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Airbus Update

700UW said:
Apparantly you did not, it can be done by rearranging work in PIT and CLT withouth using the CLT line hangar at all.
I saw that, but it wasn't entirely clear to me how many 320s were supposed to be in HMV simultaneously. As a result, I couldn't tell if IAM was tossing that in as a means of suggesting a reduction or an elimination of outdoor line maintenance.
Two A320 family to keep pace with the S-checks
mweiss, I know it is difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is LYING just by reading the contract and transcripts, [Concerning the hangar space for the airbus work]. If you ever get an opportunity to actually visit the hangars and see the day to day operations, You would see for yourselves how LAUGHABLE :lol: the companies position actually is.. The only thing the company LACKS is the WILL to honor the contract that they previously agreed to....
insp89 said:
ring, Could you please enlighten us on the "Holden" award ??????
I'm not all that familiar with it. The first I had ever heard of it was in these post-hearing briefs. Apparently, US Airways sold some trucks that were used to transport engines, then subbed out the work, saying they didn't have the necessary equipment. The IAM grieved, had incompetent people represent them at the hearing, and lost.

But that's just what I gathered from the filings. I really don't know the details, hence my question.
ringmaruf said:
I'm not all that familiar with it. The first I had ever heard of it was in these post-hearing briefs. Apparently, US Airways sold some trucks that were used to transport engines, then subbed out the work, saying they didn't have the necessary equipment. The IAM grieved, had incompetent people represent them at the hearing, and lost.

But that's just what I gathered from the filings. I really don't know the details, hence my question.
Thank You ring,, I'm going to see what I can find out about this grievance..
insp89 said:
I know it is difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is LYING just by reading the contract and transcripts, [Concerning the hangar space for the airbus work].
It is. Imagine how hard it must be for judges...
mweiss said:
It is. Imagine how hard it must be for judges...
mweiss, Too bad the judges didn't consider a couple of "field trips" to see first hand what they were ruling on....
mweiss said:
It is. Imagine how hard it must be for judges...
Well, arbitrators.

All kidding aside, I've personally seen all the facilities in question, save for PHL and what was TPA. There is room.

I used to be able to peer into the hangers at PIT from my office. They have the space.

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