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Aircraft maint issues

It appears that the AA guys are further from a JCBA than what the membership has been told. Co. not even putting a thought into the pension with the IAM. No bonuses? And not an industry leading pay offer? And no mention what-so-ever about the outsourcing. This asso. is producing (so far) one iota of ALL the promises they guaranteed you guys. Being this far from an agreement just might be a good time for a representational change at AA for the mechanics. This just pathetic guys. Enough is enough.
I love how you come onto America's board and act like we have a contract at SWA and they should go with AMFA and all their dreams will be achieved! We haven't had a contract in 5 years, and the rate we are going probably going to be another two year; talk about throwing stones in glass houses !
It appears that the AA guys are further from a JCBA than what the membership has been told. Co. not even putting a thought into the pension with the IAM. No bonuses? And not an industry leading pay offer? And no mention what-so-ever about the outsourcing. This asso. is producing (so far) one iota of ALL the promises they guaranteed you guys. Being this far from an agreement just might be a good time for a representational change at AA for the mechanics. This just pathetic guys. Enough is enough.

I know that the always angry people on this thread hate when this is pointed out but they really do need a slap of reality quite often I'm sorry to say.

AMFA got 8 (Eight) write in votes at US during the IAM vs IBT contest.

AMFA came into existence 52 years ago by an AA Mechanic and AA Mechanics never went for them.

With the protests against Airline Maintenance outsourcing the TWU is doing the right thing and AMFA was a part of the first one and I hope that continues.

Many people do vote for the same Leaders over and over and over because they're the only ones who actually give a shite enough to get involved and run.

These Mechanics always wind up saying they hate them in the end but they vote for them over and over and over and over. Oops.

8 write in votes for AMFA over at LUS, and yet - over 7000 signed cards at LAA. Had there been an organized grass roots effort over at LUS for the AMFA like there was at LAA, I'm certain the numbers would be much better. The America West guys were IBT, the IAM was the incumbant at LUS - there would still be enough angst from that forced union to work with.
8 write in votes for AMFA over at LUS, and yet - over 7000 signed cards at LAA. Had there been an organized grass roots effort over at LUS for the AMFA like there was at LAA, I'm certain the numbers would be much better. The America West guys were IBT, the IAM was the incumbant at LUS - there would still be enough angst from that forced union to work with.

Over 7000 signed cards? Ok if you say so I guess.

Anyway moving on. I just had some good TWU Union Brothers stop by to say hello and give me an update on the Picket here in MIA. Both Fleet and Maintenance guys.

Will you be flying in to join the picket Vortilon? I'm assuming if you've "HAD ENOUGH YET" you'll be here?
No offence FWAAA, but do you think I give a fuk? I don't. I will continue to bring to light each and every promise and guarantee this God awful asso. said they would do for these members at AA when they were saying there would be a vote just so they would not revolt prior to the announcement that it was forced upon them.
........ just wow.

swamt he was not saying what you THINK he was saying. Read it again. That was directed at WeAAsles not you.
This blog is getting boring. Weasel- idiot, lalilulelo- idiot,
I have had enough.
Sorry you feel that way.

The truth is my life would be very negatively impacted if they were to close the Tulsa base due to outsourcing.

If TULE were to close you have any idea of the economic impact that would have on Tulsa? I believe American Airlines is the largest private employer in Oklahoma, not to mention one of the best paying. I live here. I have family here. I don't want to see you guys get outsourced. It is bad enough TULE is losing headcount.

You see I may not be a mechanic but what happens to you impacts me. It impacts this whole city I call home. It's a domino effect.

Believe me when I say I am VERY concerned about mechanics future at American Airlines.

Also let's not forget my wife works at TULE as well. In fact she is third generation American Airlines.

You need to remember your in a high stakes game that affects a lot of people not just mechanics.

My main reason for even coming on here is to derail WeAAsles Association propaganda. He keeps trying to push acceptance of something that was imposed on you. I see an injustice there and it is hard for me to just sit back and watch it happen.

I have a purpose and motivation for being on this thread.

I just wanted to say that. Feel free to go back insulting me.
I would like to know how many Mechanics here plan to stand up for yourselves and be a part of the next informational picketing here in MIA?

How many of you stood up for yourselves in DFW?

How many of you will stand up for yourselves if it needs to go to NYC?
I would like to know how many Mechanics here plan to stand up for yourselves and be a part of the next informational picketing here in MIA?

How many of you stood up for yourselves in DFW?

How many of you will stand up for yourselves if it needs to go to NYC?

Great turn out at DFW. I was there 1000-1800. I certainly hope my fellow AMTs in MIA make a good showing.
someone said 3000 in dallas numbers going lower as We. speak

Total sign in numbers were near 3700. Solid turn out. It was loud and powerful.
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I love how you come onto America's board and act like we have a contract at SWA and they should go with AMFA and all their dreams will be achieved! We haven't had a contract in 5 years, and the rate we are going probably going to be another two year; talk about throwing stones in glass houses !
Where in my post did I say that the AA guys should go AMFA? Where? Please point that out. NEVER did I act like we have a contract. I also never said that all their dreams would be achieved. Stop stalking me dude.