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AFA mec

I think everyone should have their knickers in a twist over this. 😛
i don't wear knickers, they are for old people. At 90 I won't be wearing them either. Age is a state of mind. Management will not give supervisors status in life so who made it my job as a union rep? So at 32,000 dollars we saying they are the best of the best? No, maybe they should be higher paid without a seniority number to get truly great supervisors.

Yes is was Terri that got everyone fired up about DOH as well she should have. It was not just in PHL but in all bases. Would you have rather AFA sit around and let AW try for the land grab?

No one is going to deny she wasn't motivating her cause. If you read what I said, AFA will always stay DATE OF HIRE, let me repeat that WILL always stay DOH. Period...
UAL, ALK, U, make up the majority of AFA. Seniority rules period. These carriers have longevity that will never be given up....

They introduced an amendment to the constitution of AFA International for pete sake and you think AFA East should have said "there is no possibility of this happening"?

You betcha...
Waste of my union dues... and in reality... AWA was the only one voting for seniority slotment integration... Hell the commuters even voted DOH...

Nieave party of one your table is now available ,Nieave .:lol:

You obviosly don't know me... Nieave I'm not...

And I know your kind, dismissive at the cause and when it doesn't go your way and you get blind sided you run around crying foul and OUTRAGED this was allowed to happen. PAAAALEASE.

You don't even know me...So don't pretend to...Fool...

Terry and the AFA officers united the group against a potential threat to our most valuable thing, senority. You don't gamble with such things.

You must be suckin that Koolaid Sandcastle is dishin out..
Good ridance...

I am glad your not a union officer. Your like the wimp in school that gave his lunch money away everyday in fear of being beat up.

Great analogy...Sounds like you WHERE that bully. I was the one that liked to pound dweebs like you...

And as for the supervisors seniority, I think they like to have it both ways. They should pay union dues in my view if they want a seniority number.

You obviously missed the capability of having flight attendants be protected by this. Must have passed your small mind up or something...

This is an important issue but no issue is more important than RESERVE at the moment!

Granted... But reserves aren't the only ones on the property... Think beyond the box...

There are 20 other items that need addressing right off the bat before we grant them "relief" on anything.

It's a start...

Kudos again to Mike
Shame on Baja
Shame on BeachBoy

Just my opinion...
Oh, I an answer for everything I see. Drink the coolaid NEVER EVER under any circumstances. Nope, I was right on in my assessment about you and your post 😉
Now woof woof go and try to do the same to Baja's posts :lol:
Look it here numb nuts Seniority has ALWAYS been important to me. I should apply for a job in management and do what I should have done years ago establish some accountability for all of you who think they know me. I was Management in my earlier career and it was enjoyable. I have learned that you take NOTHING for granted I informed the flight attendants to get involved. The Union is the membership. I negotiated THREE contracts and never asked to take away Seniority . Do you think that I am waivering on this issue?
My track record speaks for itself. Now go off and blow smoke up someone else's skirt!
and saftey stud????? There are very few of those left around here until PHX opens.

Give it a rest BAJA, your done with your union work, you were voted out. Be a good little girl and go to your union meetings and voice your opinions to them then. You see, that's what they tried to do to you earlier. You just turned deaf ears to it. It's to late for you...Time for you to be a worker bee now...

Just my opinion...
She wasn't voted out you moron.I know who you are and you didn't even bother to show up at the union meetings that she resigned to get rid of the cancer of LA. Go back to PIT you freak. Of I forgot, you can't.
I see you were predictable as usual. Took the bait 🙄 Can I ask while I am here what makes you so "studly" saftey stud?
She wasn't voted out you moron.I know who you are and you didn't even bother to show up at the union meetings that she resigned to get rid of the cancer of LA. Go back to PIT you freak. Of I forgot, you can't.
I see you were predictable as usual. Took the bait.

Mr Beachy... Whatever...

You don't know me...
PHL... yea... that junior base...
can't leave... right...


Just my opinion...
worker bee? Do you know the meaning of worker? I have been grandfathered in on the 105 since it was an option. I worked you just know that and I can pick up trash like the rest of everyone. Work is something I know how to spell, do and preform. how about you?
Mr Beachy... Whatever...

You don't know me...
PHL... yea... that junior base...
can't leave... right...


Just my opinion...
It's B E A C H B O Y. Simple rather. I know enough and better a fool than a mindless moron.

Glad your enjoying the show. It's almost as entertaining as our MEC running around like the sad little wall flowers they are. <_< If it were not so sad it would be funny :blink:
Glad your enjoying the show. It's almost as entertaining as our MEC running around like the sad little wall flowers they are. <_< If it were not so sad it would be funny :blink:

Sorry...I can't help but laugh.

Ya'll are scrapping over something that is history.

And you all are getting too personal.
Just my opinion.

Lord,and I thought I was menopausal.

Well the way things are here out west with management... no one will want to be a supervisor. All they do is run off the good people... cuz her royalness makes them do bad things.
Well the way things are here out west with management... no one will want to be a supervisor. All they do is run off the good people... cuz her royalness makes them do bad things.

Maybe that will change. From what I've heard, your sup. to F/A ratio is way too high. In other words, they are up your butts too much and treat you like children. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It sounds like they are more interested in your hair and hem lines than anything else. And if that's the case, they have too much time on their hands. In other words, you have too many supervisors. And they are trying to make themselves look useful and justify their jobs. B)
worker bee? Do you know the meaning of worker? I have been grandfathered in on the 105 since it was an option. I worked you just know that and I can pick up trash like the rest of everyone. Work is something I know how to spell, do and preform. how about you?
105 option at these lousy duty rigs ????---hmmmmm----plastic surgery IS expensive.........
Also as far as you working so hard, last time I was getting on an A/C you were leaving, you looked at us (the new crew) and said "Did we need to clean ? We came from DFW....."
Just an FYI to you since you fly so much. DFW is WEST of the Mississippi. Might want to file that away for future reference.Just trying to help.