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Aircraft Orders

Another factor is the recent center fuel tank inerting AD requirement for all 121 aircraft built after 1991.

The 737-800's coming off the assembly now incorporate the AD. How many MD-80 aircraft do we own built after 1991? What is the cost of compliance with the AD?
I want to see a 787 order soon which I think once Coporate and Labor hammer out something they will just a guess. and I wish that AA would pull up some 777 orders and add another Asia route.

Yeah, let's get another $20,000 a year concession package forced down out throats so the the company can purchase new aircraft...
Yeah, let's get another $20,000 a year concession package forced down out throats so the the company can purchase new aircraft...
Not exactly what I was thinking, I was thinking more like a pay raise or something. There is hope with the Oil Bubble starting to bursting.
The oil bubble isn't exactly bursting. A few things happened in order to get the American consumer to shut the hell up.

First, speculators backed off a bit in the face of congress busting their money game altogether, then that didn't happen.

That octogenarian Texan opened his yap and literally scared the crap out of middle east oil, especially when he pledged a butt-load of his own $$$ to fund R&D.
Add that to the fact that China has pulled like a billion cars off the roads during the Olympics and there you have it, instant drop in the price of oil.

After the olys are over and China is back up to full-swing pollution mode, oil will start to climb again. However, I doubt it will happen before the Dem & Rep conventions are over. Haven't heard any of the candidates even utter the words 'off shore drilling' in nearly a week.

Almost all of the airlines are threatening sizeable scaling back of their routes at summer’s end and they all blame fuel prices. I'm surprised to hear American saying something other than their labor costs are eating them out of house and home.

I can't say one way or the other yet about their anti-trust immunity applications but my gut instinct is that if it goes through, you are going to see a lot of displaced American workers, and American travelers are going to have to start understanding British accents just to start. I also think AA is looking for a way to hand over a chunk of their Caribbean and Latin American routes to BA and along with those routes go the jobs currently held by Americans.

Can BA literally come to the Colonies and set up shop? If Bush has anything to say about it . . . yes!

AA has the second best route system in the USA. Unfortunately, in their zeal to displace labor, they have ignored their equipment/aircraft for far too long. The word is out among travelers . . . AA aircraft, IMO, are filthy and aesthetically falling apart inside on domestic routes and international isn't looking all that snazzy either. When a plane is in dire need of a steam bath, the old quickie once over every other day isn't going to cut it any longer. AA needs to start handing out free packets of Clorox wipes to every passenger as they come on board! :eye:

Nothing AA or any other carrier is doing right now has even an inkling of looking like a pay raise. The bottom line is, they want an extension of the 03 concession packages and this time I think they'll avail themselves of the courts and their government friends to get it.
It has always been a bad time to be an airline employee, but now, it's an absolute horrible time and will be for the next few years.

I got a little selfish and bought at $4.01 and sold at $13.06 The quickest turn-around I've seen in a while. But this is also the first time I actually felt guilty about it. Fathom that!

Times, they are a changin!
The reason that the candidates aren't talking about drilling is because McCain's busy singing "Georgia on My Mind" to the UN Security Council while Obama's trying to figure out how Russians tanks and soldiers got past all them good ol' boys with shotguns and Confederate flags....
The oil bubble isn't exactly bursting. A few things happened in order to get the American consumer to shut the hell up.

First, speculators backed off a bit in the face of congress busting their money game altogether, then that didn't happen.

That octogenarian Texan opened his yap and literally scared the crap out of middle east oil, especially when he pledged a butt-load of his own $$$ to fund R&D.
Add that to the fact that China has pulled like a billion cars off the roads during the Olympics and there you have it, instant drop in the price of oil.

Lets see if he still is game. I think that any real "Patriot" would be for getting us free from dependance on foreign energy.

Add that to the fact that China has pulled like a billion cars off the roads during the Olympics and there you have it, instant drop in the price of oil.

China is a big country, but I dont think they have a billion cars in the whole country let alone Bejing, which is where the measures to reduce pollution were put into effect at least six months ago(before oil peaked). When I was there I noticed a lot more cars in Shanghai than Bejing and there has been no government mandate to reduce driving there-I believe the subsidies for gas are still in effect there.

Most of the cars I saw in Bejing were taxis.

I doubt that the Olympics had anything to do with the drop in oil prices but I agree that the call for developing alternative energy, even by some of the oil men, is a factor along with the prospect of having a President who is in favor of breaking our dependance on oil, the fact that "12.2 billion fewer miles in June than a year earlier"(declining demand) and a stronger dollar are all factors in oils recent price decline.

While the sudden surge in oil prices is definately hurting, there can be some good out of this. If we learn from this, which is a big "IF" because those who support McCains "lets drill our way out of this" plan obviously havent, and we do make ourselves energy self sufficient through renewables and other local sources then we will pass on a better world where we dont have to send our soldiers to kill and die defending our 5% of the worlds populations "Freedom" to use 25% of the worlds oil.
Lets see if he still is game. I think that any real "Patriot" would be for getting us free from dependance on foreign energy.

China is a big country, but I dont think they have a billion cars in the whole country let alone Bejing, which is where the measures to reduce pollution were put into effect at least six months ago(before oil peaked). When I was there I noticed a lot more cars in Shanghai than Bejing and there has been no government mandate to reduce driving there-I believe the subsidies for gas are still in effect there.

Most of the cars I saw in Bejing were taxis.

I doubt that the Olympics had anything to do with the drop in oil prices but I agree that the call for developing alternative energy, even by some of the oil men, is a factor along with the prospect of having a President who is in favor of breaking our dependance on oil, the fact that "12.2 billion fewer miles in June than a year earlier"(declining demand) and a stronger dollar are all factors in oils recent price decline.

