pickets and no IAM pickets.
TWU is making noise and the IAM is in the corner enjoying the cheese. That's division 101 supported by the association. The association wants it that way. Understand yet gentlemen?
I hope so. If not by now then you never will. Work safe and stay out of trouble.
According to what was explained to me at a union meeting a while back, there is a provision in the language of the association that the president of either union can request in writing to exit from the association. But both sides have to be in agreement. I believe this was placed in the language to show good faith but in reality it will never happen as long as the AFL-CIO has a say. Which they do.And the company loves to sit back and watch it too. They love it just as much as the asso does, if not more. I have no idea if you can, but you mentioned about abolishing the union, is there steps that can be made to start the process? Or must it take a full blown union replacement to get any changes done?
According to what was explained to me at a union meeting a while back, there is a provision in the language of the association that the president of either union can request in writing to exit from the association. But both sides have to be in agreement. I believe this was placed in the language to show good faith but in reality it will never happen as long as the AFL-CIO has a say. Which they do.
Well, since the company wants more outsourcing and the TWU does not, and that seems to be the major obstacle, then boys and girls, we are most likely NOT going to get a contract anytime soon. I believe we are headed for an even longer period, ala United/Continental.
The way I see it is this: If the company wants to give us an industry leading contract, they are going to want the outsourcing levels of those carriers of whom we want comparable or better wages and benefits and language. Plain and simple.
The hangar is HAPPENING and there is no stopping it. It will be staffed by AA employees. It is no different than Asia, Europe and the Carribean where we have AA mechanics doing checks.
GP needs to be reminded that the horse already left the barn. He sits there with his Picasso and Harley Davidson artwork behind him stating that the outsourcing will stop when in fact SA is increasing the level of work they do. current language ALLOWS for what has been happening
Frankly I am getting tired of hearing only from GP....Where are the others on the NC? Where are their views? The FAA already rebuked the union's petition to the Trump administration he is still trying to be Jimmy Hoffa.
I have said this numerous times before: We should never have to give any concession ever again considering what we lost in 2003 and BK...But that is NOT how it works.
We are stalemated and I am planning on retiring under the current contract and I have a few years left.
Believe me gentlemen, AMFA is nothing to write home about every other group at SWA has come an agreement to vote on, they either excepted it, or rejected it, and then went back to fix what was wrong and sent it back out for a vote. We got national officers positions still hardly any changes. We had electronic updates, meetings, you look on Facebook, arguing about something to vote on. I don't see any real difference in AMFA and other industrial unions, and I have been at SWA for over 23 years.I Agree, the membership has yet to see the full company offer. I know the International is primarily interested in maintaining headcount for future dues. Problem is, they are using us as pawns. So, here we go with another year of reduced holidays at an inferior pay rate, another year of reduced vacation time, another year of reduced sick pay, another year of reduced sick time accrual, another year of reduced shift differential, the list goes on. The way I see it, the TWU owes us, as well as the company. I can't speak for the rest of the groups - but A/C Maintenance has been screwed by both for way too long.
Look, the pickets are nice, but pretty much window dressing. Either we have a unified effort that gets some attention, or our group will never be taken seriously. As MM points out, the horse has left the barn. I know it sucks, and we all would prefer to keep maintenance in house on USA soil. I have never seen the TWU win at anything except scamming to keep the AMFA out, or screwing AMTs in general. Now they are negotiating roughly 2 days per month for 2 years, and we sit and accept that. Then they patronize us with uninformative, lame updates - that most of us find insulting.
This negotiation committee needs to get us a contract we can vote on - soon! The company brain trust; in it's eternal wisdom, intends on outsourcing more, get us our industry leading contract in exchange for it!
Want to switch unions? You'll see the difference.Believe me gentlemen, AMFA is nothing to write home about every other group at SWA has come an agreement to vote on, they either excepted it, or rejected it, and then went back to fix what was wrong and sent it back out for a vote. We got national officers positions still hardly any changes. We had electronic updates, meetings, you look on Facebook, arguing about something to vote on. I don't see any real difference in AMFA and other industrial unions, and I have been at SWA for over 23 years.
Want to switch unions? You'll see the difference.