On 1/28/2003 10:31:42 PM autofixer wrote:
On 1/28/2003 10

19 PM pinger wrote:
Did any of you ever take Economics or a business class? There is no revenue to "GET". The industry is imploding in on itself and you folks still can see beyond your next car payment! Do any of you have a better employment opportunity? Is there some great demand for airline employees that I have missed in my last 30 years in this business? Get real,if not US Airways what Home Depot or Best Buy.
I'm sure Delta, American or Northwest would love to have us all...RIGHT!
Why is it that everyone thinks airline employees are not employable? I heard a carpenter on a radio show yesterday say he made $100,000 last year. As has been stated on these boards before, "there is life outside the airlines!" I guarantee the mechanics can make around $100,000 working on something. The pilots can start businesses or fly corporate. The agents, flight attendants and customer service reps, can find jobs in the service sector, or even better, start their own businesses. I have had it with people implying airline employees can not do anything else, so you better give, give, give or else! JMHO
You are so right! Many of us are degreed, and have other skills outside this airline business. Most Mechanics have more than enough skills to go out here and work on anything...hell, if you open up a garage and work on automobiles, and hire your own employees. I have a good friend who works in utility and is a capender on the side and makes up much of the difference he is presently losing here at U. Most folks continue to stay because of the investment of time they have put in this company, WHICH MAKES THEM INVESTORS, and obviously all the labor groups combined have given well OVER a billion dollars a year in concesions to this company. You know, folks to are hairdressers can make over $45,000 a year right here in Pittsburgh working for someone,and if you own you own shop, you can make as much as a chiropracter. I know this for a fact.
So, there you go.
What this management wants us to believe when we were in negotiations and are ballots were pending is that we are so worthless, that we could never make more out there in the open market. Once the vote was in, they now say, "if you don't like it, take your attitude and leave" as quoted by one senior executive in the crystal palace.Conversely, they want you to believe that the senior executives of this company are so underpaid and could make much much more in the open market for their "so called" talents.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif']