This blog is getting boring. Weasel- idiot, lalilulelo- idiot,
I have had enough.
Sorry you feel that way.
The truth is my life would be very negatively impacted if they were to close the Tulsa base due to outsourcing.
If TULE were to close you have any idea of the economic impact that would have on Tulsa? I believe American Airlines is the largest private employer in Oklahoma, not to mention one of the best paying. I live here. I have family here. I don't want to see you guys get outsourced. It is bad enough TULE is losing headcount.
You see I may not be a mechanic but what happens to you impacts me. It impacts this whole city I call home. It's a domino effect.
Believe me when I say I am
VERY concerned about mechanics future at American Airlines.
Also let's not forget my wife works at TULE as well. In fact she is third generation American Airlines.
You need to remember your in a high stakes game that affects a lot of people not just mechanics.
My main reason for even coming on here is to derail WeAAsles Association propaganda. He keeps trying to push acceptance of something that was imposed on you. I see an injustice there and it is hard for me to just sit back and watch it happen.
I have a purpose and motivation for being on this thread.
I just wanted to say that. Feel free to go back insulting me.