Look, let's get real. The boom was no more caused by Reagan or Bush I than Clinton, and the crash was no more caused by Clinton than by Bush II. Contrary to what many would like to believe, the guy in the White House has little power over the economy, save to destroy it intentionally. None would do that, because there is nothing to be gained by doing so.
The boom was caused by the proliferation of personal computers, associated productivity software, and networking of those computers together. Or, put another way, business process reengineering, which peaked during the 1990s. The subsequent rise of Internet connectivity in a substantial number of consumers' homes (brought on in part by the removal of the non-profit restriction of the Internet that was in place until 1994), coupled with the graphical nature of the Web, brought anywhere computing to millions of people. This new market created a huge influx of capital investment opportunity, which brought the stock markets to amazing new highs.
The bust was caused by overspeculation (as are all such busts), though the specific trigger was the Justice Department's insistence of beating down Microsoft. It could have been anything; the market was primed to pop. That just happened to be the right pin at the right time.
The Presidents were all peripheral to these events.