While the sudden surge in oil prices is definately hurting, there can be some good out of this. If we learn from this, which is a big "IF" because those who support McCains "lets drill our way out of this" plan obviously havent, and we do make ourselves energy self sufficient through renewables and other local sources then we will pass on a better world where we dont have to send our soldiers to kill and die defending our 5% of the worlds populations "Freedom" to use 25% of the worlds oil.

Ask Ted Kennedy if his rich constituents want to see Windmills off there multimillion dollar waterfront estates..

I am all for alternative energy sources, but the fact is that be it more drilling or a bigger push towards alternative energy solutions, it's all gonna take a long time..

We need every alternative energy means out there including more nuclear power.

But you will always encounter the "not in my backyard" response.
Ask Ted Kennedy if his rich constituents want to see Windmills off there multimillion dollar waterfront estates..

I am all for alternative energy sources, but the fact is that be it more drilling or a bigger push towards alternative energy solutions, it's all gonna take a long time..

We need every alternative energy means out there including more nuclear power.

But you will always encounter the "not in my backyard" response.
I dont live in Mass so I'd direct the question to Clinton or Schumer. The only person I've come across around here who objects to windmills is a Conservative who says they are unsightly, but he wouldnt object to seeing oil rigs instead! :blink: :blink:

I think offshore drilling should be by concensus of the people in each state-directly voted on by the people, not their reps who are subjected to lobbyists-with the federal mandate that the states who opt for it will be liable for any economic or enviornmental damage caused by any mishaps.

Nuclear power, well would you like it in your backyard? I'm not against it but I'd rather not be near one. Given the choice between a windmill in my backyard or a cooling tower I'd opt for the Windmill, I'd even rather have an oil rig!
Nuclear has to go. Simply put, we don't know what to do with the waste it generates. The Salt Flats are full up and the "no vacancy" sign went up last winter.

I'm sure Bush will make a proposal to store it on the Moon sometime soon.
These replies come from a nuclear power-plant engineer which I found interesting. I use to live near the Sharon Harris nuclear power-plant in North Carolina.

The odds of that situation being reached are virtually nil. First of all, we can utilize one of our biggest waste products (U238) to make more fuel, so we actually recycle our waste in a productive manner.

Second, nearly all of the other waste we generate can be put to use in industrial applications, like non-destructive testing.

Third, the half-life of our longest-lived waste product is somewhere along the lines of 60 years, and it's pretty rare at that. By the time we start thinking about looking for extra space, the old stuff would be inert, and we could move out the now-safe byproducts and start over with the same space we used before.

Once a plant is built and operational, it's actually around 5 times safer and cleaner than living next to an oil or coal-burning plant. The nuclear plant has to go through twice as many inspections, and have 5 times the safeguards as conventional plants, in actuality they are much safer and cleaner than living next to a conventional plant. I'd love to live in the vicinity of a nuclear plant: I'd know for sure that the water is clean, the air is relatively smog-free, and the environment would be safe for any kids I might have.
The nuclear plant has to go through twice as many inspections, and have 5 times the safeguards as conventional plants,

Well that fact alone says something.

Chernobyl has put an everlasting stigma on Nuclear power, deserved or not.
The reason that the candidates aren't talking about drilling is because McCain's busy singing "Georgia on My Mind" to the UN Security Council while Obama's trying to figure out how Russians tanks and soldiers got past all them good ol' boys with shotguns and Confederate flags....
now that is funny! my wife is waiting for a Leno "Jay walking" episode on this event - could be hilarious. too bad it is not filming due to the olympics.
The reason that the candidates aren't talking about drilling is because McCain's busy singing "Georgia on My Mind" to the UN Security Council while Obama's trying to figure out how Russians tanks and soldiers got past all them good ol' boys with shotguns and Confederate flags....

I had heard earlier this week the white house's rose garden is being dug up for both an animal husbandry area and garden space.
Ask Ted Kennedy if his rich constituents want to see Windmills off there multimillion dollar waterfront estates..

I am all for alternative energy sources, but the fact is that be it more drilling or a bigger push towards alternative energy solutions, it's all gonna take a long time..

We need every alternative energy means out there including more nuclear power.

But you will always encounter the "not in my backyard" response.

Agree completely.

Since we're tilting at windmills instead of discussing new airplane orders - here's a great story about windmills in NY and one man's hatred of them:


His own dad sold him out!
These replies come from a nuclear power-plant engineer which I found interesting. I use to live near the Sharon Harris nuclear power-plant in North Carolina.

The nuclear plant has to go through twice as many inspections

By who? The government? The same government that inspected Three Mile and Love? (where that same government decided to bury 21,000 tons of toxic waste at the heart of Niagra, just to see what would happen? You know, if it leaked, all that water would thin it out as it spread across New York. These are but two examples of a government inspection. I would not trust my life to any of the C-average nuclear physicists they hire at bottom dollar.

No thanks.

And . . . the stuff they store in the Salt Flats supposedly has a half life of 500.000 years. It's our most volatile by-product and stuff put in there a mere ten years ago is already eating through the drums. Leakage was expected though and the contingency plan was to . . . let the salt soak it up!

Wise government men built that facility, the same ones that inspect the plants that make the by-product we now don't know what to do with.

While U238 is indeed the waste product they make the most of from the spent fuel rods, it is a far cry from being the most volatile. Inert? We're still storing the by-product of all the R&D that went into the bombs that we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That stuff is just as "ert" as the day it was by-produced!

I'm left to believe, and billions agree with me, the only safe nuclear, is none at all.