Total combined fleet is expected to number 350.
If you're talking about min fleet count, the total number would be 325 (350 - 25 E190's). From there you need the exact minimum number for each side and add them together. That I don't have.
You can estimate it from the combined fleet count at the end of 3Q06 - just over 1 year after BK exit. That was 359. That can be reduced by 10% (36 planes) to get the approximate min fleet - 323. Because of rounding when calculating each sides min fleet, that number is only within 1 or 2 of the correct min fleet count.
Suffice it to say that they will be very close to the min, if not at it, by the end of the year.
ps - almost forgot. the end of 2008 fleet count was 354 including 25 E190's.